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Default   #22   Salone Salone is offline
Problem to the Solution
Lev's eyebrows jumped as he saw his mark disappear. He tripped to the side suddenly, knocking a few people over as he stumbled out of the main crowd of people. He paid no attention to the curses and ill comments his actions brought him, instead making his way up the side past various shops and buildings.

He paused before he turned in to the alleyway. His mind was unsure, but his stomach was empty. And in times of desperation, his baser instincts made sure that matter over mind had won. Breathing in a sharp intake of the humid air, Lev rounded the corner. He instantly stopped, sizing up the woman standing before him. It took him a few seconds to actually speak, his words spilling out in an odd manner, as if the language he spoke was foreign.

"I hear of work. Am I correct? That you would be looking to employ, I mean. For work. The description I have, not very good."
Old Posted 06-22-2011, 01:15 AM