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"One insult after another, these pups don't know anything, do they?" The woman snarls angrily as Isaac begins to pool shadows around him, but is startled by the older werewolf stepping between them. The shock is enough for his eyes to return to its normal silver color. When Faye is returned to him, he holds her tightly to him, much like being reunited with a loved one.

"You are not leaving my sight ever again, at least not until I can explain everything." He closes his eyes as he hugs her close to him, then looks up to the older werewolf. "I'm sorry for trespassing into your domain, but this girl is very dear to me, my only concern was to get her back and take her to the safety of my home. You have my gratitude, if you have a need of me then you may come to my home and ask me. I will do what is in my power to help you. If you hadn't of made them return Faye I wouldn't be able to guarantee that they would have lived. And not because I would have wanted to kill them, but I might have been consumed trying to stop them..." Bowing to the alpha as best he can he turns to leave.

Old Posted 01-23-2016, 01:38 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
"Do not take them lightly. Just because you are..what you are...and they are a lot younger, they are very skillful." The large man bowed back out of respect. "Though I do advise you to keep her locked up until she has control of herself. And on full moons, make sure to put her in a place where she won't be able to escape from." He warned before finally taking his leave. He kept an eye on the young ones and made sure that they were going back home, the last thing they needed was another incident like this one.

It wasn't until morning when Faye finally woke up with a busting headache and feeling so groggy. She didn't remember anything from last night except for a few bits and pieces but that just felt like some dream to her. One thing that she remembered was a dream where she actually saw Isaac kill her parents right in front of her. That had to have been just a dream though, Isaac was anything but a murderer. What could he possibly gain from killing her parents? Sighing, she stood up and as she walked pasted a mirror, she saw her reflection and noticed a complete change, physical change. She had black wolf like ears along with a matching tail. She had four fangs, two on bottom and two on top, which were longer. She screamed out in horror before going back her her bed and curling up in her blanket.
Old Posted 01-23-2016, 01:40 PM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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He turns to the werewolf alpha and gives him a sad smile, "I wasn't undermining their skills, the thought of her returning..." Isaac shivers visibly at the thought, unable to hide his fear of the woman that had appeared. Dashing off he makes his way back to the house, taking Faye back to her room and closing all the curtains, then seats himself in a chair near her bed.

At some point he must have drifted off to sleep for he is awakened by Faye's scream. He nearly stumbles over himself trying to get up while still groggy, then looks at Faye, seeing the reason the scream.

"Well, this is interesting, seems like you've inherited traits of both. Though I should probably explained what happened last night. While you were at the tavern last night, there was a boy who became interested in you and decided he wanted you for himself. This is no ordinary boy though for he's a werewolf, a lycanthrope that can take on a wolf form, and apparently some wolf traits in human form. He bite you after you left the tavern and when I went out looking for you I found you bleeding in the road. Not thinking because of my panic over you, I tried to...convert you into what I am." He looks away from her hesitantly, expecting her to ask what exactly it was that he is. Which would then have to lead to how he killed her parents, something he was dreading to tell her about.

Old Posted 01-23-2016, 02:09 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   Rozen Rozen is offline
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Faye looked at Isaac with fear in her eyes. "What? W-werewolves? T-they're real?" She lifted her hand up to touch her ear and could actually feel that it was stuck on her head as she tried to pull it off thinking that it must be fake. But when she pulled it, it caused pain for her and that's when she knew without a doubt that she was different now. "What you are?" She didn't understand what he meant by that. "What's this pain? Isaac, I'm really thirsty. I need some water or something..." She said to him as she went to lay back down on her bed. Her eyes turned red. "W-what's happening me?!" She cried as she held herself. She didn't know what to think. And Isaac was acting like this was just another day!

Getting angry, she glared at Isaac. "It's all your fault that I'm like this then! I just wanted one day off! Just one day! You force me to do so much and now I'm a freak!" She had so many emotions swirling around in her and this thirst was getting to her. She wasn't truly angry but it was how all these different emotions had came out. The back of her eyes felt pricks as tears built up until they over flooded her eyes and when rolling down her cheeks.
Old Posted 01-23-2016, 02:28 PM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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"Please Faye, calm down, I'm trying to explain everything. As to what I am...I'm a vampire that's almost five hundred years old, not a fledgling but still young. So, yes, vampires and werewolves are both real, along with other beings such as ourselves, though not everyone gets along. As for the pain, that's probably caused from me trying to turn you when I thought you were dying, not realizing that a werewolf had claimed you." Sighing, he goes over to her and sits on the bed next to her.

"Here, water won't slacken the thirst for you anymore." Using his fangs he tears open his wrist, holding it to her to drink. "I'm sorry Faye, I never meant for all this to happen, I just wanted to protect you. Do you know how hard it is for a vampire my age to resist the urge to drink a maidens blood such as your's? Many have known to go crazy trying to do so, but as you can see I'm far from crazy." After he thinks she's had enough blood he licks his wound which begins to heal before her eyes.

"You have every right to be angry with me, if it wasn't for me you would probably be living peacefully with your family right now." His hands shake, as he tries to calm his breathing, then looks Faye directly in her eyes. "I have a feeling you don't remember the night we met, but I have to tell you what happened, and if you hate me then you have every right to. If you wish to leave I won't stop you as long as you let me explain some things about vampires, alright?"

Old Posted 01-23-2016, 03:22 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Faye stared at him with tears in her eyes as she tried to calm down but she really couldn't pay much attention to what he was saying. She heard him say vampire and werewolves but that was really it. She may have been quiet but her mind was going a mile a minute about what she was. She just caught the tail end of what he was saying. "C-claim me?!" The words repulsed her. She felt that no one had the right to claim her, not even Isaac. he didn't want any man to think that they can own her so easily.

Faye shook her head, she didn't want his wrist, she didn't want his blood but she was unable to resist as her thirst forced her to drink from him even though she hated it. She pulled back with tears streaming down her face some more.

"My parents..." She thought about her parents but instead of looking happy, she looked rather upset about something. "You killed them. I had a dream about it last night. If you think that I would be living peacefully with them, think again. I got my little brother killed when we were playing out in the forest. We were running... I thought he was right by my side but when I went to check...he...he was being attacked by the wolf chasing us. I left him there! I left him all alone with that wolf! I was so scared I didn't know what to do! When I told my parents, my mother especially never treated me the same again. That's why I wasn't upset when I saw them dead. I did't know if you were going to kill me but at least I didn't have to worry about the constant pain. They broke my arm, my legs. They hurt me so much because I let my little brother died."
Old Posted 01-23-2016, 03:53 PM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Smiling and with tears of relief on his face, Isaac, hugs Faye tightly to him. Pulling back he wipes his eyes, "I never knew any of that, and here I had thought I did something horrible to you, but it was actually what saved you from that torment."

Letting her go he stands up, "Well, we can't really be idling about. You need to know a few things first about being a vampire. Garlic doesn't ward us off like people think, the smell from garlic and onions is just too much for us, though being part werewolf it might be different for you. Secondly, as vampire we do need to drink blood, preferably from humans but can come from other beings, just not as nourishing. Third, for us Vampires we cannot go out into the sunlight, and older vampire such as myself can tolerate being up during the day for the later part of it, same with ancients, but fledglings have to be careful or else they will burn to a crisp. No, we do not turn to ash, we just look like humans that have been cooked, our skin is very sensitive unfortunately. The only thing left to say is that as you get older, you will grow in power as a vampire and can learn to do different things, like make creatures or people your familiar, this is not exclusive to humans and animals mind, if you can over power them, you can also make vampires your familiars but I wouldn't suggest it. However, having explained all that, we're going to have to go back to the werewolves' territory and have the alpha teach you things about werewolves. I'll get the familiars to bring around the carriage, it will give us protection from what's left of the sun, and avoid people noticing your...ears..."

Isaac is hoping that this time his experience with the werewolves will be better, either way his experience with his own kind is worse than with the werewolves. No one died that he cared about after all, nor was he tortured mentally and physically either. Then he remembers something and gives Faye a bit of a wicked smile, "Seems like I'll have to continue your lessons. Luckily the only thing left for you to learn is how to dance and the best kind of tea to go with a selection of horderves."

Old Posted 01-24-2016, 01:06 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
"Well, I do love them, I will always love them no matter what. I know it sounds hard to believe but...they were still my parents. But I remember that you seemed rather sad. I should have noticed that something was wrong with you because you've stayed the same for all these years, never getting any gray hair or wrinkle. My mother complained about them and blamed me for it because of what I had done. My mother was worse than my father. He went to work, she stayed hoe all day. I often wonder if it was me who had died and been left in the forest if my parents would have treated my little brother the same way they treated me. A part of me doesn't think so." She admitted.

Faye was feeling a little better but she was very discouraged about everything. She didn't know what to think about all of this. It was a lot to take in. "But you know, since I'm also a...werewolf...maybe that means the sun won't affect me all that much. And maybe I can do more things than what you're saying." She really wasn't looking forward into going into the wolf's territory after last night. She still didn't remember much of what happened but if what he said was true, she wasn't looking forward into going into the wolf's territory. "Well, I'm gong to stick with you. I don't trust them at all!"She really wasn't too happy when he mentioned her ears, she didn't want to be reminded of them, she just wanted to at least look normal even though he was now far from it.

Faye stared at him as though she couldn't believe what she heard. "What. Really? After everything that's happened I still have to do my lesson?" She was't looking forward to it.
Old Posted 01-24-2016, 01:34 AM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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"Now don't be surprised, I've had to learn myself, mostly to keep people off my back and to play nice with the humans in the area. Haven't you wondered why I never rejected a party invitation? Because people get suspicious otherwise." He turns his head to the window as he hears the carriage being brought up. "And don't worry about that werewolf that did this, his alpha is not at all pleased with what's happened thanks to him and his friends. He probably was afraid of a war breaking out again between our races. Though I'm more concerned about loosing myself than anything...she would return if that were to happen." While staring off in thought his eyes take on a red glow, his eyes full of agony remembering his past. Then he turns back to her, his eyes their normal silver color, "Well, let me quickly change, I'll meet you at the carriage."

He leaves hastily, changing into more travel suited clothing than his normal suits. If there was a bit of a scuff with the pack's pups he'd rather not get his good clothing ruined. He's hardly gone before he's down at the carriage, bowing and opening the door for Faye.

"The trip shouldn't take too long, I'll be heading towards where I found you last night, which is near their territory. I was planning on sending a bat familiar ahead to inform the alpha I'd be coming." A cute little fuzzy bat made of shadows appears in his hand, then flies off in the direction of the woods. Isaac then climbs into the carriage and signals for the familiar driving the carriage to go.

Old Posted 01-24-2016, 02:12 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #26   Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
"Well, I was human and I never liked those parties. I'm sure you could have turned down a few couldn't you?" Faye questioned as she stretched. As she listened to him, she knew that there was so much she didn't know about Isaac despite all this time that they were together. She felt a bit disheartened by that fact and she didn't even know who "she" was. It must have really upset him seeing his eyes turn like that. It was the first she saw his eyes turn red and it proved that this really wasn't all made up, aside from the fact that she just drank some of his blood. As he went to change, she also went to change. She wore a white lacy dress. She just wished that her tail could have more freedom but it was best to keep it in hiding. Grabbing a white hat to go with the dress, she tucked her ears underneath though it was rather painful. She looked very dressed up which meant she felt constricted. Remembering that there was a werewolf there who bit her because he wanted her, she hoped such an outfit wouldn't set him off.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault, I've done this to myself. If only I had just done the stupid lesson, we wouldn't be doing any of this. I wouldn't be some freak. I would be an innocent human who knew nothing of this world. The only part that makes me happy is that I know just a little bit more about you. Why did you keep this from me? It's not like I would have told others. Did you not trust me?"

Faye walked outside and into the carriage. She rushed in to make sure that the sun didn't
Seeing all of his familiars was a bit weird for her. She wondered when she would get her first familiar, it would be rather nice to have creatures that she could control. "So um...back inside, you talked about some lady, who was she?" She asked curiously.
Old Posted 01-24-2016, 02:48 AM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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Isaac's hand clenches on the handle of his cane, he had been hoping she wouldn't ask, sighing because he knew he couldn't avoid it anymore.

"'She' is the vampire that turned me into a vampire.I had worked hard, my family being of lower standing, in order to make it into a university of medicine on a scholarship. I believe I was twenty, its been nearly five hundred years so I'm not certain anymore how old I was, but that was the worst day of my life. We were having a big dinner to celebrate me getting in when someone knocked at the door, we just thought it was someone else coming by to congratulate me, but there was an unfamiliar woman standing there. She used her vampiric powers to bind and silence all of us, and one by one she drank my family dry and defiled their bodies. She took the most time to do that to my little sister, who was only ten at the time, to really make it sting. I was powerless to stop it, then to top it all off she turned me. She took me back to her lair, torturing me mentally by making me drink the blood of people resembling my family. Because she was my master and never gave me blood outside of the change I had to obey her orders even if I didn't want to."

At this point he's staring off into space, his eyes glowing red at the memory, "Then one day I found a way to bind her, then drink her dry, making her my familiar. But there's advantages and disadvantages with this; I can use all her powers because of this, but if I loose control of myself I leave myself open to her and she'll drink me dry to come back. I've been researching ways to make it so she can't, but thus far I have been finding nothing. She was an ancient vampire, I can recall some of her memories when I want, but I think she might have been one of the original vampires since she seems to have no memory at all of being turned. Though needless to say she's less than please; Lilith the Bloody outwitted by a mere fledgling."

The carriage comes to a stop as they reach their destination, Isaac taking a few moments to calm himself, his eyes returning to being silver after a bit.

Old Posted 01-24-2016, 08:41 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #28   Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Faye placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle smile. "So that means that you ad the other one who bit me has control over me?" She asked. She really didn't like the sound of that. She didn't want to be controlled. But it was selfish of her to bring that up after he told his heart wrenching story. "I'm sorry that happened to you. I don't have any family left either but you. And I guess you know the pain of what it feels like to loose your younger sibling. He was such a good little brother. Always wanting to be with me, do whatever I did. He was more of a headache then me so be thankful I was the one who...was there." She was trying to lighten up the mood but really just saying all that out loud made it worse.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I-I guess you're my...mas-ter...now so you have to look out for me and in return, I make sure you don't get hurt from that psychopath!" She smiled brightly at him. As the carriage topped, she became nervous over what this alpha was like. She really hoped that he was a nice as what Isaac was saying. Well, maybe nice wasn't exactly the word.

Faye was also worried about the sun, Isaac said that it wouldn't kill her, just turn her into a crispy looking human. But still.

The alpha was waiting for them and seeing the carriage arrive up, he knew that it must be them. He wondered what this mix of the two breeds would look like. He wasn't alone, there seemed to be a stunning woman y his side. Her eyes were o the bluest of all blues and her hair a platinum blonde color that seemed to go all the way down to her lower back. It was still shorter than Faye's hair, which was extremely long like she hadn't had a hair cut since the day she was born. This woman just oozed a womanly air about her. Faye began sniffing in their direction, something about the smell of those two together, it wasn't a bad aroma. Seeing her sniff towards them, the luna giggled. "So you can also smell our pheromones?! Hello, I'm the Luna of our pack, Alice. This is my mate...I-I'm sorry, I don't remember your human name." The man just shook his head. "My name is Arden." He answered. "So you're the vampire wolf breed that my mate has been talking about?! This must all be so confusing and new to you so here it goes. First thing first, since you're bitten, while you can turn at any time during the day, at night however, that's a different story. All bitten can learn to control it as they get much, MUCH older but it's rather rare. The difference between the bitten and the born is the simple fact that we were born this way. Our DNA is mostly that of a wolf but thanks to the Moon Goddess, Luna, she turned the first wolf into a human. Since you were born human, nighttime is when you can release your inner wolf since it has to come out. I you don't let your wolf out, you will be unbearable to deal with. You...you would feel like you're going insane, to put it nicely. So if you ever do take control, which is quite rare, let out that wolf once a day preferable, no longer than three days. But you really won't have to worry about that. Another thing is full moons. All of us wolves are affected. You know how some animals go crazy on full moons, same concept BUT a million times worse. Trust me, you will not be yourself on a full moon. All day you will pretty much not be pleasant to be around to put it gently and once it's dark out, you turn into a killing machine, you will attack at anything or anyone. There is only one person you won't attack and that's usually your mate. All wolves have a mate somewhere in this world, even the bitten because the Moon Goddess wanted it to be easier for us to find love so if we see our mated one, there's this bond, this pull to them that you cannot ignore. It takes a while for a bitten to officially have a bond with another wolf and this bond can be mistaken for just your normal lust if you have been mated yet. You can be attracted to many people but there's only one mate. So any questions so far?" She asked looking at them. Even as the sun beat down on Faye, her skin still wasn't crispy. She really didn't seem to be affected at all except for the brightness of it, even though it was still morning.
Old Posted 01-24-2016, 10:11 AM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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He gives her a weak smile, "No, I gave you my blood so you are no longer bound to me. But if only it were that simple to handle Lilith..." Isaac has the door open to watch over Faye as she greets the alphas, bowing his head in respect to the two of them.

"Pardon me, I actually have a question that you might not be able to answer. As you can see she is definitely part vampire, yet the wolf part of her prevents her from being hurt by the sun, something that normally would only be the case with an ancient. Is it possible that since she's part vampire she'd be able to have more control over transformations?" Isaac didn't know much about werewolves, what he just heard was the most he'd ever heard. Lilith just killed them anytime she saw them, and making her his familiar is probably what helped to end the war between the two races.

Old Posted 01-24-2016, 10:43 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #30   Rozen Rozen is offline
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Faye just stared at her arms as nothing was really happening. She looked like she had gotten a tan but nothing more serious looking than that.

"That is something I do not know. If she does have more control, then it probably won't show until she's more adjusted. But the mere fact that she isn't a wolf right now shows me that she actually has more control than just a normal bitten werewolf. Usually when they are first bitten, they have no control and their wolf side just takes over. Even though the wolf is you, it's also like a separate entity. And it needs to come out quite often. So I say yes but how much control she has, I don't know. I wish I could tell you more but I can't. Sorry." She answered.

Faye hoped that she would have more control, she really wasn't looking forward to being some hairy creature tonight. "That one from last night said that he was claiming me, what does that mean exactly?" She asked.

"As I said before about mates, our son thought you were his. He claimed you meaning that he was claiming you as hi mate. Usually we are paired up with other wolves. The last time a wolf was mated with a human, it didn't end well with for the wolf. Not wanting to turn the human into a wolf also, she never claimed him. So their bond was never sealed properly. He said that he would love her no matter what, she didn't need to bite him. But their relationship came crumbling down wen a wolf was seen attacking a village and the man thought it was her because she had blood all over her. He killed her instead only to learn that it was a different wolf, a wolf she was fighting to keep him from attacking the village. Instead of killing the human, he wanted him to suffer in misery and turned him."

When Alice was telling the story, Arden seemed to have been tensing up. "Is he going to be ok?" She asked. Alice looked over at Arden, lifting up his head, she smiled and kissed him. "Yeah, he will be fine. He personally knew who that happened to so he really doesn't want to hear the story even though it happened over seven hundred years ago." Though Faye couldn't help but feel like there was more to it than that but she dropped the subject.
Old Posted 01-24-2016, 11:15 AM Reply With Quote  
ml1201 ml1201 is offline
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"Thank you, I thought that might be the case, and I know in a way how that man feels about being turned and made to suffer. Though it was different circumstances. One last thing if you don't mind, I take it you've never seen anyone with Faye's predicament? Do you think its possible that if she were to let her wolf out she'd be able to make her appearance to how she wants? Meaning if she doesn't want the ears and tail letting the wolf out for a bit might help?"

Isaac wasn't all that surprised to hear that there were those among the werewolves with such a mind, he just couldn't say anything about other vampires since he only ever knew Lilith. When Luna answers he nods his head in understanding, "Well, that seems about all I can think of to ask. I would like to invite you to my home for dinner or a stroll in the garden. After all, all of us are going to have to look after and teach Faye many things it seems."

Old Posted 01-24-2016, 11:41 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #32   Rozen Rozen is offline
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"Um...I don't know. That's really something that I think can only be developed over time if you were bitten. If you were born, you usually don't have them. Well, children do until they are older when they can manipulate them. But when children are younger, they usually stay as a wolf until they become more self aware and understand that they can become human. But I think Faye won't be able to manipulate them any time soon." She explained to Isaac.

Faye stared at the Alpha and Luna. She could tell they were lying, she didn't know how but she could. What were they lying about? Was it the story in general? Or was it that he actually didn't know the person? If that was the case then why is he so upset? But if the whole story was a lie, then why did he look genuinely upset about the whole mess? Seeing her wheels turning, Alice discreetly shook her head. Understanding what she was trying to tell her, Faye nodded.

"We will accept your offer. After all, the last thing any of us need is for her to get discovered by the humans. If that ever happens, we will have to kill them whether we want to or not." Arden showed some apprehension about the thought of killing humans. Alice just rubbed his arm and smiled. "Our son will stay away. After all, he had heard that story, along with every werewolf in existence, so that's why he bit her. It wasn't out of hatred or anything. He knew the story of the first human and wolf and so instead of properly greeting her, he listened to his hormones. Those gosh darn hormones! Be glad you don't have to raise a wolf BEFORE puberty! I hear humans complain about it but they never had to deal with a teenaged wolf!" She giggled. Arden let out a small chuckle. "Luckily, he's finally growing out of it since he's twenty."

"Son, get out here NOW!" Arden ordered as he smelt his son's scent. Faye moved closer to Isaac knowing that he would protect her. She was rather nervous about seeing him. He came out from a close by building and walked over to his parents. "I just wanted to see her is all. I should be the one who helps her since I bit her, I should take responsibility!" He argued hoping his parents would allow him to. "NO! You cannot even comprehend what you have done wrong! You will take responsibility but your mother and I will deal with her, NOT you! You cannot control yourself, Tristan!" He growled.

"We really should get going." Alice smiled and then moved closer. "So what time should we be there?" She asked low enough for her son not to overhear.
Last edited by Rozen; 01-24-2016 at 12:16 PM.
Old Posted 01-24-2016, 12:06 PM Reply With Quote  

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