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Mekatra Mekatra is offline
Default   #65  
Joane pointed to the chest. "There should be some decent clothes at the bottom of the chest. We're dining with Her Majesty, not His Majesty," she corrected him and looked in her wardrobe with a little frown. "She just wants to discuss your... family connections. She thinks if the two of you are to be related then you'll need to have a closer relationship than your current one, which is of course having never met."

Joane eventually tugged a green gown from the wardrobe and sighed at it. "She expected me in a gown and jewels, mostly because she knows it bothers me. There should be an embroidered tunic and breeches in the bottom of the trunk. Eventually you'll have to get jewelry befitting your new station, but I dont' have any that would suit you."
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-29-2017, 11:44 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #66   Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
"Oh" He said and went to the trunk and started rifling through to the bottom and pulling out said tunic and breeches from inside. He unfolded them and saw the fancy embroidery on the tunic and scrunched his nose. It wasn't really his cuppa tea but he shrugged. "I need an um....hole in the breeches. For my tail. "he frowned. "And some without holes for any daytime events when I"m not a cat boy," he added.

He pulled the clothes he had on, off and pulled the shirt on. It fit pretty well. It at least didn't hang on him like it would have two weeks ago. He carefully used a knive to add a tail hole for his tail in the breeches and then fed his tail through the hole before stepping into them. "There how do I look?" he asked.
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 11-29-2017, 11:57 PM Reply With Quote  
Mekatra Mekatra is offline
Default   #67  
"We'll have to talk to my seamstress to see if she can make you some clothes. If not, she'll be able to suggest someone that can." She disappeared into a side room and came back several minutes later with the gown on. "Will you help me? There are laces up the back of this gown... Normally I would have a maid help me, but this invitation came too late for me to ask one of them to come by." She turned her back to him so he could tug the laces snug.

"You look fine. I'm sure she'll approve." Once they were both dressed she headed down the hallway. "I know you don't have a whole lot of etiquette training, but I assume that you've enough sense to not eat like an animal in front of the queen?" She quirked an eyebrow in amusement.

Her Majesty Elizaveta was waiting for them in a small private dining room. "Ah, Lady Joane... and my dear cousin. I have such an extended family, I'm afraid you will have to remind me of your name?" She held her hand out to him.
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 12:33 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #68   Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Once approaching the Queen he bowed and took her hand and kissed it as he bent at the waist. "Majesty," he said. "I am Trevor. Please to make your acquaintance officially," he said. He then rose slowly, pouring on the charm. "I want to thank you for inviting us to your dinner." he continued. He then stood by and let the Queen and Joane talk as he listened.
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 01:02 AM Reply With Quote  
Mekatra Mekatra is offline
Default   #69  
The Queen smiled politely and seated herself at the table. They went through the usual small talk of how everyone's day had been and the upcoming events, what was happening at the playhouse, and other minute amusements. Eventually, when the first course of tiny pastry birds swimming in some kind of fish flavored broth arrived, Elizaveta turned her attention to Trevor. "I trust that Joane has been working hard to train you in proper court etiquette? We will have to basically present you at court so people will know who you are. Traditionally we wouldn't exactly do a debut for a male, especially one of your age, but there will be rumors, best to put them to rest quickly. At my birthday ball I shall announce you as my cousin. Find yourself a young lady to escort... unless your preferences sway the other direction. Then find yourself someone to have on your arm. Choose wisely, regardless, this could be a political move for you. "
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 05:59 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #70   Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Trevor sat through the dinner as quiet as he could get away with. His ears would twitch as the ladies talked about the weather, and upcoming events and the like. He wasn't exactly used to froo froo food such as what was served, but he did his best to stomach it for the Queens' sake. When she turned to him, to talk about her birthday and being formally announced as her cousin and brought to the court he nodded. The part he was surprised about, was bringing someone with him.

"The only Lady I know is Joane," he said gesturing to her."I've been too busy really to notice or talk to anyone else. Would she do?" he asked. "I don't have to be betrothed too, do I? I never thought of being married to anyone," he admitted.
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 06:09 PM Reply With Quote  
Mekatra Mekatra is offline
Default   #71  
The Queen actually laughed at his admission of never thinking about marriage. "No, I suppose you haven't been vetted and trained from birth. Much like our dear Joane here, you've had many other things to worry about in your youth. No, you aren't landed as of yet, and you don't really have any titles or possessions to pass on, so marriage and heirs are hardly in your scope of concerns. It is just best for you to have someone on your arm for... well for moral support and because it makes you look more personable. I take it that you haven't bothered socializing much yet, then? I know there are many that are curious about you."

Joane narrowed her eyes when he asked if she would do. "How do you know that I don't already have an escort to her majesty's birthday? I have more going on in my life than just training you, you know."
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 06:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #72   Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Trevor was relieved that he didn't have to be married right away. He couldn't see him worrying about a wife and kids as well as being an assassin. "That is a welcome relief. I am definitely not ready to get married yet," he said. He shook his head and looked sheepish. "I'm sorry I've really not got around to talking to many others. Especially not other ladies," he said his ears drooping a little. "When is your birthday exactly? Maybe I have some time to find a lady to escort to it. Since Joane seems to have her escort already."
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 06:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Mekatra Mekatra is offline
Default   #73  
Joane hummed as she thought about a good escort for him. "We will find someone. Be careful about who you socialize with, however, you don't want to seem like you're flirting too much with any young women that are betrothed or already married." She warned him and chuckled.

The Queen shook her head slightly. "No, that woudn't do, but I believe I have a lady-in-waiting that might be a good candidate for you to escort." AS the second course, some sort of beans with a pungently spiced sauce and roasted duck, arrived she nodded approvingly. "It's mostly important that we find someone that will... well to be honest, shield you from too much scrutiny."
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 08:57 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #74   Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Trevor sat there with his insides all squirming around. He didn't know if it was the food or the fact that they were trying to find some single lady for him to escort. He stared at the second course and was wondering exactly how many courses where there and where he was gonna put all this food. He sighed and stared at his plate for a while. "I'm sure your judgment would be the best, Your Majesty. I shall escort whomever you seem to be fitting for me." he looked up and tried to smile pleasently.
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 09:09 PM Reply With Quote  
Mekatra Mekatra is offline
Default   #75  
"You don't have to eat it all," one of the servants murmured softly to him as they refilled his glass. "Just a few bites of each dish."

Joane overheard the servant and chuckled. "Your majesty, your love of the strange and delightful foods leaves many with an aching stomach. You wont' take offense if we both eat a little more modestly than you, correct?"

The queen waved it off. "I am not my sister. I know that not everyone has my tastes and woulnd't expect you to live up to them."
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 09:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #76   Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Trevor sighed with relief. "Thank you. Not that this stuff is interesting, I honestly couldn't eat it all." he said. Now that he was no longer concerned with eating the entierty of each dish, he was able to concentrate more on the conversation.

"How soon can I meet this lady you speak of. I think me getting to know her as soon as possible would be best, so she knows of me before I escort her to your party."
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 09:37 PM Reply With Quote  
Mekatra Mekatra is offline
Default   #77  
The queen giggled at his relief. "You can relax, dear cousin, this is an informal occasion."

Joane scowled. "If it is so informal why did I have to wear a gown?"

"Because your queen asked it of you, and that color is lovely on you. Trevor, you can meet her tomorrow if you please." She smiled again and then grinned as they placed the third course, a pie stuffed with eels, on the table.
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 11:03 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #78   Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
Trevor chuckled when he saw how displeased Joane was, to be wearing a dress. "Oh yes, that shade just brings out your eyes!" he said batting his lashes adorably. When the smell of the eel pie came under his nose, his ears perked and his tail swished happily. Even though it seemed very stereotypical for a cat to like fish, he actually LOVED all manners of seafood. Eel was something different to him though, but the overall smell was similar.

He picked up his fork and digging into the pie and savoring the flavor. When he saw both the Queen and Joane staring at him he cleared his throat and sat back and resumed eating in a less eager manner. "Sorry, I just really love fish," he said giving a half sided grin.
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 11:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Mekatra Mekatra is offline
Default   #79  
Elizaveta took the moment to clear her throat. "How did you come to... become a cat? Was it something that happened at birth or did you end up this way through magic?" She had been waiting for him to broach the subject, not wanting to appear rude.

Joane realized she hadn't actually heard this story before and put her chin in her hands. She was content to leave the eel pie to the two of them, never having been a fan of eels. "I'm more interested in if you chase mice."
Answer my riddle to earn a prize!

You'll always feel it, but can never see it. It's strong but shatters easily. You can give it away but never hold it. What is it?

Pm me the answer, no cheating please!
Old Posted 11-30-2017, 11:42 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #80   Crystalkitsune85 Crystalkitsune85 is offline
Mercury Poisoning!
He gave Joane a 'look' at her comment about chasing mice. "I was told I was cursed ever since I was young. I don't know who it was or why. I don't have any real memories of being anything but a cat-person at sundown. I've gotten used to it to the best of my ability." he said with a shrug. "Though being as I am, I was called a freak and practically shunned. That's why my life has consisted of me being on the street and doing my best to survive. Had I known that I was related to someone such as you, I may of had a better life at a younger age."
"Smile, let the world wonder what you're up to."
Old Posted 12-01-2017, 12:01 AM Reply With Quote  

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