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Default   #26   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
Morning of...April 11, 2014

I'm at what was once a Walmart and I'm a crocodile. I don't know if I'm a human-hybrid or a were-croc. The man with me is a middle-aged caucasian with long wavy brown hair and a long goatee, and his wife is with us too. There's a strange metal sheet about 1 foot by 4 feet he is hammering that cuts him some point. He frantically tries to finish it with his wife looking on in worry. When he dies I attempt to finish what he was doing but I get cut too. Instead of being at Walmart I'm in some wooded area now that reminds me of minecraft Although nothing is blocky looking save a woodden plat form in a small clearing. There a kid in his prepubescent years there with me. I decide it's a good place as any to start a shelter so I tell him to get firewood, before he goes anywhere a blue faced baboon comes swinging out of the woods. I yell at it "ooh ahh ahh ahh ahh" and down with the sickness by Disturbed start playing. I have a vision that the platform will be attacked tonight by the wildlife. Since it is indefensible I decide to go looking for another spot. There's a nice cave where I find The Doctor, as a Marleybonian from wizard 101, but he won't talk to me because I didn't get a prerequisite quest. Night is coming and out of frustration I attack, the kid with me does the same. I forgot what all my attacks were but one created a dark sphere of black and orange that pushed him either up or down so I used it over and over to jerk him back and fourth. Eventually his body seems limp under our attacks and I realized what were doing. "Stop!" I used my wand and hold The Doctor in place and try to talk to him.

I woke up and so onto a new dream

Somehow I ended up being "reborn" in ancient times, when humans were starting to settle instead of living as nomads. And by reborn I was immortal with god-like powers and the ability to change my appearance at will. My first memory is of a storm at sea and finding other like me at a desert in the night. We could also "see" the timeline of the world so it was agreed that we particularly careful not to undo our own births and especially not someone elses or they would be subject to punishment by the rest of us. There were some wars between us that the world never knew about. Particularly between myself and the woman who went by Malisandre.

Now fast-forward to modern times, just after my disappearance I return to see my family. The house is mostly just as I remember it. The weather pefectly warm with just the right amount of wind and sunshine; I think I heard a bird singing. The house though does have some differences that make it more maze-like but otherwise the same. My mother is happy to see me and we go to the kitchen to talk with the family and prepare food for my return. The group never came to a consensus about what to tell people who knew us when this time came so I stayed silent on those matter. Except, being 22, it was odd that some of my features were different. Over the years I forgot what I really looked like and was more like an idealized version of me with maybe a little bit of facial surgery or something. So I made up a sob tale about being sold on the human flesh market and finding my way into the hands of a regretfill rich man who wanted to have his dead son back, and I looked like him. They seemed to believe, though it didn't explain the extra height I had.

Anyway I notice two people like me nearby and walk out the kitchen and down the steps into the garage. It was Melisandre, and my once lover (fictional man in-dream, forgot his name but it started with an R). My old enemy took the form of my brother's girlfriend Mary for some reason, and Rick was about my height with a thicker build. I never knew what he actually looked like but compared to past forms this one seemed realistic. A tanned Italian skin and curly black hair and a 5 o'clock shadow. (ps ex-lover cause we have lived several thousand years at this point, can you imagine being with someone that long?)

I was wary due to Melisandre but distracted due to Rick. And it worked cause Melisandre had enough time to create a storm to strike the house but I wasn't distracted enough not to create some means of defense in time. I used that spell in the previous dream and shot her in the air, using her body to take a hit of lighting. The aggression of it surprised her and the shock immobilized her for awhile. Rick, surprised, tried to send a could of darkness through the garage. But I was faster and put up a weak barrier. The man was prepared for the knockback spell so it didn't do much but I followed up by telekinetically throwing a bunch of things from the back porch at him at one time.

At this point I had enough time to add a shield over the entire house. You could see in front of the opening of the garage door a warm light covering the entire opening. But of course covering the whole house meant the shield was weak. I started to strength the Garage first but before I could finish Rick jumped through in a gaseous form and struck me. I fell, conveniently, into a lawn chair with my head and eyes rolled back. I was still aware of what was going though and Rick seemed to suddenly realize to. He was at my side apologizing and trying to get me to "wake up".

Melisandre got up before I did though and was striking the shield with all she had. We all had different gifts though shared many of the same abilities it usually came down to how much training we put into what abilities. I wasn't very strong but I was crafty and capable of casting many spells in a row. Melisandre's power was more destructive with a knack for bending the will of others. Rick was more destructive as well but he was more adaptive than Melisandre hend being able to jump through my shield. Which was still holding though the force of the blow knocked thing around. At this point everyone was in the house, and probably getting the guns.

Somehow me and Rick ended up in the opposite corner of the garage, by the motorcycle which somehow remained standing while me and Rick were on the floor with him atop of me. I was definitely awake now, then he made a joke, smiled. There wasn't time for that I just shoved him off me with a smile and strengthened the shield she was hitting. She rotated counter clockwise around the house striking them, trying to break through. I kept up, with more difficulty. For some reason just strengthing the shield was harder so instead I was using the woods in the back to create planks of wood with their own shielding enchantment and "gluing" them to the walls and stuff. Melisandre ended up having to destory or dodge the planks as they came flying towards the house.

We went on like this until finally she busted through. And only because I stopped running through the house and dropped to the floor in horror on the back porch of a spider web full of spiders and various other bugs. I got that room shielded but I didn't make it to the living room before she somehow combined it with the hall way of a mall and her minions we walking in.

The dream jumps to the place just being a mall and there's a "flying parachute" contest going when I think is like a gliding race to see who get farther and to the finish line faster. I walk into a store a feline woman is trying to buy a specific amount of silk cloth for her brother's parachute and it has mathematical formals all over the sheet. Me and the salesclerk both look at her confused when she says "3 cubic feet"

Behind me on my left a little goat man his holding what looks like a cup sized spin-top with blades-like shapes the swirled around it and met at two ends. The top of it had a kind of button which was no exposed as the package lay on a nearby counter advertising it as a grenade. The goat already activated and is curiously observing it, he has a British accent. I quickly grab the grenade from him and it blows. I compress all the energy, it looks like I'm containing the power of the sun. And I keep pressing it until somehow time reverses and it's back to being a grenade.

A stout middle-age woman at a nearby desk sees this happens and apologizes a lot, taking the grenade and storing it. She talks more but I go on my way to watch the race.

A black cat in dark neon blue wins.
Old Posted 04-11-2014, 12:23 PM Reply With Quote