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Default   #24   CupcakeDolly CupcakeDolly is offline
Wayward Victorian Doll
Rue sized up the man standing before her, skimming the loudest thoughts at the forefront of his mind and finding no immediate threat. She quirked an eyebrow at his strangely arranged speech, wondering if he was of some strange nationality, or just stupid.

"Well, that depends, doesn't it?" She said in a voice that was mostly Arabic blanketed with various acquired European accents. She raised a hand imploringly and only made half the effort she usually did to sound civil, still suspicious. "What would you have to offer if I did?"

As the last words left her mouth, she stopped, turning her gaze to a second man intruding on their impromptu meeting. She stiffened, ready to run if need be. One hand flitted to the sword at her side. His finding them seemed almost too convenient, and she didn't trust what intentions she gleaned from him. "What need would I have for a scholar?" she said, rather harshly. "And why would an Artificer suddenly feel the need to change professions?" Though she didn't sense any ulterior motives, the man may have also found a way to hide them, and it didn't hurt to show caution.
Last edited by CupcakeDolly; 06-22-2011 at 01:57 AM.
Old Posted 06-22-2011, 01:53 AM