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Liethell Liethell is offline
Default   #33  
"Well, Vincent, I'm half a human, and my friend is half a demon, for lack of a better name for him. Together, we're one creature. It's complicated stuff, magic is." He sits back and crosses his legs. "My name is Liethell, and my friend's name is Ganymeade. He isn't here right now, I'm afraid he's not exactly the prettiest thing, and people don't react well to large, frightening monsters and cross-dressers in the same room." He giggles a little. It sounds masculine, and strange coming from someone so feminine. He strokes his own hair out and begins to braid it as he speaks. "He's considered a 'demon'. Really, he has no affiliation with hell or Satan though, it's just the only word we can call a purely magical creature like him. He looks like a very ugly dog-lizard, if you're going for an image, but don't tell him I said that." He snickers to himself, "But we're bonded. We've fused ourselves into one essence, and from that, we share powers and a very, very long lifespan.

"I'd like to point out that you are most likely not the same kind of magic user I am. Whatever your magic is, it probably comes from somewhere else. If you like," He starts to lean towards Vincent with a sultry smile, and his voice starts to sound deeper, smokey and husky, "I could teach you."
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Old Posted 12-08-2013, 12:05 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #34   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Vincent looks confused. Mainly because....what was he before they were one? Or have they always been one? He doesn't ask this...mainly because it doesn't really matter. Not at this point at least. "I don't think that second half affects the reaction much if it all." Cross-dressers don't bother him beyond a possible double take to make sure. The large demon thing probably would though. He starts to try and image that dog lizard, and he tilts his head. Yeah, none of those look right to him and he just shakes his head a bit. "Question....are there actually demons like how people think of demons?" Like hell and Satan. He has no clue. And he's curious. "What does Ganymeade get out of this?" He assumes the demon isn't doing it to just be nice, though maybe it wasn't a choice either. He wouldn't know.

"How many kinds are there?" Sad thing is, he's thinking of video game mages and the like. He leans back, starting to wonder if almost everything is sex with this person, but he isn't forcing himself on Vincent. That's always a plus. "What would you want in exchange?" He has a feeling. Just a little one, of what he'd want possibly.
Old Posted 12-08-2013, 01:30 PM Reply With Quote  
Liethell Liethell is offline
Default   #35  
Liet laughs at his comment, "Obviously, you've never cross dressed Vincent. Come to me after spending a day in full drag and tell me what kind of treatment you get." He grins, and he listens to his questions with the same sort of bemusement.

"Well, Vincent, I suppose that depends on whether you believe in a hell to begin with." He shrugs and smiles. "Demons exist, in a way, but whether they come from hell or not depends on your perspective of them. Most demons would never say they come from hell at all. As for what Ganymeade gets out of this..." He bites his lip, and his eyes seem to train themselves on one of the floating stars in the room. "That's a personal question, Vincent. I don't think it's up to me to tell you that, even if I wanted to. I can assure you he is not malicious in the way we normally think of demons. He's not doing this simply because he'll gain something from it. Demons are just as complex and as emotional as we are--and just like us, there are numberless kinds of demons. They have powers that correspond with different elements, but even then, there's so much overlap. and for your last question..." He sighs and leans back, his head turns and he leaves his hair un-braided.

"Of course, I get powers and an extended lifespan. Technically, I'm a lot harder to kill. But you have to realize Vincent, there's more than that. Despite common belief, magical creatures feel compassion..." He sighs, as if saddened, and begins to braid his hair once more.

"None of what I am and how I came to be means anything to you, obviously. you're a different kind of magical being. A human born with his very own magical reserves. I know men and women who would quite literally murder to be in your position. Wherever you draw your magic from, you draw it on your own. It's a special form of magic. You should treasure your abilities, and more importantly, I believe you ought to find someone to teach you how to use them. It'd be a shame to let that go to waste..."
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Old Posted 12-08-2013, 07:40 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #36   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
"Well...if someone wants to dress in drag....that's their business really. They can do their thing and I can do mine." Vincent shrugs a bit. He tries not to judge people too much...especially since he doesn't know why they're doing it. He can't always keep from judging a bit. Like judging Liethell's fasion choice in sparkles...but that doesn't effect anything...but considering the light and all, the choice matches. "And I don't think drag would cause fear like a giant monster..." Though people may take it as a threat to their masculinity or something.

He shrugs a bit-he really has no thought on whether hell exists or not. If it does, he's not partially to burning for all eternity. "That's fine." He says when the other answers his question...or not really. It isn't a question that just involves the other so that's understandable. "I only ask because most people do things to gain other things be those things physical or not." Some people do things just so they won't be alone, for companionship, others do it to gain material things. Very rarely will someone do something just to be nice, in his opinion at least.

"Well, why wouldn't they have feelings like that? Just because they're magically doesn't make them soulless." That's the best way he can think of to voice what he's thinking-that they're people...and even if people try to look off all emotions, they'll still get out once in awhile. And even if he believed in demons in the traditional sense, the Christian sense, he would have to believe they have feelings and the like...otherwise they would have never rebelled.

He pales a bit at Liethell's words. He does not like the sound of that at all....especially when this magic has caused some bad things to happen. No one is dead, but still...bad things. Maybe that's why his parents gave him up as a child. "And who would be able to teach me?" He has to ask.

(Note: He does not know if his parents are alive/dead...were alive/dead when he ended up in the orphanage...his memories are blurry.)
Old Posted 12-08-2013, 08:08 PM Reply With Quote  
Liethell Liethell is offline
Default   #37  
He listens to his other statements and lets them go. He finds flaws with them, but for now, what matters most is Vincent's safety. What he needs is a mentor. He wouldn't last a night in the underbelly of a city like this, and the people who walk about in the day would not take too kindly to him either, if he couldn't control his magic.
"I would take you on. There are many better than me, but the familia comes first. As far as I see, though, you are part of the familia. The magical one." He smiles and folds his hands in his lap, sitting back. "It will change your life. You will commit crimes. You might get mixed up with drugs. You might not ever be a part of the normal populace. But if you don't find someone to help you, your powers may grow out of control. They may hurt more people. They may hurt you. I want you to weigh out the consequences before you tell me you truly want a mentor. This isn't a light decision..."

(duly noted! I'm pretty sure Liethell wouldn't know of his parents either...)
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Old Posted 12-08-2013, 08:23 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #38   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Vincent, after any time his magic would act on its own, he would isolate himself for awhile, afraid that it would happen again, maybe hurt someone severely which he definitely doesn't want. And part of it was due to guilt. He looks at the other, tilting his head a bit as he talks. It's obvious that he doesn't like the idea of commiting crimes or anything to do with drugs. Though truth be told, he did think of turning to them to see if they'd help at all. Last chance type of thing...obviously he hasn't done that one yet. He seems, if his face is any clue, to dislike the idea of hurting other people more. He seems torn. He doesn't want the crime or drug thing....but he doesn't want anyone to get hurt because of him either. It feels like a lose-lose situation either way.

(I'm just saying because he thinks they abandoned him whereas they might have been killed or whatever)
Old Posted 12-08-2013, 08:38 PM Reply With Quote  
Liethell Liethell is offline
Default   #39  
"It's a hard decision." He repeats. He reaches up and digs in his chest--in his bra, really, but why would he need a bra?!--and pulls out a hair tie. He finishes off his braid with the tie and folds his hands in his lap. "If you need, I'll give you time to think it over while I see the rest of the people out there. There's no pressure to make the decision now."
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Old Posted 12-08-2013, 08:56 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #40   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Vincent can't help but look at him, just blinking, before shaking his head. He's met plenty of women who use that are for storage as well...so why shouldn't Liethell? "Yeah...I...I need time to think." He says, running his fingers through his hair. He doesn't know if he wants to be a part of that. It would be nice to control his power, at least enough to keep himself from hurting others if nothing else.
Old Posted 12-08-2013, 09:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Liethell Liethell is offline
Default   #41  
"I'd rather you wait outside. Some people come here with some personal stuff...For their privacy, I think it'd be best to wait there. I'm sorry I can't keep you anywhere warmer." He stands up. He's not particularly tall, only about five foot eight, but he seems longer because of his hair and what he wears. He reaches out to take his hand. "If you decide not to come back, then it was a pleasure meeting you, Vincent." He leans forward--and kisses the back of his hand. He offers him a gentle smile as he straightens himself again.
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Old Posted 12-08-2013, 09:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #42   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
"I understand that." Vincent says softly. He wouldn't have wanted anyone listening to their conversation, so why should he get a chance, if he were to take it, to listen in to other people? He stands up-he doesn't like the cold mind, be he can deal with it. He squeaks, without realizing it, and blushes lightly at his action. "Yeah...nice metting you too." He says, before kind of scuttling away to the outside.
Old Posted 12-08-2013, 09:35 PM Reply With Quote  
Liethell Liethell is offline
Default   #43  
Liet watches him trot off with a smile on his face. He meets the crowd in the cold once again, and the grumpy teenager purposefully runs into him with her shoulder as she marches inside. A few are watching Vincent in expectation. The last few people had such colourful reactions, will he be the same..?
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Old Posted 12-08-2013, 10:32 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #44   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Vincent stumbles a bit as she runs into him and all, but says nothing. If he was going through withdrawal, he would probably be in a bit of a rush to get rid of that as well. He just looks at the others watching him before padding off a bit. It's a bit creepy to have people watching him. It makes him nervous and all. And he has plenty to think about without being twitchy. "He'll help you if you're willing to take what he says?" He sounds uncertian, but only because he gets nervous when people are watching him, expecting something.
Old Posted 12-08-2013, 10:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Liethell Liethell is offline
Default   #45  
His response seems enough to satiate the restless crowd. The line has shrunk since he was last out. It seems a few more are giving up on this doctor-demon-witch. A family of one mother and three children begins to make their way out. There's quiet murmuring among them.

It takes a short time for the teenager to come out. She's just as sulky as before, but she hands him his coat with more gentleness than before. "I'm sorry about being rude earlier." She mumbles, and then she runs off. He's left alone again, to watch the line as it graudally shortens...
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Old Posted 12-08-2013, 11:06 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #46   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Vincent sighs a bit, relieved as the group/crowd goes back to being in their ling and all. He just watches the people, wishing that they'd stay to some extent. He's sure Liethell would help them as long as it's within his/Ganymeade's power. At least, he hopes so.

"It's alright....he helped you, right?" He can't help but ask. "And are you sure you don't need it?" By that time she's already run off, but he had to try. He can get another coat, but if she freezes to death, she can't get another life. He put the coat back on and sits down, curling up a bit as he thinks. There really is no good option it seems...and he's not sure which is the better option.
Old Posted 12-08-2013, 11:18 PM Reply With Quote  
Liethell Liethell is offline
Default   #47  
The night becomes more and more quiet as the line shortens. Liet makes short work of the remainder of the crowd. In about an hour and a half, Vincent is alone with an exhausted-looking doorman. He's brushing off his suit, and he glances Vincent's way. "Do you need to see the doc again? Do you need a place to stay? It might snow tonight, I wouldn't stay out here long..."
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Old Posted 12-08-2013, 11:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #48   Yokuutsu Yokuutsu is offline
Mother Ship
Vincent feels kind of sick actually, but he knows why. It's because of the decision he needs to make. It's that important that the pressure is making him feel physically sick for once. "Um....yes....I do need to see him again..." He's not that sure on his decision, but he also knows that no matter which one he chooses, well, he'd feel the same way. So he's picked the one that could end up happily, even if it isn't likely, in his mind.
Old Posted 12-08-2013, 11:36 PM Reply With Quote  

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