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Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Default Once friends now lost- Neirra & Rose [Possibly M]   #1  
This grand tale takes place in a not so distant land where humans along with many other races live in coexistence.This however did not mean that times were peaceful, there were treaties and pacts that kept wars at bay but they were held together by thin wires. It seemed at a drop of a pin war could be unleashed across the lands ripping such ties and promising of peace asunder. Two young souls were dragged into the middle of such a conflict after the ruler of the light elves was slain in cold blood. This act caused both of the elven kingdoms to lash at one another's throats, to begin a what seemed to be endless war of carnage and bloodshed.

But in the mean time, our tale begins a bit before all of this happened. During a time where peace was not so much of a lost forgotten dream to never be within grasp. Our tale begins here in the lands of the light, ruled by the fair and just king who welcomed all with open arms.

[Possibly M to allow the story to turn how ever the players see fit, also allowing blood gore and other forms of violence little kiddies shouldn't be reading about... as well as suggestive themes - there's your warning. ;3}

Character Sheet:
Played By: Rose
Name: Rhyldrin Velg'larn (commonly known as Rhyl for short)
Race: Dark elf (Drow if you prefer)
Gender: Male
Equipment: Two swords, two daggers, and belt pouch (holding various odds and ends most being useful in some for or another, like herbs as a example)
Appearance: Slightly built, stands around 6'2 holding true to his kind's coal colored skin. His eyes are a blood red though the color varies depending on his mood getting darker as his temper builds. His hair is silvery white in color and stays in a sort of choppy cut fashion, not being over long but not really being short either.
Wardrobe: Light chain-mail with a black tunic over top of it. Leather wrist guards and shoulder covering over his right shoulder. This is accompanied by a leather strap that holds one of the swords to his back and then a belt that holds the second sword's sheath. His pants are simple in style and tend to be black or another dark color.
Mini Bio: (Will be covered in the story but I'll update as it progresses.)
Last edited by Rosekitten; 08-24-2011 at 04:42 PM.
Old Posted 08-24-2011, 11:31 AM  
Default   #2   gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot

Character Sheet:

Played By: Neirra
Name: Judith Eupraxia
Race: Light Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Equipment: A bow is strapped to her back along with some arrows that she crafted herself. Strapped on her inner right thigh is a dagger for close up conflict. She prefers to attack from afar, afraid that bigger enemies would easily take her down.
Appearance: She's rather short standing at 5'2, she's very petite, her body is fragile. Maroon red hair goes down to her bottom, her bangs are short and messy. She looks at the world with snow white eyes, she is very fair.
Wardrobe: I will edit this later.
Mini Bio: I will edit this later.

Played By: Neirra
Name: Brishen Eupraxia
Race: Light Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Equipment: He carries a sword that hangs from his right side, he will also at times have his own bow and arrows. A dagger is strapped to his left thigh.
Appearance: He's the tallest that a Light Elf can get probably, he stands at 5'5 and has an average weight for his height. He has short, messy, red hair and fair skin. His eyes are snow white, he resembles his sister completely aside from their personalities.
Wardrobe: I will edit this later.
Mini Bio: I will edit this later.
Last edited by gremlin; 08-29-2011 at 05:28 PM.
Old Posted 08-24-2011, 12:10 PM  
Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Default   #3  
Even though the talk of peace was still heavy in the air there were still small conflicts between the different races of the land. Some thinking they were superior to the other, while others despised the thought of peace to it's very core. The light and dark elves being two of these races thinking just along such lines, Light's thinking that they were the chosen race of the goddess while the Dark believed that peace was unnecessary believing the underworld goddess they prayed to would one day rein over the the world. This story begins here with a minor conflict between these very two races...

"Get back here!" A sudden shout could be heard across the field that boarded the forest and the entrance to the pathways that later lead into the caverns that housed many of the Dark elf clans. Even with peace between the two elven races it was very uncommon for the two to see eye to eye. The sudden cry had been from a small group of light elves that seemed to be young teenagers, from the looks of things they were chasing a sole dark elf that had ventured too far from the forests edge.

'need... to keep running' He thought to himself before looking forward and nearly freezing at the sight, his ears dropped suddenly before he quickly changed his course of action and dove behind a boulder next to the open pathway. It was leading into the Light elf's main city, he knew that in truth he never meant to get this far but with being chased and the idea he couldn't take on three opponents at the same time... it had driven him a bit further from his forest edge then he wanted to be.

He sat there a few moments he looked to be at least 12 himself though he was almost the same height as the boys chasing him that meant little in a three against one and he was unarmed having dropped his dagger somewhere near the forest when he was startled by the three. Catching his breath he looked from behind the boulder to see he seemed to confuse the three after him for the moment, though he couldn't count his luck yet if any of the guards from the city saw him.

"Today's not my day... " He said under his breath before leaning back against the rock and closing his eyes for a moment, he hardly had the energy to keep doing this he cursed himself for not listening to his mother and staying where the protective lines were. Though his moments of resting were soon cut short as he heard footsteps drawing closer and closer to his location. To avoid from getting cornered against this rock he bolted again from behind it and only glanced once to make sure he had a purpose for running.

It was the three light elves once again as they started chasing him yelling at the top of their lungs for him to stop and get it over it. He needed to just get back to the forest, he had a advantage in the darkness. His kind could see fairly well in the dark but the light elves couldn't at least there he could hide and get the hell out of this mess.

Though this time around his run was short lived as he found a pop hole in the field and quickly met the ground almost with his face though he stopped himself short. He was about to right himself but was stopped as a foot met the middle of his back keeping him pinned to the ground. "Get off!" he snapped at them, not that it'd do any good even if anyone was around it'd be his luck it'd be a light elf and they'd not bother to stop this.

The boys just laughed at his attempts to try and get off of the ground though the one did let him get up after a few moments but he was quickly forced back to the ground by one of the other two. "You should have stayed where you belong" The leader of the three spit out towards him as the other two held him with his back against the ground. The boy pulled out a small dagger and quickly made a cut going from right eye down to mouth. Though they didn't know this strike would be the last they would get on him.

The fresh wound on his face stung as blood got in his eye, though he was lucky more damage wasn't done in the process as he forced himself free of the two holding him down. Punching one in the face and quickly moving to strike the other in his temple. After he was free of the two he grabbed for the dagger striking the leader's wrist in the process of he dropped the blade. Grabbing it he bolted from the group of boys before they recovered and figured out what had happened.

It was a good ten or fifteen minutes later when he stopped running, finding a tree rather dangerously close to the city's wall as he hide behind it praying he was out of site. He panted heavily but tried to keep the noise he made to a minimal as he recovered. His face stung and he needed to get back to where he knew he'd be safe... or at least safer then he was here. Why had he bothered coming out here anyway he had wanted to prove that not all of them were the same, just because his father was killed by Light elves he wanted to prove that they weren't all like that ... but he saw he was poorly mistaken, if he hadn't of gotten away who knows how far the three would have gone.
Old Posted 08-24-2011, 05:14 PM  
Default   #4   gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot

( blah, not as good as your post. D: )

The forest was dark, but unlike the others Judith was not afraid of the dark. Other children feared the forest, they believed it to be full of evil Dark Elves. She choose not to believe the tales. Maybe because deep down inside she knew that they weren't all evil. Judith chose to see the good in everyone. Despite what others said. Deep inside of the forest was fresh water, herbs and plenty of other natural resources that her people needed. Even though she was only ten, Judith would often venture in to the dark of the forest alone. No matter how many times the elders scolded her and tried to fill her brain up with horrible stories about Dark Elves, she still went. Inside of the forest she could be herself, there she felt at peace. She wasn't afraid, she felt invincible.

When everyone was preparing for a festival later in the night, Judith slipped out her guarded home, being very small she could easily slip in and out without being noticed. Except for the occasional time when she was caught quietly crawling in to bed after her adventures. Though even when her parents did scold her and threatened to lock her in her room, they never did. Maybe they didn't mind it deep down inside.

Judith ran her hand along an old tree, wondering to herself how old it might be. How odd that something could be so old but could be so strong. She wanted to be like a tree when she grew old. She stood on the tree's massive roots, on her tippytoes. Judith pressed her ear against the cold bark, wanting to listen to the tree. When it didn't speak she was disappointed. Why did the trees speak to others but not her? An abrupt noise caught her attention. Snow white eyes scanned the forest that surrounded her. Who was there? Or what? She walked along the roots, wondering if she should investigate, she leaped down to the ground. Why not?

"Hello?" she squeaked, her voice was quiet. Judith walked quietly towards where she had heard the noise. She stopped immediately as she saw a dark figure. Her heart pounded in her chest, she suddenly felt nervous. Then she saw that he was bleeding. Judith had never seen blood before. She pushed her body forward to approach the wounded stranger. She twirled a strand of dark hair around her finger as she stood a few feet away from him. "Do you need help?" she asked sweetly.

Old Posted 08-24-2011, 06:00 PM  
Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Default   #5  
((Your post was fine ^^ i liked it really))

Even with his eyes closed he had a hand gripped on the daggers hilt ready to strike if he felt he had to. Though starting something this close to the town's walls wasn't in his best interest. He started to bolt again after he noticed the person was approaching closer though he hardly had the energy to move just let. If it came to it then he had the energy to strike and tat would be about it. For now he stayed silent thinking maybe the person would shrug it off and walk away, though he was hardly that lucky.

As the girl spoke he opened his left eye and looked at her showing no sign of fear or pain, he had no room to show her a light elf any sign of weakness. Though he did have the odd thought that damn this girl was short he was at least a few good inches taller then she was. Even with her quiet talking he feared she'd draw the attention of the guards that walked the area. He never answered her hello though she walked forward a little more and seemed to take notice of the slash he had gotten not too long ago.

"Tsk.. Not from you I don't" He hissed out at her keeping his voice down trying to make sure she was the only one who noticed him. If any of the guards found him that'd probably be it even with the peace papers the two races hardly liked one another. By this time he had managed to regain his breath so he was ready to bolt away from this odd girl trying to be nice and talk to him. Standing he seemed to ignore her further as he checked the cut on his face before opening his other eye again. Aside from it still bleeding a little he seemed to be in good enough health, though that didn't mean he trusted her at all even being shorter then he was.
Old Posted 08-24-2011, 08:22 PM  
Default   #6   gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot

( T-thank you o wo;; <3 I always worry that I'm not good enough! )

Judith didn't expect him to react kindly to her. She remained silent for a few moments wondering if she should leave, but then curiosity got the best of her as she examined his wound from afar. "Did Light Elves do this to you?" she asked, her face seemed stricken with sorrow. The thought of her people treating another so poorly due to their differences made her feel sick. How could people be so cruel? How could anyone hate another so much? She didn't understand.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. She felt ashamed. "I'm sorry that they did that to you." her eyes fell from him to his feet. "We're not all like that, believe it or not."

Judith looked up at him, he seemed tense. "Are you afraid of the guards?" she asked and tilted her head to the side like a curious animal. "They tend to stray from the forest. Their heads have been filled up with so many stories and they believe them." she smiled at him. "They may see me with you, but I don't mind." she cautiously stepped closer to him. She slipped her hand in to her dresses pocket and took out a cloth. "Here," she brought her shaking hand up to his face, she was nervous. "You need to put pressure on it, to stop the bleeding." she pressed the cloth gently against his wound.

Old Posted 08-25-2011, 11:08 AM  
Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Default   #7  
Hearing her question he didn't feel he needed to answer her, wasn't it obvious? Why did she care, the way she acted this girl really did seem to care? What was going on, there had to be something up with this. "Tsk..." He spit out towards her comment of sorry, he didn't want her pity. If he had the dagger from the start of the fight the light elves would have been worse off then he was at the moment.

"I Don't care if you and your people are or not all alike!" He had raised his voice a little as he spoke though he quickly regained himself knowing here wasn't the place to test his bounds. He crossed his arms and stood there feeling almost cornered by this girl she didn't seem to back off at all even with him being one of her known enemies or at least of her people.

He shot her a quick glare before looking away from her at her questioning what he was scared of. "As if, there's worse things in the forest then your guards that are so high of themselves." He seemed cross with her question keeping his arms crossed, though his one hand still held that dagger even though he had it hidden for the moment. He was almost insulted she thought such a thing was all of her kind so damn full of themselves? Sure he couldn't beat a guard one on one, experience alone would be his downfall not to mention the armor they wore, but that didn't mean he had to say he was scared of them.

He was still not looking at her, his guard seemed down though he was still a bit worn out from the chase earlier and he was hardly fully trained to be alert like most of his kind. "phh..." He heard her comment about being seen together but he didn't care really if any of his clan saw her they'd probably kill her on he spot if not worse. "Tsk, it'll be fine I've ha- ..." He seemed to shut up feeling her press the cloth against the wound, admittingly he had flinched at the touch expecting it to be a cheap trick or something with being taught that trusting the light elves was against the teachings of the goddess.

He seemed to have no idea what to do with this though after he manged to regain himself he quickly raised a hand and slapped hers away from his face stepping back in the process. "What are you doing? I.. I never asked you to help me, I don't need it anyway." He seemed almost at a loss of how to react to her let alone how she was behaving.
Old Posted 08-25-2011, 01:48 PM  
Default   #8   gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot

( sorry this was a bit short * A* )

Judith flinched when he hit her, no one had ever hit her before. Except for her brother, he would pin her down and hurt her whenever he heard that she had been in the forest. She clenched the cloth in her hand, for a moment she felt angry but she wouldn't allow herself to misunderstand him. It probably wasn't easy to trust her, he was probably being stubborn and didn't want a Light Elf to help him. Judith wondered if other Dark Elves would taunt him for it. Her being a Light Elf and him being a Dark Elf. She knew about their hatred for each other. Her parents didn't like Dark Elves, they would speak badly of them quite a bit. Whenever she spoke up to defend them, her parents would laugh. They would pat her on the head and say you're too young to understand, you're still naive. She wouldn't speak, but she would always want to say no you're too stubborn, you can't bring yourself to see the good in people if they aren't like you. Her mother was hit her if she ever spoke back. Her father would be disappointed.

"Well, I was helping you." she answered. "I know that you didn't ask for my help, you probably won't accept it because I'm not like you." she bit her lower lip nervously, afraid that she could offend him. "You need help, you just refuse to accept it from me." she smiled weakly. Judith nervously played with the cloth, then slipped it back in to her dresses pocket. "What is your name?" she asked politely. Judith's big white eyes looked in to his.

Old Posted 08-25-2011, 05:51 PM  
Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Default   #9  
(silly your fine ^^ thats far from short trust me)

The words she spit out so suddenly made him notice that he was being stubborn, hell he had come out all this way to prove they weren't all the same and here he was acting just like the rest of his kind. His parent's would be furious if they knew he was talking with a light elf not bothering to kill her on the spot.. not that it mattered both of his parents were dead anyway. He didn't really even hit her that hard when he had forced her hand away from him but after what had just happened he hardly felt it was fair to expect him to just trust her word for something.

Though after a few moments he sighed his ears dropping slightly from the previous attentive position as he moved back another step or two and sat down at the base of the tree once again. Not like he could force her to go away it seemed, not without hurting her and that was hardly what he wanted to do... she hadn't given him reason to really hat her, yet anyway. He seemed to ignore her question at first though, debating if he should answer her or not.

Though looking back at her catching her white eyes made him feel a bit uneasy like she was looking into his soul even, though he was probably over thinking at that point. Breaking away from her gaze he finally did speak up to answer her "Rhyldrin.... if you must know, you can add it to your list later for your guards" He said with a slightly smug attitude, though what he said was true all of his kind are trained to kill hers surely he'd be on the same list as the rest sooner or later down the road.

He never bothered to say anything else about her helping or not. Giving up by now on fighting her help or not though he wanted her to not bother, the wound would be fine aside form leaving a scar and explaining how he ended up being cut in the first place but still. He hardly cared about a scar though, had plenty as it was even at such a young age but it came with the field of work he was being trained for.
Old Posted 08-25-2011, 06:44 PM  
Default   #10   gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot

"Rhyldrin?" she repeated his name, it rolled off of her tongue. "That's a nice name, I like it." Judith brought herself next to him, she leaned against the tree's trunk and looked down at him smiling. "My name is Judith," she told him, even though he had not asked her for her name. "I'm not going to report you to the guards or give them your name to put you on a black list." she sounded slightly offended, but deep down she continued to tell herself to be more understanding. Of course he would not trust her right away. He probably could not stand speaking to her. "How old are you Rhyldrin?" she asked him. She sunk down to the ground against the tree's trunk. The ground was cool against her bare legs, she should have known better. Wearing a dress in the forest could cause her to catch a cold.

She was silent for a moment, her ears perked up as she listened to the sounds around her. The forest was full of many creatures, some frightening while others were not. Then she brought her attention back to Rhyldrin. "I like your-" she paused for a moment wondering if it was appropriate to say what she was about to. "your skin, it's beautiful. I like the color and your eyes, too. Is it true that you can see in the dark?"

Old Posted 08-25-2011, 07:02 PM  
Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Default   #11  
This one was a chatterbox he thought to himself listening to her say what her name was though he made a mental note of it. He was a bit relived she wasn't going to just report him to the guards, he'd end up in a cell somewhere if not dead if she had done so, really he should have expected it seeing as she was trying to help him a few moments ago. "huh?" He questioned her asking him his age, what did that matter they were probably around the same age though by her size he'd guess she was younger, but he could always be wrong. "er... twelve.." He said continuing to look away from her even though she had moved to lean against the tree for the time being.

The silence after the question was a deserved one, she seemed to like talking. It was odd to him, he was raised thinking it was better to be unseen and heard. He wasn't paying her much mind when she spoke once more catching him off guard and causing his cheeks to flush a little in the process, he thanked his skin color for hiding most if not all of the discoloring. "My skin?" That was a odd thing to hear from anyone not that he seemed to mind her saying that but it was making him open up a little to her, it was hard to ignore her when she was chatting away.

"Most of us can... there's a few clans that cannot but they live in areas that don't require such skills" He didn't go into details on that though glancing at her he noticed she seemed to question what he had said so he decided to go on a little "Not all dark elves have the same color skin.. theres some in the northern regions that are said to ave dark blue instead of the coal color... also up there they have little need to see in the dark, but thats just what I've been told." He kind of wanted to one day see if that was true or not, surely she knew there were different types of light elves as well, some having tan skin while others had pale if not white skin compared.

After a few moments he fell silent again and seemed to think of what to say why was he bothering to entertain this girl? Then again what was it hurting. "your hair... it's.. I like it. The color I mean, it's not one you see a lot of." That sounded awkward, he almost wished he never bothered to hold small talk now. Though he was sure this conversation was going to be forced to end sooner or later .. the guards of her people would cross over this way eventually or someone from his side would take notice of this, either way was bad.
Old Posted 08-25-2011, 07:24 PM  
Default   #12   gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot

"You're twelve?" she said and smiled. "You're older than me then, I'm only ten." Judith listened to him speak, her ears perked up, she listened very closely. "I can't really see well in the dark, that's why I tend to leave the forest when the sun starts to go to sleep." she said and laughed. "But recently I've been stealing my father's lantern and coming here at night. It's quiet here and I like that." Judith couldn't help but look over Rhyldrin's body. He was so tall for his age, much taller than him. She had heard that that was normal for a Dark Elf though, they were always a foot or two taller than Light Elves. She felt so small.

"Oh! I never knew that. I don't really know much about Dark Elves. Only what the elders speak of and what I hear my parents speaking about sometimes at night." she became quiet near the end of her sentence. She looked at her feet and moved them back and forth. "Not many people say nice things about Dark Elves. But I'm sure that many Dark Elves don't say nice things about Light Elves either. I don't listen to all of that nonsense though." she wrinkled her nose. "My brother believes it all though, it's really sad how easily someone can be taught to hate. I guess it's because he's young."

Her face became hot as it turned red from his complement. "Oh," she stammered quietly. "Thank you." she brought her hands up to her hair and shyly played with it. "Most Light Elves have light hair, like most of them have light skin tones. It's rare for a Light Elf to have dark hair, but it isn't a bad thing. A lot of people are jealous, even my mother. When I was born she was pleasantly surprised."

A sudden noise caught Judith's attention. A bell ringing, she stood from where she sat almost immediately. "There's a festival tonight, they ring the bell when it's about to begin. They also might close the gates soon since it's getting dark. I-" she paused and looked at Rhyldrin smiling. "I would invite you, but..." she didn't think that she had to say more. "I'm sorry."

Old Posted 08-25-2011, 07:46 PM  
Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Default   #13  
Listening to her he half managed a smile, it was rather funny all the stories that were forced into his head as a child and here he was just talking away with the enemy. There wasn't anything wrong with her she seemed to think along the same lines he did... a bit more trusting then he'd ever be but she was younger to. "So your the one the watch are in a fuss over" He laughed a little at it, he had over heard the night watch saying they saw a glow in the forest, lights messed with their seeing in the dark so it was throwing the watch into a fit. Though she didn't need to know that, he didn't trust her that much.

"it's true.." He replied to her comment of his kind not saying nice things about the light elves "but ... they have no reason to, the last ones to leave the forest never returned" He looked down a little he never mentioned tat his parents were among that group that seemed to vanish. They were presumed dead, though there was a chance they were locked away somewhere or enslaved by the Light elves. "Most believe what the elders tell them..." He did too to a extent at the least, he had to admit he envied her for having a family still.

Listening to her Rhyl smirked a little, he didn't mean to embarrass her wit it but it as a odd color to see and he knew it. "I figured that... it's the first... well almost the first time I've seen someone with that color hair." He never mentioned he had seen her before in the forest, though she probably never knew he was there at that time and it had just dawned on him with the color that he had seen this girl before a few times.

Though he was brought from his thoughts as he stood suddenly with his ears going back from the bell ringing. Though he regained himself quickly enough as he looked at her. Thinking a moment he nodded a little "Yeah it is about that time for your people isn't it... " He knew most of the festivals, just out of boredom, his father was into that sort of thing when he was around trying to pass that there could be peace between the races. He held his hands up after sheathing the dagger he had been holding onto in the holder on his belt. "Why are you sorry? Heh... I think I enjoy living a bit more then walking into a place that'd like nothing better then seeing me skinned alive..." He gave her a weak smile before putting his hands back down.

"You should go though, you'll be in trouble if your caught outside at night" He was right and really he needed to go, his training lessons were due probably in a few hours and he was already in hot water for the wound on his face and he knew it. Turning he started to walk away from her, he doubted they'd get to talk again and he didn't want to act like he had made a friend here... why were adults so damn stuck in their ways he thought to himself before he stopped walking and then broke out into a flat run before she could say anything further.

Maybe... he'd come back to see if she was here again some time. But that depended on if he wasn't punished for getting into a fight with light elves, if that happened it'd be a few weeks at the least before he was allowed to roam anywhere again.
Old Posted 08-25-2011, 08:08 PM  
Default   #14   gremlin gremlin is offline
Posty McPostsALot

( blah, I don't think that it's good D8 )

Judith was about to speak but she hesitated as Rhyldrin began to run off in the opposite direction. She wouldn't chase him, she had to return back to her home. Though she was incredibly curious as to where he was going. She wondered where his home was, but maybe it was better not to know that. She turned and began to walk towards her home, as she approached the gates she was very cautious. She was too young to be out alone and she would get in more trouble if someone were to see her returning from the forest. She slipped by the guards, using her height and frame as an advantage. She joined the others in celebration at the festival.

After the festival Judith returned to her home. When she saw her brother's wounds she asked him what had happened. A Dark Elf, that's what happened. He attacked my friends and I, he snarled with anger. She kept quiet, her stomach began to hurt. She wondered if Rhyldrin had done this. She wondered if her brother was telling the truth. Probably not, she thought to herself.


Months passed and Judith continued to return to the forest. At first she didn't see Rhyldrin and wondered where he had gone to. She thought that maybe he had not enjoyed speaking to her, maybe he wanted nothing to do with her. Then one day as she was collecting herbs she heard an abrupt noise that frightened her. When she looked up Rhyldrin was there starring at her almost curiously. After that he was in the forest every other day. It became Winter and they still met. Spring blossomed, then Summer followed after. When it became Fall, tension between the Dark and Light Elves had become stronger. Fearing for Judith's life, her parents would not allow her to leave their home.

A year passed and she had not seen Rhyldrin. Then two years. By the third she had nearly forgotten about him. Only remembering bits of their conversations from the past. Years continued to past as she was held prisoner in her own land. Before Judith's twentieth birthday a war broke out between the Dark and Light Elves. An important figure had been murdered brutally. When his servants had found him they immediately blamed the Dark Elves. Everyone believed them. Judith watched as her friends and family, her fellow Light Elves, became savages. Then she was forced to go to war. The elders knew of her talent in archery. She took her bow and her arrows and left for war.


Delicate fingers pulled back the arrow, preparing for it to take the life of another. She was still not use to the smell of blood or the feeling that overcame her before she ended another's life. She closed her eyes as she let go then opened them when she heard a loud thud. Judith stood from where she was crouched, she cautiously approached the body. She stood over the Dark Elf making sure that he was no longer breathing. "I'm sorry," she whispered to herself. She leaned down and closed his eyes with her fingers. She brought her hand to her face to brush away the tears, even after three years of being in the war could not change how she felt about taking a life.

She crept away from the body and back to where she had been silently. She had been hiding amongst trees and bushes, she was in a forest. Judith sat down, her body was sore from lack of sleep. Her eyes felt heavy and her head was pounding. She allowed her body to fall backwards against the cool ground. Her eyes closed, attempting to rest.

Old Posted 08-25-2011, 08:58 PM  
Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Default   #15  
He had enjoyed all the times he had gotten to spend with the odd light elf, though upon returning to the clan's area he was scolded for the wound on his face and punished for a week, thus why he never appeared to see her again at the spot they met right away. Though after he got out of his punishment he quickly grew to looking forward visiting the spot when he got the chance. Though this was only to last so long...

As the years passed and his skills grew with further training he slowly forgot about the strange girl with the long red hair, it crossed his mind from time to time but only out of fear of them crossing in the field of war. Though by the time the war really broke out he had long forgotten the girl and their conversations.

He left both swords on his back as he stalked a light elf that had walked too far on his route of checking the grounds. This was his lucky night, this would make the fifth one he would manage to kill without a sound, silent kills were something he had grown fond of. The flawless strike through the guards neck was silent ans swift as he caught the body and gently laid it on the ground to prevent further sound.

Keeping his wits about him he quickly retook his cover near a tree and went back to scouting out any other stragglers that the main group might have left behind. His eyes were dark red matching his current mood as he walked silently, having only one sword unsheathed from the guard kill moments ago.

His breathing was light and almost untraceable as he walked, he needed it to be he had been trained this way. The only main feature he held from when he was a child was the wound on his face had turned into a scar, that and his hair seemed to be in a similar hair style but that hardly mattered. He had stopped moving having heard a thud not too far off from where he was. Though he knew what that meant, probably a light elf having scored a kill.. most of his kind were trained to make the corpse fall without a sound to prevent detection. 'tsk.... ' he thought to himself, probably a archer.

He'd have to watch himself if they were still around as he stalked the area seeking to find this light elf, and after seeing the body on the ground of one of his kin he knew it was a archer. Though for the time being he didn't see anyone... that bothered him surely the archer wasn't that quick to leave the area. His ears were alert as ever and he was ready to avoid a arrow.. he was expecting one by this point or a melee ranged archer that he had forced into a corner somewhere.
Old Posted 08-25-2011, 09:27 PM  
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Posty McPostsALot

After a few moments of laying down she was still awake. She couldn't sleep in a forest that could easily be inhabited by hundreds of Dark Elves. Judith sat up from where she lay, she clenched her bow in her hand preparing herself to keep going. Judith had no choice but to, she had to push herself to continue. She missed her home, she missed her parents. She dreaded the day that she met her brother on the battle field, it had been so long. What she dreaded the most was discovering that her brother was dead.

Judith was brought back to reality as she heard a sudden noise. Her ears perked up, listening closely. Her eyes moved quickly around the forest. First behind her, she was afraid that someone would sneak up on her as she rest. Then forward. Her eyes landed on another Dark Elf. Her heart pounded in her chest, she felt afraid. He seemed much bigger than the other Dark Elf, she wondered if he would be a hassle. She thought for a moment about keeping quiet and allowing him to pass, but she couldn't. She didn't think that a Dark Elf would do the same for her.

She quietly slipped an arrow out of her pouch and readied herself to attack. She breathed silently, not wanted him to hear her. Her hand quietly brought back the arrow then she let go. Judith wasn't sure if she had hit him, she stood slowly, peaking out from behind the bushes to see.

Old Posted 08-25-2011, 10:04 PM  
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