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Default How to Train your Newbie Adventurer: Electric Boogaloo 2 in 3D [M]   #1  
--- Anreikland: Guild Hall ---

Wisp looked up from the tome she was reading and raised a brow, the look of unamusement on her face turning into pure agitation when she noticed the various people looking around so...Mirthfully. Disgusting. She hated just about everyone in this place and with the times turning more profitable, it meant more people would be coming through these halls with the high and mighty ideas of chivalry and helping others for the benefit of all. Wisp let out a soundless yawn and narrowed her eyes at the sheer heinous thought of doing any sort of guild work without profit the end goal in mind and to be frank?


And of course there was her apprentice she was supposed to be assisting, the boy some backwards yokel with the grand delusion of being something more. At least the boy was listening to her and was standing next to her polishing a dagger and more importantly, keeping quiet and making sure no one was planning to assassinate her or anything. Granted his exuberence was a bit taxing, and the fact he seemed to want to sign them both up for the most diminished, lackluster jobs available - Christoval this time giving them the time-honored job of cleaning out greenskins from some peasant mine in the sticks to the west.

"Sir Christo?" Wisp hummed, her voice soft and tired, though rarely heard enough to make the younger cavalier jump in place for a moment before raising a brow at her. "Yeah miss?"

"I hate you."

Christoval snorted and rolled his eyes, looking at his superior with a rather childish grin. He knew the optimism was poison to her, and he wasn't about to start scowling for fear of people thinking he was too far gone beyond saving, simply for being put with someone with such a horrid reputation. The girl had some good left in that obsidian rock she called a heart, and he was gonna try and get some of that to come out at some point. "You say you hate me, but here you are sitting next to me, and guiding me and such." He beamed back at her, taking a seat finally, and watching as Wisp scooted a full foot away from him.

"I have to sit near you and guide you. Mandated orders. Speaking of. Start packing for the trip. And I believe others may be joining us. Terrific." Wisp spat out. "...Also pack my things. I'm busy today."
Old Posted 12-25-2017, 10:15 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Arabella and Kastivi were running late, something unheard of from the shorter of the two. Arabella of the Daughters of Ash was a halfling known to take no nonsense. Always the best of intentions, she gained quite the reputation in the Adventurer's Guild. It was in this building that she now walked into, arm raised, one finger hooked around the gold ring dangling from a dark skinned girl, hunched over and wincing following closely on her heels.

Arabella released the ring as soon as they entered however and the latter straightened immediately bringing a hand to massage a sore ear. She didn't complain, however, as she followed the halfling, not missing a step. This didn't stop her brow from furrowing and her lips to form a small pout as she trudged behind the much shorter companion.

A quick glance around the guild told Arabella all that she needed to know and she went to the first person she recognized, amazed that she was even here. “Hello, Wisp. I'm surprised you decided to show up.” Kastivi looked from the spoken to Wisp to her own companion and smiled and waved. She assumed he was in the same position as her—a new adventurer, in need of training. The greeting went unnoticed by the halfling who cast only a glance at the boy before looking back at Wisp, “You have a new unfortunate underling? How long have you had him?” Then, switching to lower tone (though still audible to the boy) and leaning in with a wry smile added, “You don't think he'll die miserably like the last one do you?”

Kastivi was new enough that she did not recognize Wisp or the spoken about, but her eyes widened and she looked down baffled at her master. She can't be serious, right? She's going to scare him to death...
Old Posted 12-27-2017, 04:05 AM Reply With Quote  
BlueInTheShell BlueInTheShell is offline
Barrel of Monkeys
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There was a sudden, less tolerable voice that had called out to the mage, Wisp looking up from her book, and then slowly downwards, before crossing her leg and giving the halfling something akin to a polite wave, before turning towards the other Daughter of Ash, the dark-skinned one and immediately frowning. It was another, longer silence between the three before Wisp finally spoke up, the girl darting her eyes towards Arabella. "I see you too have a parasite attached to your person. I suppose you do need someone to reach for reagents on the top shelf, don't you?" It was a playful jibe, though her tone had sounded deadly serious. "Hm, oh? The peasant-knight?" Wisp said, looking towards Christoval, who seemed keen on letting the two elders speak, and then grunting. "I have had him for a total of six days. The longest running survivor yet." Wisp grinned like a devil soon after, the glint of malice in her eyes and aura all too palpable. "They always do. Hopefully it's a quick miserable death."

Christoval finally swallowed and looked towards his mentor and then her short companion - brows lifted with suspicion. Wisp had other apprentices? She had never mentioned it to him. Or the fact their deaths were less than favorable. "I'm pretty sure I don't wanna know what exactly happened to them, do I?" He piped up, fidgeting with his fingers and then sliding out of his chair. Wisp had asked him to start packing things. "Besides, she keeps me around because no one else tolerates her, and she's lonely or something, on top of being forced to." Christoval chimed in, then immediately ducking the book Wisp had winged towards his skull, before laughing and shaking his head. He turned then towards Kastivi, and beamed towards her; face filled with delight. "Also nice to meet you! And your, mentor? Friend? I don't know with the Daughters, what you call each other. I've never heard about you until I came to this town."

Wisp of course, only seemed to be interested in replying and looking towards Arabella, the dark mage yawning and then gesturing with a free hand towards one of the chairs near her table. "My apprentice signed us up for murdering green things. You're welcome to join if you need to break in your new apprentice. Plus it's always nice having a second meat shield when they screw up and get us all nearly killed."
Old Posted 12-29-2017, 10:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Arabella frowned with Wisp immediately searching for a taller person when at this point she most certainly should have recognized her voice. They'd been (unfortunately, again, from Arabella's point of view) paired together on countless missions—more than likely because Arabella would ensure that the job could get done without massive amounts of destruction following in their wake. “Hm? Parasite? No. I have a new Daughter and already she is showing more promise than the last few to join our ranks combined. I am thankful that I was the one paired with her.” Kastivi was beaming. These were things that she had never heard, and certainly wouldn't have guessed with her master's severity in virtually all things. Arabella paid no mind to the spoke of apprentice, however, and kept speaking, “It is true that this world is tailored to more human races, but I have my own methods of reaching the typically unaccessable.” This last sentence was uttered with a bit of a frown and inherited a snort from her apprentice. Had they been alone, Kastivi would have received the worst of glares, but as it was, Arabella paid her no mind.

Instead, her eyes shifted up to Wisp's tall apprentice and she gave him a snort of her own, “No. No you do not. I will tell you they died slow and miserable deaths, however.” Kastivi clapped a hand over her mouth with Christoval's response. She couldn't imagine speaking like that to Arabella. She'd learned long ago that height made no difference to the halfling and that one did not speak to her with anything less than reverence. “Then you have been living under a rock, knight. The Daughters have earned a very high reputation with the leaders of many great cities and towns, such as this one.”

Kastivi brightened and held out her hand to the knight, “My name is Kastivi. And this is my master, Arabella. She is training me in the ways of the Daughters.” Immediately, she hoped that they would be traveling together, a friendly face seeming that foreign to her. Life with the Daughters was good and all, but it was all rules and regulations. Reputation. Arabella narrowed her eyes, “We will accompany you. Not for your sake, mind you.” She nodded up at Wisp's apprentice, “But for his. Kastivi, come. We have to sign up and I imagine we'll be on our way come day break.”
Old Posted 12-30-2017, 01:20 AM Reply With Quote  
BlueInTheShell BlueInTheShell is offline
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Wisp couldn't help but chuckle softly to herself, bringing a hand and pretended it was a cough before quirking a brow at Kastivi. The girl seemed to be pining for those compliments, it seemed. And actually hearing them from Arabella? The girl must have had some show of promise when it came to hurling fire. Of course her mind soured almost immediately. That's all those Daughters were good for. Burning things. At least she could do more than just destroy things. She could torment and hex them. "With all these daughters, you would think that the world would be warmer. Huh." Wisp commented with a nonchalant shrug, before clicking her tongue. "I suppose your means of reaching resort to summoned stepping-stools and burning everything down to a more reasonable, crispy height."

Christoval looked less than thrilled when it came to Arabella's response; the young man sucking his teeth and then shooting a concerned look at Wisp, only to receive nothing in return. Same dead glare she gave just about everything. Great. "Well...Uh. Horrible death or not. Can't be a knight if I don't rush towards something dangerous that could kill me." He said, brushing a bit of lint off of his shoulder, and then moving the hand up to his forehead to pick at it with his nails in nervousness. "Well, I haven't really heard about you guys on the farm. Mom and Dad were more busy with important things like making enough food. Not, not to say you guys are unimportant." He added quickly, beaming sheepishly at Arabella.

Kastivi's hand however proved a decent excuse to end the conversation, and he took it, shaking it gently and putting on a small smile for the dark-skinned woman. "Christoval! That's my name. I think you heard her name, but if not, that's Wisp. Everyone calls her that, among other, less mentionable things." He said with a chuckle, before rubbing the back of his head and turning red in the cheeks. Some of those names Wisp had been called brought that blush to his face. Barn-Talk. That's what mama used to call it. Remembering his task, Christoval snapped to, and began to grab knapsacks behind him, pulling one up to the table and beginning to pack it with various things he kept in his cloak.

Wisp let out a small, sarcastic cheer at Arabella, before rolling her eyes and flaring her nostrils at Arabella, pale hands reaching up to push the mane of silky black hair back into place on the dark mage. "For his sake? You Daughters don't seem to give a shit about anything other than reputation. Why the concern over -my- apprentice. You should be watching yours. Would be a shame if a Goblin stuck her in the back." Wisp said venomously, a bit of purple balefire ekeing out of her eyes before fading away. "Spill it. What is your game here? Did the Guild send you to monitor me?"
Old Posted 12-30-2017, 02:09 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
“We use our flames only when necessary,” Arabella spat back at the dark mage, “Not enough to change mapwide temperatures. But then, I suppose you didn't take to your books as well as maybe you should have.” Kastivi's eyes widened. Arabella was on fire, ehm, figuratively this time. It was almost out of character, but then, she'd seen Arabella in dealings with other adventurers, constantly questioning and demeaning their motives. To everyone else, the halfling was put on this pedestal of light that may as well have made her just a pinnacle of good. She never broke a law, and the gods would smite the earth completely before she ever uttered a swear word. “I suppose that depends on the item in question. If it's a snarky dark mage that intends on killing everyone in her party, fire works just fine...” Kastivi again clapped a hand over her mouth. Was that a threat?

Come to think of it, Kastivi had wondered what they were late for. Generally their adventures were just things they signed up for whenever they returned, which was frequent—considering the Daughters had a reputation to upkeep. Now she knew that they were there to meet up with these two specifically. Arabella folded her arms, looking again at the apprentice, “Running head first into a battle you cannot survive is how you die without helping anyone. Another body to the count. Has Wisp not taught you this?” Here, she shot a glare at the aforementioned dark mage, leaving Kastivi to awkwardly scratch the back of her head, noting that her master-esque tendencies extended to all apprentices rather than just her own. She nodded back up to the apprentice though, offering him the slightest of all slight smiles, as if giving him permission to speak openly with her actual apprentice.

“That's a nice name. It sounds like a knight, even. I think it suits you,” Kastivi said to the man with a sheepish grin. She wasn't particularly used to being allowed to speak to many people outside of their order given their small stays at various places. Sure, they had connections just about everywhere they went. They only needed to utter their organization's name, or in more dangerous areas the password, and they were granted stays at various inns, town halls, even once or twice a brothel. It seemed the Daughters had connections just about anywhere they went. A good reputation earned you things, apparently, and she'd just inherited this reputation through proxy. She wasn't about to complain about it. “Well, ah...I'm sure not all of them are warranted, surely...” she murmured, doing her best to not cast a glance at the spoken of.

Arabella had no problems offering her take though in saying, “Don't count on that,” under her breath. “That is false. We uphold good and your apprentice is an innocent. The difference between my apprentices and yours, dark mage, is the fact that mine walk out alive and proceed to their own missions that they more than often succeed at, rather than dying miserable deaths. Mine actually have a mentor.” Kastivi looked down, flushing. Her master really was on fire tonight and she looked up to Christoval.

“So uh...is it always like this?”

Arabella spoke to Kastivi before she could receive an answer, however, “Well, it seems as if the cat's out of the bag here, Sylkrana. Alright, yes. They did, but many hands make light work, as the saying goes. It will be completed faster and more efficiently with more on the job. So, truth be told, we don't need to sign up. We were appointed. So. It seems we're stuck with each other for a bit.”
Old Posted 12-30-2017, 02:36 AM Reply With Quote  
BlueInTheShell BlueInTheShell is offline
Barrel of Monkeys
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Wisp half-listened to the halfling, mimicking her words silently as her eyes rolled - Wisp opening and closing her hand. The insults about books were more or less ancient history. It was a standard insult to any sort of mage, and she wasn't going to let Arabella get any sliver of satisfaction from irritation. Christoval paused in his packing for a moment, watching the exchange as well and shaking his head, doing his best to stay out of the two veteran's banter. "Only when necessary. I suppose that means every time one of you stub a toe, as I've never seen anyone of your little cult hesitate to burn thing down." Wisp paused for a moment when it came to the implied threat from Arabella, and she looked over towards the halfling's charge, whispering to her self and then snapping a finger at the human. "Perhaps your books never told you to tread carefully with Dark Mages. It would be a shame if I happened to have slipped a finger and hexed her." Of course there was no wind of dark magic in the air. Just threats and instigation.

Of course though, things just seemed to never stay neutral for Christoval and the young man found himself searching for words to try and retort Arabella (And maybe earn a nod from Wisp.) The knight rubbing his temple for a moment and puffing his cheeks. "I know there's a difference between brave and foolhardy. I'm not that green, courtesy of my mentor. I could probably take you on if the situation needed." He said with a small shrug, looking towards Wisp, who had raised a brow at the man, before waving a hand at him. "Oh please, Sir Christo. I don't need a savior. I just need a shelf higher than five feet, and one of her books." The two snickered for a moment and Christoval peeked at Arabella, before turning back to Kastivi.

"I always said I sounded like some sorta fancy knight or something back when I was really young. Used to carry a sharpened stick around like a sword until I poked my dad, and he whipped my behind raw." Cue a nervous laugh, and Christoval pulling out a flintlock pistol from his cloak, making sure it was empty and unprimed, before tucking it into his knapsack. His mind raced back to his younger years, and he couldn't suppress the smile on his face while memories flooded into being. His first time riding a horse, and falling off. The "Armor" he had made out of a few planks of wood, that had managed to save his life when his brother had shot him on accident with a arquebus. "Oh um? The comments about Wisp? I know a few of them are warrented. She's kinda...Mean. And a bit venomous. I can't make any comments on the harlotry or anything. Nor would I really wanna find out."

Wisp reached over and grabbed Christoval by the ear, twisting it and making him wince and squeak in pain while she snerked at Arabella. "If you think I can't mentor anything, your quite blatantly wrong, Arabella. I don't have the luxury of parading around as a cultist, while the populace kisses your fire-breathing arse." Wisp spat out, twisting Christo's ear even hard and making him push her away - Wisp letting go. A nerve was finally struck, and Wisp leaned in towards Arabella. "It's no wonder your putrid goddess is only followed by daughters. No one else would want to worship her knowing something akin to you was a follwer."

"Whoa hey, enough." Christoval barked out, looking towards both elders and frowning at them. They were supposed to be working together, and the last thing he needed was two powerful mages hurling spells at each other. He didn't have the urge, or the prep time to even deal with the two if that happened. "If you're going to fight, you're going to do it after we help these people with the goblin problem. I'll...I'll smack both of your heads together if I have to." Christoval clenched a fist and then released it, Wisp looking towards him, and then pushing herself away from Arabella, the dark mage crossing her legs and then turning her head to side with a small 'Hmph.'

"Well, we're stuck with them anyway, Christoval. I suppose a mentor's lesson is in order. Enjoy watching them get all the glory while you slug and carry us through the thick of it. The guild doesn't give two shits towards us freelancers, so much as they care about the larger groups."

Christoval peered towards both of the daughters for a moment, and frowned. It couldn't be true, could it? No. Jealousy and anger weren't virtuous. "We'll see." Was all he replied, setting up his pack and then moving to take care of Wisp's.
Old Posted 12-31-2017, 05:33 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Oh, this woman is infuriating, Arabella thought, clenching her teeth and watching the dark mage mock her. Her countenance, however, did not change and she kept a steady neutral look in her eyes, releasing little more than a sigh. “Then you have not been paying attention. You're spewing downright lies in order to seem somehow better. Pity, I would have thought you would have had something better than that.” Arabella smirked pulling out one of the aforementioned books, though her reasoning was unknown to Kastivi who, like Christoval, was paying the utmost attention to the exchange. Arabella continued, “Oh, they have. But you see, my books also said that dark mages will keep whoever they find necessary around and you certainly are not going to take away another pair of hands to do your slave labor, now are you?”

Kastivi pouted down at the top of Arabella's head, not liking the idea of her being used like poor Christoval was. The poor lad wasn't so much of an apprentice as he was a pack horse for the more experienced veteran. She raised her eyebrows, however, when the packhorse dared to step between them in favor of his master. When he tried to say that he could take her on? Kastivi burst out in a fit of laughter, tears streaming down her cheeks. It was a rich laugh, one that filled the room and drew eyes before Kastivi clapped a hand over her mouth to stop hersefl squeaking a small “sorry” before bowing her head. Arabella gave a small smirk at the apprentice in an obvious dismissal and turned her attention back to Wisp, “You'd have to be able to read the book to get any use out of it, mage.”

Kastivi exhaled and flashed an apologetic look to her fellow apprentice. “Your father sounds like a kind man,” Kastvi said with a sheepish grin, “Mine tried to get the town elders to ram a stake through my heart.” She looked down at the ground, looking up at the knight before turning her attention back to the ground and kicked her foot. “It sounds like you were made for adventuring. I just sort of...fell...into it.” She was found, in the nick of time by the halfling before her. Brought to be a Daughter of Ash for the very thing that almost got her killed. It was strange how quickly one's life could change. She wondered if meeting these two would be one of those life changing things. She laughed with Christ's honesty, “Well, Ara can be kind of mean as well--”

“I heard that, Kas. Your strength session has been moved one half hour forward tomorrow. By the time these two roll out of bed and ready to leave, you will have worked yourself out of breath. I'll look forward to it,” Arabella responded with narrowed eyes now looking up at the dark skinned woman.

Kastivi sighed. She was always good on her word, too. She'd punish herself too if need be. “Yes. We might as well try to get along,” the halfling growled. “Kastivi, I will be in our room,” she said, tossing the key to Kastivi who caught it without even thinking, “You can stay down here for a couple of drinks, but don't forget. You've got an early morning, and being hung over is not the best idea for what I have in store for you.”

Kastivi groaned and watched the halfling move to the stairs and she turned to the mage and the apprentice, “I'm ah...I'm sorry about that.”
Old Posted 12-31-2017, 06:10 AM Reply With Quote  
BlueInTheShell BlueInTheShell is offline
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"Spewing lies? Lies would be saying all your kind ever does is help people selflessly, rather than being motivated by praise and profit. Don't think anyone has forgotten what one of your daughters did to Enorah Cathedral." Wisp replied, before souring at the stereotypes that Arabella had thrown back at her and shutting her mouth. Both of those comments from each other had merit, if only Wisp was bringing up more or less an accident, rather than deliberate malice; A daughter of Ash accidentally burning down one of the biggest monuments in Jalriksson a decade ago. The city-state was still recovering from what the rumor mill had been spewing out.

Christoval narrowed his eyes at both daughters for a moment, before looking down at himself and then sighing softly. Was every single mage like this? The others he had met seemed to scoff at the mundanes. Yet when monsters came rearing at the door? They were often hiding in the back lines while people like him died in scores trying to fend beings off with simple iron and steel. Regaining his composure and biting his lower lip, and then turned towards Wisp for a moment, who nodded. Gaining her approval, Christoval looked towards Arabella. "Mages who use fire tend to cast spells on an average of 7.23 seconds between each verse or incantation. Seeing as how you focus on fire, a simple effort to reduce injury is to dampen clothes and skin - Wait for the first spell to be cast. Then I have 7 seconds to retaliate. A hand crossbow is more than capable of stopping or aggravating a mage into ruining a spell. Then It's simply forcing you in the defensive while avoiding emergency cantrips." Christoval said with a small shrug. "And seeing as how I can swing a sword with 6.7 seconds a swing, I could theoretically hit you before you finish your next big spell."

Wisp did admire the kid's gumption sometimes. In the six days she'd known him, he at least had a bit of a tactical mind, along with the troublesome knightly virtues. The dark mage looked towards Arabella and shrugged. "I wouldn't want to overshadow you with reading books. I am strong enough as it is without training." And maybe an infernal pact.

Christoval had simmered slightly, and wriggling a set of cold fingers to warm them up, nodding vigorously at Kastivi and giving her a sheepish smile. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't help the farmers chase off witches and such too when I was a kid. Didn't know any better. And neither did they. Then again, supposedly one turned my great-great uncle into a toad, and then he got eaten by a snake. Family story." It was most likely tall-tale, but it made for good talking, Christoval thought with a chuckle, before beaming at the dark-skinned woman. "Anyone can get good at this job! It's just prep-work and not being too zealous. I learned that the hard way on my first adventure, before Wisp took me in. It's also why I took this goblin job. Those things killed my first group of friends." Finally, there was a bit of a malevolent, angry look in Christoval's eyes, something one would attribute to being around Wisp. "Yeah, she seems a bit...Stern. And unfun."

With the halfling retiring after threatening her apprentice - Wisp's eyes shifted slowly over towards the girl - Wisp looking her up and down and then snorting. "Just goes to show you, Christoval. Daughters. College of Wizardry. All the same. Uppity and stuck spelunking their arses with their heads." The dark mage looked towards Kastivi for a moment and offered a seat across from her; the woman waving a hand as a spectral arm conjured itself and pulled the seat out for her - Christoval putting a few baubles into Wisp's pack, the knight shaking and wriggling in place. "It's no worries on my part. Not everyone is always gonna be friendly. Bit sore about her thinking Wisp doesn't train me though. I know a lot from her."

Wisp groaned and placed her head in a hand, watching the two converse. "...I would be a bad mentor if I didn't teach you. Plus you're more....Tolerable...Than the rest. Even with the stupidity you've lodged in your brain about right and wrong."
Old Posted 12-31-2017, 03:05 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Wisp hit a sore spot, and Kastivi could feel it, wincing a bit and looking down at her mentor. The events of Enorah Cathedral had been taught to her as a lesson to be learned from, a reason to control her fire, and a reason to hold back when absolutely necessary. The burning of the mountain had been an accident, the cause of said accident now stationed there indefinitely until reparations were made. She was still there. “When you can tell me what I spend my profit on, then I will see your comments as worth a merit. As far as praise goes, I am often already on my way to my next mission before I can receive any praise,” Arabella retorted, keeping her arms folded. Kastivi could check both of those off as well. A majority of her profit went straight into more supplies, better weapons for her and her trainee, and even outside teachers to train Kastivi and herself in ways other than fire. During Kastivi's own sessions with outside teachers, Arabella would take her place beside Kastivi as a theoretical equal as student, learning and training beside her. It was actually quite admirable. And she never lingered around for praise. There was always something more to be done. Always.

Arabella raised her eyebrows at the apprentice. So he did learn a thing or two after all. Kastivi would recognize this look as one of approval, though she wasn't sure that Christoval would recognize it as such. “And when you're fighting in the north, tell me how well those damp clothes work with your hypothermia. Or when you're dealing with a mage who does not rely solely on magic...Mages who rely solely on their magic, they are weak. Pray it is those you come across in your adventures.” She stopped to look up at him, “If you, or Wisp for that matter, want to join us tomorrow for training before we begin our quest, you are welcome to it. We will meet here one hour before dawn.” Kastivi, being higher in elevation, her face somewhat hidden by her height to her master sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Yes, because being overshadowed by one of my own team is something that keeps me up at night,” Arabella growled. There was always room for more training, even for herself. She would never stop bettering herself. One day, perhaps, the world could see peace.

When the halfling was done extending her invitation, she left, heading up to their room leaving Kastivi to the mercy of Wisp and Christoval. When Christoval said that he'd taken part in activities like her own trial, she couldn't help but wonder how many of them were innocent...like her. How many of them had died for simply having magic run through their veins. Had she been a mage of anything other than fire, she wondered if she'd even be alive today, if Arabella would have bothered to save her without the prospect of becoming one of the daughters. She shook away the chill and looked back at knight having said he changed his ways—however slightly—and offered something resembling a smile, “Arabella? Stern, unfun...yes. She is very strict, but I learn new things each and every day, including the days that are just strengthening like...tomorrow.” She sighed. The strengthening sessions were never fun and she found her entire body would be aching for days after. They came once a week. Regular work outs the rest of the time. After all, magic became stronger with its host, and it was important to know how to defend oneself when fire was not an option. On more and more of their journeys she was finding that fire was used only as a last resort, and even then, only very carefully.

Kastivi took that seat with a grateful nod and clasped her hands in her lap, pretending like she didn't just hear what Wisp said pertaining to her family. The ones who had saved her. “Well, I don't know about their past...but from the sounds of it, the other apprentices didn't get to do much learning,” she said, chuckling. “But,” she said looking over to the mage and then back, “It seems she has found someone worthy. Was that it, Wisp? You like him more?”
Old Posted 12-31-2017, 04:31 PM Reply With Quote  
BlueInTheShell BlueInTheShell is offline
Barrel of Monkeys
Default   #11  
Christoval seemed entranced by the conversation with Kastivi. Someone else in his shoes. Someone he could relate to. It was a nice change of past for the last couple of days. Wisp had been helpful, but the noticable way she looked down at him had left him with a lot of hesitation trying to make small talk with the dark mage that lasted more than just a couple of angry sentences from the woman. And it was rather weird to see someone like Kastivi, whose mentor seemed to have such a strict and varied schedule with training and the like. When asking about swordplay, Wisp had given him a rather condescending look, before shaking her head and just blasting him with balefire. It was his first and last time asking for those kind of lessons. "Strengthening is good, yeah. I kinda have to learn as I go for martial skills. But it's helped me get creative when it comes to fighting. And Wisp has a plethora of knowledge on the monsters that roam the place, so I know what to fight and what to stay away from!" Christoval chimed, smile on his face and the boy tapping on his knapsack while kicking his legs like a child. "Also flintlocks help solve a lot of problems. Armored ogre? Nothing a bit of shot and powder can't fix!"

"Speaking of monsters, and dealing with them. Red book. You'll read it tonight, and then explain to me the tactics one would use fighting a Flenser Cat." Wisp piped up, the Dark Mage looking towards Christoval, who nodded and gave her a small salute. Orders given, the dark mage looked over to Kastivi for a moment, and let out a deep sigh. Surrounded by the newbies. It was a fate worse than being left behind to die in the oubliette. "Stop sitting there prim and proper. No one in this guild cares how you hold yourself. Be free." She said plainly, flipping open on of her books and pausing, bellowing out a few words in whatever dark tongue the book was written in, only to cough and stop; spitting up a bit of blood in her mouth. "Urgh. You would think hexes devoted to breaking bones would be easy to speak out and memorize." She sighed, soon closing the book after. "You are correct. I enjoy Christoval's company. He's young and malleable. And he was the first apprentice I had myself that didn't squirm or whine when I started ordering him around. He's like a perfect little lapdog. If he wasn't so set in becoming something so virtuous, I would have groomed him into a Sorceress' Knight. My own little bastion of swords ordered to prick things with."

Christoval shuddered for a moment, looking towards Wisp as she talked to the dark-skinned woman. He had read the books on those kind of a knights. And the thoughts of being subservient to that level, as well as being her own personal guinea pig was something left to be desired. "No thanks. A normal order would be fine with me!"
Old Posted 01-02-2018, 04:01 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Kastivi, too, was happy to find someone in a similar situation that she found herself in. She'd been training under Arabella for over a decade and she was getting frustrated by the fact that she still wasn't considered good enough to have gotten out of her apprenticeship. She'd seen other Daughters pass their training after a year, maybe two—and Kastivi felt like her skill level was already far above those. Still, Arabella held on, and Kastivi kept to her training as per usual. Maybe it was due to the fact that Arabella liked Kastivi, or maybe it was because Arabella thought that she was capable of doing more than what she'd seen and was pushing her for that, but it was frustrating nonetheless. Even if she was to relinquish her apprenticeship, she would probably still be sectioned with Arabella. There was no denying that the Daughters worked well together, and every mission thus far had been a success. Now she was offering the knight a grin, putting what he'd said about witches behind her as he was a reformed man, “Creativity is always a good thing, and it's one of those things that Ara encourages so long as it isn't rash. It seems like you know how to use it.” She laughed, “I wouldn't mind it myself if you were to teach me some of those techniques!”

Kastivi blinked, looking over at Wisp who had been sitting there the entire time. She was still trying to figure out if she really liked Wisp or really didn't, and tried to keep an open mind despite her master's obvious distaste for the dark mage. Laughing, she pointed a finger at Christoval, 'Looks like I'm not the only one given things to do. I always get homework on the not as physically demanding days...” She could feel her eyes widen involuntarily seeing her spit up blood and she handed over a kerchief she'd kept in her pack, “Whose...whose bones were you trying to break?” She didn't say anything to the latter comment, thankful that Arabella took a somewhat more egalitarian approach in training her. The halfling always carried her own pack, packed her own things, ordered or made her own food. She was completely self-sufficient—sufficient enough that Kastivi at times thought that she was doing little but weighing her master down.

“Well, homework on bettering yourself sounds like a normal enough order for me. Actually, when you're done with that book, I wouldn't mind reading it if you'd be kind enough to lend it to me, Wisp?”
Old Posted 01-03-2018, 06:24 PM Reply With Quote  
BlueInTheShell BlueInTheShell is offline
Barrel of Monkeys
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"I would but you know, trade secrets and all of that." Christoval snickered, giving the woman a wink and then shrugging his shoulders. His creativeness just seemed to be a knack half the time more than anything. IT had managed to win him a few spars when it came down to dueling with Wisp, even though she had a habit of cheating. Still, not every creature in the world fought fairly, so lessons learned there as well. "But I mean, all you gotta do is just observe. You keep studying what's going on, and eventually you'll find an opening in anyone. Bet you a few coppers if your master sparred with me, I'd win at least once, if only because I'd find a pattern or a weakness in something." Christo said proudly, puffing out his chest and wriggling in place. Sparring with Wisp in general was one of his favorite things in the world. For a magic-heavy mage, the woman seemed to be rather spry on her feet when it came to dodging wooden weapons and dulled and safe arrows.

Wisp seemed more or less tolerant of the new girl, and a few eyes were locked on the trio as they noticed someone besides her chosen apprentice was lurking around near the dark mage. Covering her mouth and wiping a bit of bloody drool from her lips with the kerchief Kastivi had given her, the dark mage quirked a brow slowly at Kastivi for a moment and scowled, before tucking away the kerchief for herself. Let's see if she'd ask for it back. "Whose bones am I trying to break? Arabella's. She annoyed me." Wisp hummed, forming the words across her lips again and this time getting them right; a small crack of dark smoke flowing out of her mouth and drifting into the air before dissipating. More lies of course. It was just some simple incantations for keeping herself awake. But Kastivi was a daughter. And from what Wisp had experienced, they had a habit of not getting jokes.

"You want my book? I don't think your master would enjoy having to owe me a favor for assisting you. Because I will call one on her." Wisp chimed matter-of-factly, wriggling her foot and then recrossing her legs, only to make a bit of a grunt and then shrug a shoulder. "Actually, do borrow it. I'd love to see the look on Arabella's face when you're being helped by me. And feel free to help yourself to my other books as well."

Sure most of them were about rather heinous magical rites. But you couldn't keep a newbie closeted from them forever, right?
"I just want to come home," said the Astronaut.
"So come home," said Ground Control.
"So come home," said the Voice from the Stars.

“And he goes around killing people?” said Mort.
He shook his head. “There’s no justice.”
Death sighed. NO, he said,... THERE'S JUST ME.
Old Posted 01-04-2018, 03:53 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Kastivi laughed again, “Alright, sir knight. I figured since we'd be fighting together it made sense to help one another, but I guess I should stick my magics while you poke 'em with your pokey stick, huh?” She then shrugged, she'd continue learning elsewhere. Every single day she'd felt like she learned something new. Granted, that was usually pertaining to fire—but she'd picked up a few tricks of other trades as well. Kastivi raised her eyebrows, “Y'know, that may be so, but one rarely gets the opportunity to fight someone more than once, unless they failed at killing them the first time.” She looked down at the empty table, wishing she had one of the drinks that Arabella said she could have.

Instead of getting up, Kastivi looked over to Wisp, her eyes widening, “Surely you wouldn't do that to your own comrade? Traveling with someone with broken bones is not an easy endeavor...” The joke did indeed go right over head and her brow crinkled into an expression of worry. This could spell trouble. She'd had travel with someone with a broken bone before as well, and as Arabella was too small to carry the affected, Kastivi had had to do it. It was like strength training day all over again, except for the fact that she had been still sore from the last one. It was a task that Kastivi hoped she'd never have to do again.

Kastivi looked down, somewhat frustrated. The two didn't seem to be very sociable at all, particularly Wisp. They were definitely unlike anyone she'd ever traveled with before, and she'd traveled with quite a few people. “If you want to call a favor, call a favor on me. I'm good on my word,” Kastivi finally said in an attempt to be the bigger person. She was somewhat baffled with the change of heart, “I don't know how thrilled she'd be with my attempting to see what dark magic is about either...” She scratched the back of her head, “But I figure learn as much as I can while I'm an apprentice, right? Anyway, I'm going to grab some ale, either of you two want any?”
Old Posted 01-04-2018, 04:31 AM Reply With Quote  
BlueInTheShell BlueInTheShell is offline
Barrel of Monkeys
Default   #15  
Christoval paused for a moment at the woman's comment. And then shrugged. "Tell you what. I'll teach you a bit, if you can give me a bit more knowledge about Daughter pyromancy. Does that sound like a deal?" He asked, fidgeting in place, and earning himself a rather dry glance from Wisp, who sucked her teeth and shook her head at the two. "Well, that's the good thing about this all. I'm sure your mentor isn't gonna kill me the first time I spar with her though, right? Well, I would hope I was right." Christoval said with a small, desperate chuckle, before sniffling a bit and trying to search for something else to talk about. His mind came up blank and he stammered for a second, soon bringing up his nails to bite at them before he was saved by Wisp.

"Well, surely if your mentor was almighty, she would be able to reverse a simple hex such as that. I'm merely testing her mettle is all." Wisp said rather innocently, clicking her heels together and then sighing. It all went over this one's head, did it not? Taking a deep, intentional breath and then exhaling slowly, she cocked her head to the side and slowly quirked a brow. "I'm kidding. I'm not hurting your precious little halfling trainer. What I'm doing is none of your business to be frank, Daughter-to-be." Wisp said, before leaning back at the sudden moment the girl got a little bit bigger than her britches would allow. Sensing a chance to at least flex her own muscle, Wisp stood up from her chair, shadows around the three seemingly growing a bit bigger and darker as Wisp smiled at the woman. "Oh don't worry. i do have a rather dire favor for you then. Something to please the darkest manner of lords that grant me power." She hummed, before flopping back into her chair; shadows and light resuming back to normalcy (Christoval looking none to pleased over the ordeal as well.) "Go forth. Grab me an ale in exchange for the books, I suppose. I don't have any urge to get up and speak to someone for it at the counter. People are terrible and I hate them."

Christoval looked at the two and frowned for a moment, excusing himself from the table and then moving over towards Kastivi. "If you don't mind, Wisp. I'm just gonna grab my own pint as well. I can finish packing after a drink or two." He said with a shrug of his shoulders; Wisp pulling up a book to cover her now-smiling features. "Should I make sure to knock on the door to our room? The last thing I need is to see my pupil deep inside a thorough studying session with an apprentice Daughter."

Christoval went beet red, and looked at Kastivi. "...She's kidding."

"I'm being precautious."
"I just want to come home," said the Astronaut.
"So come home," said Ground Control.
"So come home," said the Voice from the Stars.

“And he goes around killing people?” said Mort.
He shook his head. “There’s no justice.”
Death sighed. NO, he said,... THERE'S JUST ME.
Old Posted 01-08-2018, 09:46 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Kastivi pursed her lips and shook her head, “It's not...something easily taught. You see, the goddess has to smile on you and imbue you with the power. I can teach you meditations and prayers that might make Her notice you, though I'm not sure how fair of a substitute that will be.” She squirmed in her place, wishing that she could imbue him with that knowledge. Stronger party members meant a higher chance of survival and success. She chuckled, “No, she would not condone participation in a fight to the death with a party member unless said party member was a traitor. Perhaps you can learn to beat her, though, I recommend keeping your eyes open if you decided to do that. She does have...tricks...up her sleeve. But I bet you both will get stronger from it!”

Kastivi's head turned back to Wisp, gulping with the master's obvious distaste for her own. She breathed with relief with the word “kidding,” but shot Wisp a slight annoyed look and shook her head, her annoyance changing to fear as she watched the shadows grow, stepping back into a shadow hoping to make it go away. It didn't work, but she gulped and nodded, fishing in her coin purse and producing the coins she'd use to buy them all a drink.

She stopped her endeavors to freeze and blush, pressing her lips in a thin line, “There...is no time for love or ah...anything like that...for a...for a Daughter, anyway. I...I...I'm gonna get us drinks...”
Old Posted 01-09-2018, 04:52 AM Reply With Quote  

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