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Keyblade Master
Some Rules and Guidelines
Please read these before posting.

1. Please try to be fairly active with our role play(s). You don't need to post five seconds right after I do. If you end up doing that cause you're like that, then cool. But if you don't like being rushed, don't worry. Neither do I. Just please don't take FOREVER to post (such as, a week or two).

2. I like to get to know the person I'm RPing with. So feel free to add me and talk to me on AIM, YIM, Skype, or MSN (if you have any of these). Send me a PM asking for my usernames if you're interested in adding me.

3. If you have to leave on a trip or something big, just let me know you'll be gone so I don't have to worry if something bad happened to you or if you ditched the RP. I will do the same as well whenever I have to go on a trip.

4. Please be a literate role player when it comes to grammar and spelling. As for post lengths, I'm not looking for novel length posts. I'm fine with two or three paragraphs if that's more your alley. It's been a long while since I've done large novel-like posts, so if you don't mind me slacking a bit with the large posts, I can try and post that much again.

5. I only do 1 x 1 RPs and I do them through private threads, sorry. I do not like RPing through PMs or other messengers. Besides. . you make currency when you post in the forums. Why not role play there?

6. Don't be afraid to ask me questions about anything or have an idea for a role play and want to tell me. Go ahead and ask / tell me.

7. Do not nag / bug me to post. Seriously, I hate that. It makes the role play feel more like work or a chore instead of being fun like it's suppose to be. Plus, it's very rude. I won't nag at you either. I want role play partners whom have patience. You can give me a poke if two weeks have gone by and there's still nothing. But don't bug me every day just because I didn't post five minutes after you. Also, do not ask me to tell you when I've posted. I shouldn't have to tell you when I've posted when you are capable of checking the thread yourself.

8. If you don't like the role play anymore and just want to end it where it is, just tell me. I will do the same for you.

9. Please be open minded, but not so open minded that you're brain could fall out. I don't want to end up making all the decisions on what we're role playing about. If you have ideas or you like one of my ideas more than one I present to you, etc., then say so.

10. Please don't make your characters as Mary Sues or Gary Stues. Please.

11. Please don't bump in the role play threads. That just makes it feel like my partner is trying to rush me into posting faster. If it takes me two days to reply, then it takes me two days to reply. Posting a bump message is just wasting post space. If you were trying to bump the thread up for me to see that you had posted, there is no point in doing so. I subscribe to all of my role play threads so I can have them saved somewhere to see them on my own.

12. Please try and refrain from using the words "Yaoi", "Uke", "Seme", and "Seke". It just kind of bothers me a bit when people use them. This is just a nice request, but if you prefer to use these words, than I can't force you to stop using them.

13. Please do not make your "submissive" male characters for a male x male plot we're doing be so girlish that he's 1% away from being a woman and that he can't do anything for himself.
Old Posted 08-01-2011, 07:16 PM Reply With Quote