Thread: Lock Please.
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Default   #16   Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
At the stern of the ship there was a brief splash as something dropped into the water. She wasn't sure if they heard her or not but she didn't worry. She would be long gone into the reedy shallows soon enough. She had started to lose her appetite for these people listening to their banter back and forth about this that and the other. One wanted to kill another, something about justice and travelling a long way for it. El Dorado she knew; she heard the locals talk about it all the time; El Dorado, the city of gold, the path to riches, the pinacle of ancient wonder, the gold, the riches and this, that and the other. So someone finally found the map to it. That was nice. The gator hovered horizontally several feet below the surface of the water, her eyes flicking only briefly to the ship's hull she heard the anchor chain being pulled up.

Oh well.

She stretched beneath the water and wedged herself along the keel of the ship as it started to move, feeling about for the places she new generated enough of a back-eddy to allow her sit nicely and coast with the vessel. The water here was too cold, and she was still peckish. Perhaps when she got closer to shore she would find something less boney than humans to chew on.
Last edited by Quiet Man Cometh; 06-14-2011 at 04:45 AM.
Old Posted 06-14-2011, 04:36 AM