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Default   #14   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
(my poor slightly emo character x'D)

He at least seemed to be a good listening as he made no comment to her story. He knew sort of what she was going through, but on a different level. He almost felt a bit of pity for the woman. Someone of her age should have a place to stay or at least the age she looked to him. Though on that note someone of his age shouldn't be traveling the corners of the world either.. he should be stationed up near his family and be among his ranking officers.

"knowing your name would not change matters any, but if you wish to say it then don't let me stop you" Was his first reply blowing off the first question all together. He seemed to get irritated when she asked it, though he had his own past he was running from or rather it haunted him. "My reasons do not concern you, not to be rude but there's no need to drag you into my affairs." He left it at that, really he didn't have a real reason just a rumor that he should go to the north... he had no town name no direction or location nothing more then the words go north.

Probably a death wish but it was all he had, the slim hope he had a reason to live in this forsaken world still. A reason to keep fighting and moving forward. Surely a stranger wouldn't understand such a thing, let alone a woman who seemed to have no family or friends.
Old Posted 09-11-2011, 12:54 AM