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Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #17  
Mizuki had left that area the moment he could. There was something that set him off about that male. Mizuki didnt know why but there was a connection there yet this was only the second meeting? No...something was off and he didnt like it.

After that day things changed for Mizuki. He began training himself in not only magic but some hand to hand as well. His thought was that magic only got you so far and to go the rest of the way you need to get close to someone not stand there in one place. So with that thought his training began.

Five years later he was better then he thought at it. He still was far from a master and he knew that. With his left hand man who had come down from the king had become attached to his side it would seem. Now beside him with Luna it was hard for him to even fail. Mizuki felt good about himself and what was happening around him. The smaller villages in the area had fallen one by one and now he had new orders.

He was supposed to find and take out the rebellion that was his new orders. So that is what he had been doing for the past three years. He had been in search of the rebellion group. As those years went on a name had dropped down from rumors of a male who bonded metal to break spells. This was interesting to him for the male had gotten a name for himself from the villagers. Night breaker was his name as he was knowen for taken down mages but during nightly scouts.

He had become the biggest thorn in Mizukis side. Because of that male his scouts and mages have been found dead left right and center. Mizuki growled as he sat there and looked at the papers before him. "You know this cant go on forever right?" He heard to his side and looked up to the male standing there "Yes Needren I am fully aware of this" Mizuki said with a sigh but he didnt have a chance to think as a guard entered his room.

"Sir...the patrol has not returned" He said and Mizuki looked up "How long have they been gone?" Mizuki asked with a growl and the guard replied almost instantly "They should of returned more then three hours ago" He said and Mizuki stood "And I am just finding out about this now?" He asked the male before him.

This was when Mizuki moved and grabbed his staff and cloak "Um what are you doing?" Needren asked as Mizuki grabbed some things "I am sick of this. I am loosing good men all over the place!" He said as he went to the door "You cant just-" But needren was cut off "I can and I am going. Everyone is falling and I am putting a stop to it" He said with a glare "Get Luna tell her shes in charge. Im taking two with me and im leaving for the hunt" He said before exiting the tent.

Mizuki was pissed everything he had worked for was slowly falling down around his feet. He was no longer going to stand around and let his men fall. Mizuki cracked his neck as he gathered two men and headed out of the town. He knew that there was one location that seemed to get more action then the rest and that was where he headed.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 03:34 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
It was true that Thalion had gotten a name for himself. The only luck he had was that what race he was didn't seem to follow the rumors and tales. That kept the extra unneeded trouble away at the least. Though most by the time that final strike came in knew who they were against. Not that it mattered by then.

He had vowed that day that he was going to run into that mage again, whatever his name was he hardly cared though he knew it. He knew it because it was the general of the Eastern army. Didn't matter to him the next time they crossed paths it would be a new story.

"You seem disappointed." Neimi said crossing her arms as Thalion was wiping a blade off that still had blood on it. "I am, its been nothing but small scouting groups. None of them have even been a real threat." He let out a heavy breath before deciding it was time to move on a bit further just to make sure it was just this one group.

It had been a few hours at least before Neimi spoke again as he sighed a little. "Think Felix and Raden found anything?" Thalion glanced at her before looking forward again, they were almost to where they normally started to turn back towards the meeting area. "Doubt it... I think they are just cloaking and getting this far. Some of it pure dumb luck unless they know what they are doing." From the fights he highly doubted they knew what they were doing.

Though he paused a little in his walk as Neimi questioned him silently. He shook his head a little to say it was nothing, though he was for sure he was wrong. Something was wrong. The area was quiet, like it had been disturbed recently. That meant either another scouting party or something worse. Though he didn't like this one bit.

Though this was when Raden seemed to catch up to them. If you weren't looking for him it would have been easy to miss him even approaching. "Other way is clear, he was growing impatient." Raden mused a little as he shrugged. Yep sounded like Felix alright. Though Thalion still couldn't shake that something was out of place.
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 03:49 PM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #19  
Mizuki huffed as he left eh camp and entered the trees with the two males behind him. It was something that was bugging him. He was going to take out the men that had been taking his out. At least that was what he was thinking. Mizuki walked through the trees silently on cloth clad feet as he walked. There was something in this area that made him on edge but he couldnt place his finger on it.

This was when Mizuki came through a batch of trees to stop at the sight before him. His group of men littered the ground with blood pooling around them. Mizuki growled "This is the last straw" Casting a spell Mizuki looked and fallowed the grey ball of smoke that began to lead him through the trees.

A simple tracker spell was to find the way the people that killed his men left. Silently he fallowed the ball but as soon as voices reached his ears he stopped and ended the spell. Moving silently through the trees he stopped as he saw the group before him. Motioning for the males that fallowed him to stop and go around them Mizuki climbed a tree.

Walking through the branches he headed for the group. Sitting down he over looked the group before him listening. Well this was interesting indeed. Mizuki thought as his eyes landed on a drow talking with a small group. How he knew he would meet that male again.

Now Mizuki could of done this the easy way or the hard way...or to him the fun way. Setting a small spell in place he watched as the trees that covered the group began to frost from the base up slowly but making the area colder. Mizuki now sat there and watched what would happen.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 04:09 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
After a bit longer Thalion finally sighed having just about given up on the feeling that something was off. "Fine lets go back." Though that was a short lived thought as they didn't get very far before the temperature change alone was plenty enough to give away they were not the only ones here anymore.

"tsk... games first then." He muttered before looking towards Felix and Neimi. Both of them had noticed the frost and chill in the air abut the same time. "find Felix." "But -" "Now" He said flatly before Neimi started to move with Raden. "If you get yourself killed I'm not forgiving you."

Yeah he had heard that before. Though with those two not around he didn't have to worry about protecting them and himself. Ice magic wasn't exactly common so he had a idea of who this might be. Anyone else would have attacked already. Though he had heard enough reports of the Eastern general that he knew the man was twisted and liked toying with his victims first. Though this so called victim was planning to bite back.

"Seems you were right after all." He said to no one really before laughing slightly at the thought. Though he had done this on purpose. Killing the scouting groups. He knew sooner or later it would get under the general's skin and he'd have to come back. "Lets see if what else you said will be true or not."

He meant the whole one of them would not be leaving here alive if they crossed again. Though it had been five years from that date. Thalion had changed a lot. Not just in looks but in how he acted. In a way accepting the fact that he had taken on a role as a fighter instead of avoiding being involved in the slaughter. It was worth it though if he managed to take out Mizuki... that would put a halt in a lot of the attacks.

Though there were still good odds he was out matched. Least he had better chances then before. Before he might as well be running with Neimi and Raden. Though he was finding it odd by now. To run into this mage three times... This would be the last though. It was Mizuki's mistake to let him live through the last time.
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 04:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #21  
Mizuki sat there in the tree and watched the little display before him. It was funny in a way to watch what was going on. Mizuki allowed the other two to leave as they were told to. There was no point in chasing after them when the male he wanted was still in the little clearing. This was when the male spoke and Mizuki gave a smile.

So it was the same male from those years before huh. This was when Mizuki remembered the words he said to the male. Awe yes...they would meet again and they had. Now it was time to see if one of them would die huh. So be it.

"Hmmm you will soon learn that I am very rarely wrong" Mizuki said from his perch before he jumped down and landed infront of the male. Moving the hood from his head he stood there and looked to the male with a small smile gracing pale lips. "You know...you have been a real thorn in my side" Mizuki said looking at the male before him.

"I dont think I have lost this many men in a long time" He said with a tilt of his head as he thought about all the men he had lost. The numbers were quite staggering if you thought about it. Though it was the fact that it was one males doing that made his blood boil a little more. "You know...I should of killed you when I had the chance!" With the last word out of his mouth the spell was cast.

The frost on the trees now turned to sheet ice before it forked in all directions around the male. At his feet at his side it didnt matter where the male jumped back from or how far he moved the spikes fallowed. It was his plan after all. The frost was for show but in the end it prooved to be a great battle aspect and Mizuki found that out over the years.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 07:41 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
"Oh have I? Good to know I was doing something right. After a few years of working on thinning out your ranks I was starting to think no one was ever going to notice." Ok so he did every so often go out of his way to kill the scouting groups from the Eastern army but still. He had wanted to meet up with this mage a third time, but on his terms. This was as good as it was going to get apparently.

"Should have, but you lost that chance many years ago." He growled before the spell cast was finished. Ah yes ice mage, over the years he had found fighting mages almost a sport anymore. Though most of the recent ones hardly got a few spells off before falling. It bored him really. The idea of a challenge was a welcomed one.

Felix was right in a way. Thalion wasn't all that different from most of his kind. Even if he avoided fighting he still had a urge for a challenge. It had drove him to this. If Mizuki had never crossed that line back when they crossed paths the second time then none of this might have taken place. But that line was crossed and probably caused all of this. The training and the almost obsession to kill every mage he crossed paths with.

But ti seemed this one thought that the battle would end quickly. He wasn't going to make it that easy. Even if he was going to lose he'd make the Eastern General work for his head. He knew he had fire magic but he always refused to use it and this would be no different. Unless his temper got the better of him then he wouldn't if he had a say in it.

No he had means to deal with such attacks as he stepped back once, both blades already drawn as he crossed both blades as a clear barrier surrounded him just in time to block the ice. That was a bit close for comfort though the blades gave away what had caused the barrier. Each handle holding a gem from the looks of it.

He had spent years researching runes and gems with special properties to reflect and dispel magic. He was more then prepared and he was willing to test his training here and now. Against lesser mages the crafted items stood flawlessly. Though he never had given them a true test against a master of the magic arts.

"Your going to have to try harder." He taunted before taking his chance to try to get a strike in against the mage before him. Though he doubted he was going to get close enough to do so just yet. Not to say this barrier was perfect, it would let some magic get through and it didn't always protect as it should. A work in progress that he was risking a bit on at the moment.

Even if it failed he had other means to guard against spells. Till he could wear the mage out or get close enough to make the strikes he needed. The easier option would have been to use the fire magic he had but he refused to stoop that low. It was the one thing well almost the one thing that gave away the blood line he was and he didn't want that to be known information just to cause further trouble.
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 08:28 PM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #23  
Mizuki watched the little display before him. Aww how interesting it was seeing those blades at work. He noticed the protection was not at the top level it could be. Though looking at the gems Mizuki knew why. There was a combination of runes and gems that could lead to the ultimate protection but unless you knew that, try as you might it would never be perfect. The gems combined with the steel as well as the wrapping for the handle all led to the strong hold of that protection.

Mizuki noticed the way it flickered as the attack hit though he didnt have time to think to long on it as the male deflected the attack and headed right for him. Did he really think it would be that easy to take a hit? Surely this male was not that stupid. Though he was prooved wrong as he was all but charged at. Hmmm how interesting. Mizuki thought as he moved out of the way before casting another spell.

This continued on and on. Mizuki casting spell after spell as he watched Thalion dodge and move before taking his chances and attacking him head on. It had been the dance they danced for the past hour or so and Mizuki was getting bored "Okay...enough of this" He said as he cast his next spell.

Mizukin had been watching the pattern of the male. How he moved and when he attacked. It kept playing over and over in Mizukis mind. So now was his chance. After the time those five years ago Mizuki took it on himself to lean hand to hand. Magic only got one so far. Even though he knew how to fight he never profected his style. It was not until a drow invaded his mind that he even wanted to attempt it.

So the next time the male struck out at him Mizuki gave him a little surpise. With his spell cast he blocked the blade with one of his own. Though his was made out of ice. Moving against the blade Mizuki stepped forward and looked into that dark face. "Such a shame that such a pritty face will die" He said as he lashed out forcing the male back before he himself went on the attack.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 10:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Of course he knew it wasn't that easy to get a hit. He was testing things. He had fought enough mages to know that most of them still had a pattern or style or a time they needed in order to cast. He was looking for that. Though Mzuki was proving more difficult to find this pattern on compared to most.

Still a few of the spells cut it close and some of the smaller spells he ignored seeing as he knew he could stand a few hits without it costing much. Not to say he didn't avoid the main force of the spell. But he knew that Mizuki was toying with him. The grand general of the Eastern army and he was still alive let alone not really bleeding that much? Something was up.

He got his answer soon enough as his blade met one that Mizuki seemed to form. Though what really caught him off guard was that comment from the other. Keeping his balance and managing to block the strike from the other he growled a little before forcing the other back. "Yeah real shame... tsk. Shame we didn't meet on different terms right? Could have been interesting." He could play along with this. Though he was hardly meaning what he said. The idea of a relationship with anyone made him shudder.

"Though you are wrong about one thing.. I don't plan on dying here." He said before slamming a blade against Mizuki's and trying to use the second one to get the mage off guard. Though it seemed like the mage had some hand to hand combat training. Not as skilled as others he fought but enough to get by blocking and striking. What he was really worried about was a spell at this range. It would be hard to avoid.
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 11:11 PM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #25  
Mizuki gave a little smile at the interesting comment "Hm yes i WOUld say so indeed" Mizuki said as he slashed back. Bringing up his arm he blocked the black aimed for his head. Mizuki knew the second hit was coming from the males other arm and he weighed his options. How much damage he could take but also how much he could give.

Making a quick judgement he backed up though he knew it was not far enough, he still needed to be close to the male after all. Taking the blades tip to the thigh he hissed as it cut a gash across it. This was his was his chance though and he did not waste it.

Casting his spell he kicked out his leg catching the male in the side of the ribs as he sent him flying a little ways. Mizuki smirked as he stood there breathing a little heavy. Though this was when a snide comment from the male came. Something along the lines of 'is that all' and Mizuki couldnt help his reply "It was all that was needed" Mizuki said with a smile and a nod of his head.

This was when he watched the frost on the males side begin to show then grow thicker. Mizuki raised his hand out before him "You see...the funny thing about ice magic is its good for long ranged, mass ranged...but works the best for close range" He said lightly before he flicked a finger out causing the now formed ice to spike piercing into the males side.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 11:39 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #26   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
About time he managed to land a good hit on the other. This was getting old quickly. He knew his own energy wouldn't hold forever though it did seem like the one before him was tiring as well. Maybe he could out last the other so long as he didn't use some spell to end this fight. He had a few tricks left hidden still just in case such spells were used. But they required a bit of his own energy to put forth.

Let alone the risk of something going wrong or breaking. Seeing as he was still working on the perfection of armor that worked against magic. Though given the short life he had lived thus far it was rather impressive if he had a say in it. Maybe just hold out a bit longer.

This was when Mizuki seemed to take a opening and managed to land a hit that caused him to be forced back. Ok that hurt more then he let on it did. Right away he knew that the strike was hardly just a simple strike. The sting from the cold the followed it gave it away. None the less he had the snide comment leave his lips as he edged the mage on.

As soon as Mizuki stopped talking and the spell seemed to change to it's masters bidding be winced a bit before finally having to give in as he placed a hand over the spot forcing the ice to melt. "Tsk... saw that coming.. " He more of was talking to himself with that comment before he took a sharp breath and moved forward slicing a blade forward as Mizuki had cast a spell. The odd thing was the blade seemed to reflect the spell back to its caster. Though Mizuki had time to avoid it.

But it distracted him long enough to get the ground he had lost covered again as he forced Mizuki back on the defensive. "try it a second time." He hissed daring the mage on. Though he knew it would probably happen. He had a few tricks that he was ready to use now knowing that he couldn't last forever with the growing number of wounds and cuts he seemed to be getting.

He just needed one opening, a well placed spell would end this. As much as he didn't want to resort to using his own magic he was losing energy and quickly. That also meant he was losing whatever calm he had through most of this fight.
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 11:54 PM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #27  
Mizuki frowned a little as the male before him removed the ice like nothing. He was not done with the damage he was going to inflict. That spell cost a fair amount of energy to do...but Mizuki was not done yet. Fighting the male he reflected his own spell but the time wasted was the advantage the male needed before he was now blocking instead of attacking.

Try it again? Why would he do such a thing. Once a spell like that was used he knew it was a one use charm. Not that he couldnt do it again oh no that was not the case. It was the fact that once seen that would be watched out for the most. So a new spell had to take place. Backing away he dodged another strike. Mizuki could feel how low his energy was. Not only was the hand to hand costing him energy the spells were as well. Either he ended it soon or it would end badly.

Casting a simple spell Mizuki created an ice wall on fast noticed. Listening as the blades of the male hit the ice instead he jumped back and knew he had one shot at this. Gathering the rest of his energy he cast two spells at once.

From one moment to the next he stood behind Thalion. Stabbing out with the newly formed ice blade he pushed the male into the ice before him as he leaned into his back trapping him there with the blade through his shoulder and chest pinning him there he had no place to run. Mizuki though had screwed himself. He was not stupid he knew how much energy he had and what he was able to do.

Even if he was to continue to fight the male would out last him. It was sad but true. So Mizuki took the moment to cause the most damage he could. Breathing heavy he placed his chin on the males shoulder. "Seems to me..." He said taking a moment to breath "That this could be a stand still" He said as he felt the equaly harsh breathing of the male before him "Just tell me...something drow" He said lightly "The name of the man who screwed me over" He said in a hiss as he twisted the blade in the males shoulder.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-18-2013, 12:11 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #28   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
He was taken back a little by the sudden ice wall. Damn that was a wasted strike. Though he didn't get the time he needed to get around or through the wall as Mizuki seemed to have plans to finish this fight. He didn't have enough time to block or avoid what came as the other seemed to spend the last of his energy to cast the spells needed to do the damage that would end this fight.

Thalion was pretty spent from all the moving around and the little bit of magic he had used to keep that one spell form doing further damage. Though he wasn't expecting for the other to waste all of his energy just to pin him there against the ice wall. Before he could even get his breath from being forced into the wall he winced cringing at blade that kept his shoulder in place.

Great he was stuck here and the pair of them couldn't move. Though he did manage to move his other arm and placed a hand grabbing anywhere he could on Mizuki and forcing any energy he had left into a fire spell to burn the other. Not that it forced the other to retreat so they were indeed at a stand still and the sudden burst of energy was a short lived one though his eyes stayed the same blood red color they had changed when he was first slammed into the wall.

This was when Mizuki seemed to speak saying that this seemed to be a stand still. As the other finished his sentence and twisted the blade he hissed a little giving up on trying to force the other away knowing that would do more damage then good. "Tsk.." He laughed a little at the thought he was going to give this guy his name. "no one important.. just a blacksmith."

It wasn't like he had lied, that was his ranking, not even registered as a fighter. So the great general of the Eastern army was as he put it screwed over by a mere smith. Ok so he wasn't just a smith but still. This was about the time that Felix seemed to show up with Neimi and Raden. Probably a good thing before these two either killed one another or Mizuki's men decided to show up. Surely the two with him had run off to seek further aid.

"Thalion!" Neimi squeaked a little knowing for sure he was dead. This hardly looked like anything promising as Felix didn't give Mizuki the time to recover as before he had a blade to his neck and had him on the ground. "Out of all the- The hell your still alive?" Felix started to curse him in his death but stopped as Thalion was still breathing.

"Last I checked.. " He said before hissing as Neimi forced the blade free and Thalion all but fell to his knees from having no energy at the moment. "You idiot... where are you not bleeding from?" She sighed knowing she couldn't do too much without being back at the camp. Staying here was out of the question.

Raden had his bow fixed on Mizuki as Felix seemed to debate for a moment. Though asking Thalion he said just kill him and be done with it. "As much as I'd love to... hes of more use alive even if you both nearly killed each other." He said glaring at Thalion before getting Raden's help to bind Mizuki. Even if Mizuki managed to recover enough energy to cast on their trip back to the base it wouldn't do him any good as the bindings were ones that sapped energy. Mizuki could probably thank Thalion for those as well.
Old Posted 03-18-2013, 12:30 AM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #29  
Mizuki felt the pain in his side from the burn but he didnt budge. No he stayed where he was. If he was to move he would give away the slight advantage he currently had. Mizuki knew that both of them were in no shape to continue fighting. Either way he was screwed. Though this was even more apparent when he heard a name shouted out "Thalion!" Hmmm...so he did have a name.

Though Mizuki didnt have a chance to think about it before he was forced from the male and shoved face first into the ground below. Growling he struggeled as they bound his hands and restricted his movement. Yep he really was screwed.

Looking over to the side he watched as the blade was taken from the males shoulder and he smirked as he fell to the ground. Mizuki growled as he listened to the group speak of what to do with him. Though he was shocked that they agreed to keep him alive "Finally some one with some brains..." He said with a huff looking to Thalion "I mean there is no hope for the drow...or should I say...Thalion" He said with a smirk.

Mizuki then watched as the male growled before moving closer and with a swift movement hit the back of Mizukis kneck causing the male to black out. Mizuki knew something like that was coming and he was almost hoping for it. It saved him the energy of trying to keep awake.

Do to the lack of energy and now the bindings Mizuki was out cold and he stayed that way for a long time. The next time that he awoke he awoke in chains. Groaning a little he lifted his head and right away he felt the tention in his arms and chest. Great...of all the things he was hung from the ceiling by his wrists. Hanging his head again he sighed. He was so not used to this treatment.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-18-2013, 12:52 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #30   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
"Are you sure we can't kill him? You know that keeping him alive will just-" "And he has information, besides our general would not be happy to find out we killed the leader of the other sides forces without trying to get information." This annoyed Thalion a bit. This guy knew his name and that annoyed him more when Mizuki spoke saying it.

"Fine.. he's your problem not mine." He said before moving towards Mizuki and delivering a swift strike to the back of Mizuki's head. "He's not dead but it'll save the trouble of him knowing were we are going." He said before he started walking off already, even in his current shape he was walking. Though only because that rage was still kicked in and his eyes showed that.

Neimi sighed trailing after him. "When you fall over I am not dragging you." She mused a little before the other two gathered the fallen general and caught up to them.

Though after a while they did finally get back to the camp and things squared away. They placed Mizuki in a holding cell for the time being. The chains were hung by the ceiling and probably were not helping any healing that the captive general needed to do. None the less he stayed out of it for a while, a few days actually.

Neimi was off to the side with a heavy sigh as she heard some movement behind her as she all but jumped. The sigh that soon followed the slight moment let her know he was awake at least. "Heh... sure leave me here alone with the frost general..." Though she quickly gathered her wits about her before walking over to him.

"I'd love to say I could let you down but your going to have to deal with being like this." It was odd she should hate him, his forces killed her mother. But she wasn't the type to hold grudges, not after seeing everything that this war had brought about.

She didn't expect him to speak to her but none the less she said sorry but the wounds needed to be tended. She could just use magic but she was still learning in that so she didn't want to make things worse. Really she held a bit of sadness in her eyes as she worked on the wounds. Like she felt sorry for him.

Mizuki was lucky in the fact this cell was out of the weather at least and seemed protected enough so no one was going to just do him in. Though Felix was sitting at a table watching Thalion pace a bit as he finally sighed. The two were hardly paying attention to Mizuki or Neimi. Though they were far enough away for them not to.

"Why am I being forced to stay here exactly?" Felix shook his head a little. The general wanted to talk to you. "Yeah and he has my answer already to what he's gonna ask. The same damned answer I've given for how many years now?" Felix shrugged a bit before Thalion sighed heavily and leaned against a wall. "I have work to do and this is wasting my time. The bastard isn't going anywhere I made sure of that." Mizuki would get a nice surprise if he tried to use magic as the cuffs were enchanted with reflect on them.
Old Posted 03-18-2013, 01:09 AM Reply With Quote  
Pinkie Pinkie is offline
Rainbows and stuff
Default   #31  
Mizuki stayed silent through the whole thing. He didnt try and protest the treatment to his wounds. No he knew better then that the last thing he needed was an infection to set in. So with that thought he hung his head and allowed the female to do her work. Though it was odd to him the way she looked as she worked. The pitty that came from her was to much to handle.

Mizuki thought about what he could do no he needed out of these chains. So with that thought he gathered the energy that he had before casting his spell through the moment he did he regretted it. He couldnt help the little yell that left his mouth as the chains reacted and almost instantly his writs froze to the meddle.

Hanging his head his ears were dipped back and his breathing was harsh. He should of knowen better then to try what he did but it was to late now. Mizuki growled a little to himself. There was no way this was happening...but it was and Mizuki was at a loss as to what he could do.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-18-2013, 01:19 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #32   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Neimi was just like that she hated fighting but she better then to be foolish enough to think peace was possible with the other king. No he would rather they all be dead before that happened. Even his own people weren't at peace. Yet she was the one who had been hurt at a early age due to the men this very man commanded. But here she was the one who felt sorry for him. She knew his fate or pretty much knew. He'd be tortured for information or killed if they found him of no use. She had seen it before. she was only thankful that Thalion never took part in such acts. Though this one was another story.

She flinched as Mizuki yelled a little before noticing what had happened. She glared at Thalion right away. "Well they worked." He laughed slightly knowing exactly what Mizuki had tried to do. "What do you mean worked? You didn't-" "Hell no I did not! We hadn't caught a mage in a while and I personally don't feel like trying to force a spell out either... as much fun as burning myself sounds."

He huffed a little before crossing his arms. This was when Neimi yelled at him. "You said you were just putting the energy sapping ones! Now I have something else to deal with." She complained a little muttering a curse that was oddly in elven, probably Thalion's doing. Either way she moved so she could get to the wrists before the ice stayed there and did more damage. There were some salves that melted ice so thats what she used right away before treating them. They were cut a little from him being hung there so long.

"Look you made her mad again." Felix say with a slight laugh before Thalion shrugged a little at the thought. "What else is new?" Though the pause made Thalion finally ask the question he had been wanting a answer to. "Did Gregor say what was to become of him once they find out that he's probably not going to tell them anything of importance?"

Felix shook his head. "He seems to be against the idea of killing him oddly." Thalion moved and slammed his hands on the table in front of Felix. "Why the hell? If he doesn't give us information of use then just kill him we already have a shortage of supplies without adding someone else to the mix." Though with that he pulled his hands back with a heavy breath before going back to leaning against the wall.

"He says it won't fix things or something... I have no idea his plans." Gregor was their general he had been the heart of this group for the entire way. But he wanted something awful to end the fighting. Though to do that things had to change. Though this was when Felix smirked a bit. "maybe he'll release him into your care, you take in strays don't you?"

Thalion glared at him. "Strays yes, I do not call someone who can kill me in my sleep a stray.." It was true enough Thalion did end up turning a few lives around. Neimi for starters, though over the years that lead into Raden as well. Hard to think that was possible seeing as he was a Drow. Everyone assumed how cold and heartless they were. Though he would love to keep that front if he had a say in it.

"You won't kill him if the General ordered you not to." Neimi chimed in sticking her tongue out. "Well if he wants repairs done he better leave me the hell out of this... exactly what he is not going right this moment."

This was when Raden walked into the room as he waited for a moment when the lot of them weren't talking. "He wants to know as soon as he is healed. He wants to speak to him." Thalion rolled his eyes as Neimi nodded a little saying maybe a day or so. "Though tell him that these chains are not helping and neither is some numskull of a Drow."

Raden smiled a little though quickly acted like he didn't as Thalion glanced at Neimi. "yes yes keep insulting... should I remind you that I'm the one who cooks every night?" Seeing as Neimi lived with him, she was a poor cook she had tried but failed a number of times. She just was not talented in it.

Though he prayed Felix was not hinting that he really would be stuck with looking after this guy. Anything but that he just wanted to go back to his work and be done with this whole deal. Kill the guy and have one less thing to worry about. Though Neimi was right,he wouldn't kill the general of the eastern army if he was told not to. He hated that fact but that didn't mean he was going to be overly nice if it came to such a thing either. Though he prayed to whatever god that was listening that they were just going to kill him once they were done.
Last edited by Rosekitten; 03-18-2013 at 02:31 AM.
Old Posted 03-18-2013, 01:52 AM Reply With Quote  

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