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Double Rainbow
Default Disney Bleeds - A BtVS and Disney Crossover Fanfiction   #1  
Disney Bleeds

A Crossover Fanfic of the "Buffyverse" and the Wonderful World of Disney

[[If you like what you read and would be interested in roleplaying this please PM me and maybe we could set something up?]]

Disclaimer: Joss Whedon invented the Buffyverse. I'm just playing in it.
And Disney is a mega-corporation that could eat me alive
and tends to be harsh with copyrights so hear me when I say
I'm only having fun with this and please don't sue.

Warnings? Some very mild language may occur but I don't think it will be an issue
Old Posted 09-07-2011, 06:11 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Wicked Wicked is offline
Double Rainbow
It was Dawn's turn to pick the theme of All Night Movie Night and much too everyone's supposed chagrin she had chosen to go with Disney movies. Each and every one of the assembled made noises about not loving Dawn's choice.

"I'd rather be chained up in the bath again." Spike muttered around his unlit cigarette.

"That. Can be arranged." Giles took of his glasses and glowered at the vampire then turned to Dawn "Must we watch princesses twirl about singing happy little songs while completely oblivious to their mental illnesses?"

"He has a point. All of those women have deep seated issues.
Frankly I feel the material is inappropriate for a girl your age."
Anya continued to lecture the exasperated teenager, ticking off reasons on each finger.

"Are you freaking kidding me Anya?!" Dawn whirled around to face Xander, roping him into the conversation, "Did she just say I'm not old enough to watch DISNEY movies??" Xander put both hands up in a sign of surrender. "Look it's no Kung-Fu movie night but it's not my week to pick."

Buffy chimed in, "And thank God for that. If I have to watch another one of those badly dubbed..."

"Hey now." Riley piped up "You're trashing some classics Buffy. Enter the Dragon is a great flick." He plowed on unaware of her exaggerated eye rolling "And WAY of the Dragon has Chuck and Bruce..."

"Okaaay!!" Willow yelled out, "Enough. Can we get through just one of these movie nights without all this? Sheesh. It's the Zombiethon all over again."

Tara simply popped in the first movie and cast a motherly half-scolding glance at everyone, then smiled "Let's just... you know... watch?"


Dawn stole glances at everyone and smiled to herself. For their protests everyone was really into the movie. Pirates of the Caribbean was not your standard Disney fare and she was glad Tara had popped that one in first.

Dawn had every intention of exposing them to The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan AND Bambi before the night was through but this was a good start. Ease them into the animated stuff. The night wore on and Spike survived Under the Sea... though he was convinced the cheerful number was killing him. Hey, she could have exposed him to the sequels but THAT probably would kill the peroxided vamp.

The sun was rising when Bambi ended and a few of the Scoobies had conked out. Dawn stretched and sleepily sighed, "I wish life was like a Disney movie."

Anya, half asleep, said "Done." And her eyes flew wide open, "Whoa. Vengeance Demon flashback."

Willow giggled. Feeling slap happy from staying up all night "That would have been so funny! Oh well."

She nudged Tara awake, "Hey sleepy. We should probably get back to your room. Uh.." She looked around wildly. "Get YOU back to your room. And then I will leave. Heh. Heh. Obviously!"

Spike raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.
Last edited by Wicked; 09-07-2011 at 06:16 AM.
Old Posted 09-07-2011, 06:14 AM Reply With Quote  
Wicked Wicked is offline
Double Rainbow
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Later that day Willow and Tara were chatting at the Espresso Pump over extra chocolatey mocha-chinos.

"I'm just saying... it would be neat. Fun for Dawn." Willow said for about the fifth time. "I don't know Wil - you're talking about some serious stuff. Manipulating reality." Tara bit her lip and gazed at Willow seriously.

"Yeah.. but fun!!" Willow persisted.

Tara ducked her head and shook it from side to side, "We probably couldn't do it anyway. This isn't floating a rose... and I don't need to tell you how that went." She sighed, remembering how the rose they were supposed to gently float ended up ricocheting off her dorm room walls. If something that simple could go so wrong... Tara suppressed a shudder. This was a bad idea and she wasn't going to even attempt it no matter how cute Willow looked when she pouted.


Willow wasn't dropping this. Tara wasn't into it but Willow knew a certain former vengeance demon who still packed a bit of magick. When Anya first lost her powers she conned Willow into helping her with a spell. It hadn't gone as planned but that was a long time ago.

The red headed witch had a whole speech planned but she only got to the part about it being fun and "I think we could pull it off" and Anya was on board. Turns out she had been feeling out of sorts, bored, really. Now that high school was over there wasn't really very much to do. She played the stock market and that was fun but the day to day was getting rather dull. Nights not so much. Always something going bump but this was just the sort of thing Anya needed. And anyway what could go wrong?

They gathered a bunch of candles and Anya went to work crushing herbs with a mortar and pestle she'd produced from one of her kitchen cabinets. It looked positively ancient and at Willow's inquisitive look Anya informed her it was positively ancient.

"Left over from my mortal days. The first round. D'hoffryn sent a box of stuff from my locker in Arash'Mahar says he's not going to store my junk now that I'm out of the fold." She shrugged. "It was pretty much this, a waterskin full of mead and some really, really dried out eelsbane. Stuff turned to dust when I touched it. Pity. It's a very rare plant these days could have made a killing on eBay."

"Um. Right. Well.. I think we're all set up so let's cast this circle and get to chanting!" Willow had a very can-do attitude about this whole thing and Anya figured that's half the magick. Believe it and so mote it be
Old Posted 09-07-2011, 06:18 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Wicked Wicked is offline
Double Rainbow
Willow knew the spell had worked right away. Seeing as her hands were all cartoony and she was standing in at the edge of a lush forest which was also all cartoony. Her cartoony feet sunk into the cartoony sand and she turned around to see a gorgeous beach. And a big black boat.

Uh oh.

And where was everyone else?

Anya found herself standing with Spike on a cobblestone square next to a big bubbling fountain. Spike's eyes went wide taking in the animated scenery and even wider when he realized he was standing in very bright sunlight.

He yelled out in seeming pain and ducked into a shadowed alleyway.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" He growled at Anya from his shaded hiding place.

At first Anya was too busy giggling her fool head off at the sight of an animated Spike to answer him. When she collected herself she pointed out she hadn't seen any comical smoking coming from his being in the sun. Spike tentatively stuck his hand out into the light. No burning, no bubbling, no burning.

"Well. That's different." Spike muttered as he left the shadows.

"I guess old Walt never accounted for vampires." Anya reasoned.

"Right." Spike grinned... then... "WHAT?! Are you telling me I'm in a bleeding DISNEY MOVIE?!"

"Now why would you think that?" Anya smirked.

They heard muffled singing down the road and Anya's face lit up.

"Oh no." Spike tensed, "No. No. I am not going anywhere near any quote unquote delightful musical numbers. No."

"Sounds like it's coming from the pub. Ooof!" Anya made a surprised sound as Spike pushed past her.

She rolled her eyes and then followed him in. The joyful noise had faded to almost nothing. There were a few people humming but the song had mostly died out. An overly muscled chap was pouting on a bar stool. Anya thought he was too bumpy. She like Xander's bumpiness but this guy seemed to be compensating for something.

No one... drinks... like Gaston? A very ugly little man half-heartedly sang to the beefy fellow and tried pushing another pint toward him in an attempt to cheer him up.

Ah. That was the large man's name. Anya mused. So this is Beauty and the Beast and figures we land in the boring part without any talking furniture.

"Wanna bet?" Spike crowed. Anya laughed nervously and tried to pull the vamp away from the bar, hissing in his ear "Or we could try not calling unnecessary attention to ourselves."

"Too late, looks like." Spike shrugged off Anya's protests and stepped forward to address the pub's patrons who were all staring at him with gaping mouths. "Right. I'll put up fifty bucks that I can out drink this lout."

A ripple of confusion went through the crowd.

One of the triplet bimbettes - this one in pink - leaned into Anya, whispering, "He's betting DEER??" Before Anya could think of something scathing to say to the simpering thing Gaston's voice rang out. Clear, confident and overly loud.

"Very well huntsman. I will relieve you of your venison."

Spike looked a question at Anya. "Is this pillock hitting on me?"

"Deer." She explained.

"I'm not your dear, pet. Last I checked you were with Xander. Course if you're looking to trade up.." His lips curled into a seductive grin.

"Deer! Like Bambi." Anya motioned around to all the trophies on the wall and dimly hoped Bambi's mom wasn't the one above the mantle.

"I thought this was the one with the French people not speaking French." Spike said, as he raised an eyebrow. "Then I saw the dwarf and got confused." Lefou bristled. "Hey!"

"Not you." Spike pointed to a corner booth, "Talkin' about Doc over there." The dwarf's eyes went wide and he tried to hide behind his pint. "That's not right.." Anya looked concerned. Snow White wasn't even one of the movies they'd watched last night.

"AHEM." Gaston obnoxiously cleared his throat, "If you're done stalling..."

Spike loosed a demonic growl, causing even some of the more boisterous fellows in the pub to pale a bit. "Let's do this"
Old Posted 09-07-2011, 06:22 AM Reply With Quote  
Wicked Wicked is offline
Double Rainbow
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Willow picked her way carefully down the beach. She was on high alert for any very bad baddies that may have stepped off that big black boat. It soooo didn't fit the rest of the scene. There was a big bunch of rocks and it sounded like a waterfall might be hiding behind. Of course a lot of other things could be hiding behind it too so she crept along and kept her ears open.

Just as she was going to round the corner she heard a familiar voice. She glanced back at the ship with wide eyes... It couldn't be. Could it?

"Let me test my understandment of the situation." The man hiccuped, and Willow was now sure of who it was. She cautiously peeked over the rocks at him as he continued his oration "Am I to assess that this... fellow." Jack made a waffling gesture with one hand, implying the impish young man hovering nearby was hardly what Capt. Jack Sparrow thought of as manly. "He can fly?"

Ariel, wearing the toga made out of an abandoned ship's sail, nodded emphatically and smiled brightly. Jack was slowly nodding along with her then stopped and shook his head. "No. I don't think that's right." Jack concluded.

"Ah course he can fly." Sebastian tapped three of his feet impatiently, "Pe'haps if you wanna so drunk you'd be getting this fastah."

Jack belched, "If I wanna so drunk I wouldn't be talking to a crab, mate."

Willow giggled. Inadvertently revealing her presence. An angry ball of gold glitter came rushing at her face.

"Hey. Whoa. Easy Tink! I come in peace." The pixie stopped zooming around Willow's head and stared at her with wary confusion.

"Well. Hello." Peter slowly floated over, "Um. You two know each other?" Tinkerbell narrowed her eyes and shook her head quickly from side to side. "Huh." Peter looked stumped for a second then brightened, "But she's heard of you. Hey Tink! I think you're famous." The pixie preened a bit, a smug look on her face and her tiny little hands adjusting the bun in her bright blonde hair. "Anyway, I'm Peter. Peter Pan and this is Neverland. You already know Tinkerbell but this is Jack Sparrow and..."

"Captain. Jack. Sparrow." He said, pushing aside the boy and taking one of Willow's hands into both of his "And might I say? A pleasure meeting you my sweet." Willow blushed a little in spite of herself but took back her hand and said "Kind of barking up the wrong tree Jack."


Xander was having a very weird day. First off his Parents hadn't been screaming at each other when he woke up and now he was lost in a forest and oh yeah he was a freaking cartoon. So was the forest but that made a weird sort of sense when you took into account that he was a freaking cartoon.

He had at first thought it was a very weird dream brought on by being subjected to way too many Disney movies in one evening - thanks a lot Dawn - but he wasn't waking up. When he pinched himself it hurt. It also hurt when he tripped over a gnarled old tree root but he was way more freaked out by that tree barking at him to watch where he was going. He had looked at... her... bewildered and took off like a scalded dog when she looked at him and said "Boo!"

As her ran through the forest he had a very strong feeling of being watched. The few creatures he caught sight of seemed to be looking at him with an eerie sort of sentience. Finally an ache in his side caused him to slow to a lumbering, limping walk. He walked and thought to himself this was all very Apocalypse Now.


Dawn was pissed. Really ticked. She had woken up in a barn and okay ewww but it wasn't so bad because she realized pretty quickly she was in a Disney movie! I mean how cool is that? The joy was short lived when Lady Tremaine discovered her and put her straight to work. Dawn complained but that horrible woman threatened to have the authorities throw Dawn in the darkest of dungeons for trespassing.


Where the heck was Cinderella? Isn't this her job? Dawn felt kind of lousy for thinking that. Whenever she watched the movie she always rooted for Cinderelly to get the heck out of Dodge. Then again, she never thought she would have to take her place.

Was she being punished? Was Buffy not really sleeping when she had joked with Willow about making life like a Disney movie?

It would be so like her sister to come up with a way to make that NOT fun. Well! Ha. Ha. Ha. Joke's on her. Dawn threw down the sponge and hitched up the raggedy skirt that Lady Tremaine had made her change into. She looked around a little and then took off running. She didn't care where she was going.

She was just getting far away from this place.
Old Posted 09-07-2011, 06:22 AM Reply With Quote  

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