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Default   #30   littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline
isn't that funny
zosa watched the boy intently, his natural unbound curiosity was so apealing to zosa he could not refrain. he reached his hand lightly over to the other wanting to touch that mind, to see the mysteries of his soul, to grant the secret wish he could feel still inside of him. he was interupted however by the boy's question

' i am...i am a book. no. i am a wish.' close 'i am...i, i am a desire...' he was closer but still it was not quite right 'i....once upon a time,' he tried again in words he knew were not his but would teach him all the same how to answer the other 'there was a book. it had all the things inside of it anyone could wish for. once upon a time there was a lonely book noone would read.' he paused for a moment the weight of the words sinking, he knew all of this but as with everything else he knew though he was certain it was true he knew it not before it was said. 'this book made a wish. this book wanted to be loved, to be read, to be kept. this book wished for a friend.' he paused again, the pain from his first encounter with the boy was back, not as intence but just as painful, a dull ache he could not place. 'once upon a time long after the book made a wish a boy with blonde hair and eyes like love contained, a sad boy, made a wish. once upon a time a book tried to grant that wish' he stopped there, the words drying up in his mouth. he had so many questions himself but he knew no answers would be supplied now if ever, a story was to be read not scrutinised. he contented himself with what new knowledge he had gleaned instead. he looked over to his lord
Old Posted 09-11-2011, 04:41 PM Reply With Quote