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Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #17  
Yuki grabbed the ice cube was and rather delighted when it actually cooled her off but it melted on her within a matter of minutes. She knew that she wouldn't be able to convince him that she was human so she just nodded at him. "I'm not human. My real name is Khione but honestly, that's really all I know about myself. My memory is completely gone for the times before I arrived here. I don't even know how long ago that even was. But I also know that I'm not allowed to interfere with a human's fate. Talking to you, saving you, I might get into trouble by someone, just don't know who really. But like I said, I really don't want to watch someone die knowing that I could have saved them." She explained. There really was no reason for her to keep denying that she wasn't human. He wasn't going to believe her anyway about it. "If you want to leave now, you can. I will stop the snow and I can take you where you need to go, as so long as it's somewhere on this mountain. She told him. Yuki didn't want to delay the inevitable any longer.
Old Posted 03-13-2016, 02:20 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #18   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
He just shrugs his shoulders and goes about making another tray full of ice cubes, taking the second tray out and handing it to her. "I see no reason to leave now, you seem pretty lonely after all. Besides, how do you know if I was supposed to die or not? I could have just hit a snow drift and ended up fine, if I little bruised and sore. You have no idea what the future has in store for a person, so how do you know if you're changing their fate? Unless someone comes out and tells you straight up that you're not supposed to do something I don't know how you're doing anything wrong." After placing the tray now filled with water he goes into the bedroom and grabs some pillows and blankets, setting them on the couch.

"Well, I would offer the couch to you, but that would probably be too warm for you, you might be better off sleeping on the kitchen floor because of the tile. That is if you do sleep..."

Old Posted 03-13-2016, 09:19 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
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She rubbed the ice cubes all over herself until one would melt, then she grabbed another. "I don't know really. But I think I will only get into trouble if you're being buried in snow or about to hit a tree and I save you, I think that's when I will get into trouble." She went on saying. Yuki really wished that she knew more about herself, and about her situation.

"I might actually sleep outside. It's just too warm for me to stay in here." Yuki said. "That's where I usually sleep anyway." She stared out of the window. "I have noticed that it's been getting warmer and warmer. I have never felt it before. If it gets too warm and all the snow melts, I'm afraid of what will happen to me. I don't know where I would go."
Old Posted 03-13-2016, 10:00 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #20   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
Laying down on the couch he puts his hands behind his head, thinking for a bit. Sitting up he looks at Yuki, "Can't you go further up the mountain where its colder? Or maybe a cave up that high? I know caves tend to get cold, but I haven't been on this mountain for long to know how cold the peak will get. But I have the feeling that would probably be your best bet if you don't want to melt. But if you've never experienced this kind of heat before that you can remember, I would think you hadn't been here for long. Or at least not this mountain or else you would probably remember feeling things getting warm because of the change in the seasons."

Yemon wonders why she doesn't remember the weather getting warmer, from his impressions she's been around for a while. But with her not having been through the weather getting warmer maybe she's been here less than a year and just doesn't remember?

Old Posted 03-13-2016, 11:52 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default   #21  
"Season changing? I don't really understand. But the mountain is always cold." She nodded. She then entered her mind where she began to think about the past. Thinking more about it, she felt like there were these gaps in her memory that she really didn't notice before. "I won't melt. Why would I melt?" She questioned him. Talking to him just brought up so many questions that she wished she could get answers for. The number one being who was she exactly. It was the question that was mostly popping out in her mind. That and this so called, changing of the seasons. What was that about? "I have been on this mountain for a long time. I know it!" Or was he correct in that? "I don't like talking to you. You're confusing me. "Oh wait, I think I know what's going on here, you're trying to confuse me! Why I don't know but you have some goal in mind don't you? You probably knew about me and only acted like you were in distress so I would save you! That's how you knew I wasn't human, because you have known all along! Whatever you're planning, I'm not falling for it!" She warned.
Old Posted 03-14-2016, 12:14 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #22   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
Sighing he shakes his head, "If I was planning to do something to you I wouldn't have let you trap me in a cabin. As it stands you have the power to kill me whenever you want if you can summon a blizzard. Secondly, I said melting because that's what you sweating was making me think of melting ice. Anyways, three are four seasons, Winter Spring, Summer and Autumn, each lasting roughly three months. Though with global warming Summer seems to be lasting longer and getting hotter than it used to be. And its getting towards the end of the season, so soon Winter will be ending. Winter is the coldest season, so the other seasons might be too hot for you. That's why I said something about going higher up in the mountain because it seems anything warmer than the current temperature really affects you, so it was out of concern for your well being. Honestly, you must really not get to talk to people much if you came to that kind of conclusion about me. All you have to do is walk out the door and I won't be able to follow you because of the blizzard, most humans would die in one after all." A bit annoyed for being accused for having bad intentions for no reason he lays back down on the couch and turns so that he's facing the back of the couch and his back is exposed to the rest of the room.

Old Posted 03-14-2016, 09:53 AM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
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Yuki listened very intrigue of this thing called seasons. She wondered what the other seasons were like. "Winter is ending? I-if Winter ends...do I end?" She tried hard to think about any time in the past where she felt the mountain getting hot but when she did, it just caused her to get a massive headache. "Not good, definitely not good!" She stated. "You're the first human, the first anything I really talked to." She told him. Sighing, she went to the door but a bunch of snow came falling in when she opened it. Using her powers to clear it out, she let him be and patted Kiba. "Do you know anything about me?" She asked as she stared at the wolf. All he did was yawn and licked her gently. "Yeah, didn't think so. If I disappear, I wonder if you will miss me. I don't want to disappear. I don't to melt away when this so called summer comes." She kiss Kiba and just laid down in the snow. Sh stopped sweating immediately once she became colder. "Am I really melting?" The thought frightened her.
Old Posted 03-14-2016, 05:20 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #24   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
"I don't know if you'll end, for all I know you could become something else entirely." He was trying to go to sleep, but her getting scared was unsettling to him, so he couldn't. Finally he gets up and looks at her, "Inside of worry about it why not just enjoy your life? We all must die eventually anyways. As long as its not an unnatural death just let it come when it does. That way the people who knew you and liked you can celebrate the life that you lead because it was what you wanted to do. Now get some sleep or whatever it is that you do since I don't even know if you need sleep." Cuddling back under the blanket and settles into the couch in order to sleep. The door being open quickly got him cold again though, even more so because it was night now. Eventually he gets up, moves the couch to a corner of the room where the wind from outside doesn't get to him, and then tries to sleep in that position, which is much better.

Old Posted 03-14-2016, 10:36 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
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Yuki petted Kiba and just laid beside him without sleeping until dawn finally came. She couldn't sleep as she thought about how she might possibly die soon and it scared her so much. She had never been so afraid before. Walking inside the cabin, she still had such a glum look on her face. "You don't understand, there's no one who knows me. No one will miss me. No one will care that I don't exist anymore." She sighed as she just stared at him. he was mostly talking to herself since she assumed that he was still asleep. "I only have Kiba. Yuki wondered around the cabin but nothing she did could get her to stop thinking about what Yemon told her.
Old Posted 03-14-2016, 10:55 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #26   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
Fortunately for Yuki, and unfortunately for Yemon, he's a light sleeper, grumbling a bit sleepily as he awakens. Stretching and yawn he tries to say something, but has to repeat himself because of the yawn, "Well Kiba will definitely miss you, if he's anything like the dogs or wolves that I've heard of. And even though we haven't known each other I would miss you some too. You're an interesting person to talk to and doesn't scorn my mere presence. Maybe we should become friends if you're worried that there will be no one to mourn you, at least then you wouldn't have to worry about that." Getting up he gathers the blanket and pillows back up and putts them back on the bed. Then he moves the couch back to where it was and begins making himself breakfast.

"You probably will want Kiba to get you something to eat, since food that's cold to me is still too warm for you to eat."

Old Posted 03-14-2016, 11:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
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Yuki just eyed Yemon cautiously. "We only just met, how can you miss a stranger? Besides, you will eventually forget about me. I much rather be alone, what's the point in having a friend anyone i I know I'm just going to end up in the back of your mind where I will stay an be forgotten. So I much rather you just go hoe, go where ever and forget about me. I appreciate the gesture." She told him. Her heart was shattered into millions of little pieces and just his simple gesture helped with a few of it. But one person wanting to be friends out of pity wasn't going to do much for her. She knew that it was just an empty gesture. "I will take you where ever you need to go, just let me know when you're ready to go." She yawned and rubbed her head. Looking outside, the sun was shining brightly, there were no evidence of the storm she created last night besides the extra foot of snow. "Don't worry, I won't make a blizzard." She assured him.
Old Posted 03-15-2016, 12:10 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #28   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
"I really wouldn't say we're strangers anymore since we did talk for a while and found out something about each other, so we're at least acquaintances if nothing else. And besides, you can't make friends if you hole yourself away for the rest of your life. Then your life will really mean nothing, or at least in my opinion." He finishes heating up some food, cleaning up after himself and then gathering his stuff. "I wasn't expecting you to keep me here against my will, you were more concerned about me doing something like that to you last night after all. I don't think you have a single mean bone in your body. Anyways, I'll try to keep an eye out for you and tell you stories of different things if you want, this way you can at least learn about humans if nothing else and it will help take your mind off of death."

Heading back towards the lodge he waves bye to Yuki, wondering why someone would just leave her alone like that, she was a nice girl after all. Nothing like any of the girls he met, they had either scorned him are were too fixated on how they looked and wore hardly anything in order to look 'pretty'. Thinking to himself he guesses maybe he likes modest beauty more than anything else. After a while he reaches the lodge, explaining to his boss that he got caught in the sudden blizzard and which cabin he ended up in so that someone could be sent out to clean it. For the time being though his boss wanted him to get some real food, do some general cleaning and then get some rest. As he drifts to sleep, he can't help but thing how its not right for Yuki to be all alone like that, even though he himself chose to be alone, but it didn't seem like she chose to herself.

Old Posted 03-15-2016, 01:00 AM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
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Yuki sighed as she watched him leave. She was alone yet again. A part of her really wished that he would have just ignored her and said, no I will stay with you, but alas, now she had to deal with the whole dying thing alone. She had no on who would miss her. Yemon wouldn't even know when exactly sh would have died. Going out, she went hunting with Kiba. She managed to get a rabbit and let the meat cool down before digging into it. After she got down eating it , she didn't know what to do now. She just played with Kiba like she often did whenever she was bored and lonely.
Old Posted 03-15-2016, 01:55 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #30   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
The next day Yemon was sent out to mark down paths that people can ski down on a map given to him. So he has some snow shoes on as he walks from path to path looking at all the routes, also taking notes on what areas need some maintaining or cleaning from people traveling up and down the slopes. All the while he keeps an eye out for Yuki, though not sure if he'd find her because of how pale she is normally, she could probably be sitting on top of the snow and he'd have a hard time spotting him. Either way, he's looking around for her as he goes, and also for Kiba since he might be easier to see.

Old Posted 03-15-2016, 03:42 PM Reply With Quote  
Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
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Yuki noticed Yemon was out walking, holding something in his hand. Kiba noticed him before she was able to call him back and he took off running towards Yemon. "Kiba!" She yelled in a whisper to maybe get him to come back but sh knew it was useless. She didn't understand why the dog was so keen on Yemon anyway, wasn't like they bonded or anything. Sighing, she went after the wolf and ultimately mt up with him. "Kiba wanted to see you." She told him as she cleared her throat. "What are you doing anyway?" She questioned as she walked closer to him. She would constantly take glances all around to make sure that no one would see her. "Since Kiba likes you for some reason, you can visit me whenever you're able. He's never far from me unless he's chasing an animal." She patted Kiba who was trying to get his attention by nuzzling up to him and what not and even licking him. His tongue was ice cold.
Old Posted 03-15-2016, 04:17 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #32   ml1201 ml1201 is offline
It's over 9000!
Yemon is a bit surprised to see Kiba some running towards him, even more surprised when he has Kiba trying to get attention from him. He can't help but smile at Kiba's antics and begins scratching him behind the ears, "You're lucky no one else is seeing this, they probably would have thought I was in trouble or something." Then he notices Yuki as she also approaches, "I was actually hoping to see you again, I did promise to tell you stories about humans and explain things to you so you know more about humans. As for what I'm doing, since I'm planning on becoming an instructor for beginners I need to know the courses, what ones shouldn't be run because of conditions, and what ones different levels of skiers can do. I have to know these things before I can advance into a better paying job." Holding up the map he shows her the notes he's been taking and how some of the slopes were affected by the blizzard she made yesterday. Then a thought crosses his mind, "Yuki, do you know how to read or write?"

Old Posted 03-17-2016, 10:28 AM Reply With Quote  

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