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Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
Default [Fallen & Juju] Psychic Academy   #1  
The Galatic Government or whatever we want to call them hails supreme and the alarming number of psychics that have been born lately prompt them to open an academy for them where they'd harness their powers for use and under the GG's watchful eyes. Now we can keep them good or show the ugly face of a ruling power and the academy in fact is using these psychics to train a dangerous army. Lost of rebellion and conspiracy to be had here but power too! muahaha!
Old Posted 10-16-2010, 11:29 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
Jun Nobuko

Non-Psy Skills: Highly Organizational and Mathematic, Basic Melee and Gun Training, Basic Computer and Piloting skills
Psy-Abilities: Adv Teleportation, Telekenesis, Mind Manipulation, and Intuitive Premonition (in order of excellence)
Personality: Jun is highly loyal and just as harsh to anyone who breaks bonds of trust. He knows what he wants, following the "ends justifies the means" approach to his goals.
Biography: Born and raised on the capital planet of the Galactic Federation he's been away from central conflicts but near the politicians in a literal sense of the word. When the academy was announced he felt less afraid to hide what he could do and joined hoping to be more useful to the GF in a less political sense as he found that battlefield unsavory.
Notes: Jun possesses many of the typical powers of a psychic and is particularly astute in each known field minus premonition which only acts as more of a "spidey-sense" for him than anything else. He manipulates people to get what he wants only when needed as he feels it is unmoral. In battle he has little in skills except strategy. This forces him to rely on his wits and dangerously much on what he can do with his mind.

eh...this is all I got for now. I think Jun may be overpowered. Trying to figure a way to bring it back some. Maybe most of these are eventual abilities he'll power up and for now has spidey-sense and telekinesis?
Last edited by Jurinjo; 10-17-2010 at 04:34 AM.
Old Posted 10-16-2010, 11:48 PM Reply With Quote  
Fallen Fallen is offline
Default   #3  

Natural Ability: Strong in hand-to-hand combat; genius in anatomy and social exchanges.

Psychic Ability: Extreme sensitivity to human brain functions (she can feel the way a person's brain waves flow, giving her the ability to tell whether they are gifted or normal, strong or weak, lying or telling the truth), moderate intuition (the intuition of feeling, not fortune telling), and weak telekinesis.
Edit; Quinn has moderate the ability to hide herself from the minds of others.

Personality: Enjoying solitude and those who do not talk, many have labeled Quinn as cold and despondent. Not many understand the girl, leaving the way she thinks a mystery to most. Some claim that she's pure genius, that being the reason why she's so socially challenged, others say she's just one of those people who have nothing worth talking about upstairs. Perhaps the truth will be revealed in this rebellion?

Biography: Editing

Extra: None.
Last edited by Fallen; 10-18-2010 at 03:35 AM.
Old Posted 10-17-2010, 03:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
The young son of a politician let a relaxed sigh as he sat in a corner far away from the other admitted psychics. Jun Nobuko was by no means very well known but known enough that it was garnering him some unwanted attention. Day 1 down and already he had a healthy following of enemies- wonderful! The self proclaimed leader of that group was stronger, much stronger. Jun had feared his powers and kept them in the dark. Though when it came to subtlety he was that bully's supreme. As far they knew Jun could swat them down easy. How long would the intimidation tactic hold though?

He mulled over how he planned to survive the coming weeks in the academy. Befriending the right people was important, already he took steps today establishing a good rapport with every person he possibly could. Making sure to distance himself from his own father's political standings. If things continued to play out well on that front he'd only after worry during combat training.

Jun then looked around for people. Groups already forming and he was keeping himself from everyone like a hermit...
Old Posted 10-17-2010, 06:08 PM Reply With Quote  
Fallen Fallen is offline
Default   #5  
The small box of condensed pineapple juice had Quinn more thirsty than she was before she had bought it. It seemed as though the more she drank, the thirstier she became. This could have either been because of her failure to drink the proper amounts of water she needed each day, or because she focused too much on the studies of whether soft drinks, such as soda's or condensed juices, truly did quench one's thirst or leave him thirsty for more. In the end, the debate between which reason it was only left Quinn even more thirsty, causing her to continue to drink the overly sweet juice.

Walking past the one of the main student groups of the academy, Quinn couldn't help but hear what they were talking about. Aside from their usual (and still strong) conversation of who was more powerful, there was mention of.. a new boy. In the few students who were speaking of this boy, she could feel an interesting wave of thought that went through them, a thought that goes through everyone's mind when a new student arrived: curiosity with a tint of arrogance. Were these students going to approach this boy? Would he be troubled by them? Before she could answer these questions, she spotted a quiet, purple haired boy sitting in the seat she sat in most. Of course, Quinn approached him. She stood, waiting until she knew she had captured his attention.

"You're in my seat."
Last edited by Fallen; 10-17-2010 at 06:49 PM.
Old Posted 10-17-2010, 06:45 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
Jun's left brow perked up to the statement of the girl declaring he was sitting in her seat. "Yeah what you going to do about it?" he replied looking defiant before dissolving into a friendly smile that looked as if he was going to laugh.

"In interest of good manners I'll let you have it today." he said shifting to the other side of the table without any trouble. "My name's Jun, just got in today. But nothing interesting happening yet. So far it's just like a highschool." he stated with obvious distaste.
Old Posted 10-17-2010, 07:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Fallen Fallen is offline
Default   #7  
Quinn's eyebrow raised to a hardly noticeable stance as she listened to "Jun's" thoughts of the school. Internally, she felt a small smile form in her head at the high school comment. She'd concluded the same thing when she first joined but has come to know the statement to be wrong. She didn't exactly have proof that this school was different, she just.. knew. A gut feeling if you may.

"Don't get too comfortable." She murmured, taking her seat beside him. Without a moments hesitation, she pulled out a marker and wrote her name over the desk for later days, just in case. Whether Jun was serious or not, Quinn wasn't about to give up her seat. That's just that.
Old Posted 10-17-2010, 07:49 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
((so for future conflicts...I was thinking maybe a small group of students rebel. Not being fully aware of the situation they maybe help stop the rebellion? What could we do to keep it interesting?))

Among the talents Jun possessed eating quickly was one of them. Though not something he added to his repertoire; who would brag to an employer how fast he could eat anyway? He just nibbled away at his apple finding it amusing she was so possessive of "her seat" that she'd write her name on the table.

"That's vandalism isn't it?" he inquired studying her casually. What were the inclinations of her abilities? He wondered.
Old Posted 10-17-2010, 08:01 PM Reply With Quote  
Fallen Fallen is offline
Default   #9  
[[ Hmm... High school drama can hold it off for now, but I'm a little confused about the rebellion. Is it to show that the school is doing something horrible, or is it the school starting a war? ]]

Quinn shrugged, sipping the last sip of her juice. From there, she simply played with the end of her straw, waiting for the 'bell' to ring. "I suppose it is." She admitted, letting her eyes wander to show the conversation bored her. Unlike Jun, she didn't really care to know what his abilities were, though she would admit it would be useful for later referencing.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that particular group of students watching Jun and herself. It obviously interested them that she didn't find a different place to sit or that Jun himself was trying to speak with her. Or perhaps they were measuring the odds. Would approaching him at this time be smart, or would it be best to wait until after school? Quinn honestly couldn't tell. The students were at a far enough distance for their brain patterns to be too faded to read.
Last edited by Fallen; 10-17-2010 at 08:16 PM.
Old Posted 10-17-2010, 08:14 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
[[ah well the school is more of a branch of the government. So it would depend on if the leaders are of like mind with their sponsor. I'm hoping to eventually introduce a psychic enhancing visor they the school began using also to control the students. ]]

Jun knew of the other students paying attention to them as well but didn't mind them so much as he planned to play smart to avoid in real trouble facing them. How long would he have to dodge them though? As alike the academy was to a high school it didn't exactly range from nine the tenth grade. Most tended to be either teenagers or young adults but a few were older or younger than that.

"Can you read them?" he asked "I'm good at telling where people are but have a lot of trouble reading their thoughts or emotions."
Last edited by Jurinjo; 10-17-2010 at 08:48 PM.
Old Posted 10-17-2010, 08:30 PM Reply With Quote  
Fallen Fallen is offline
Default   #11  
[[ Hmm, okay. We'll just have to find out whether this school is good or bad then! d: ]]

Quinn let her eyes fall back down to her straw as she continued to mindlessly play with it. She didn't particularly like telling other people about her abilities, despite the fact it was completely normal in an environment such as this. Luckily, it wasn't such a dislike that would disturb her.

"I don't read people," she corrected, moving her eyes to Jun. "For me to grasp exactly what they are thinking is impossible." Quinn paused, not for any particular reason other than to examine the reactions of both Jun and herself. It was interesting how she'd spoken two sentences already. "I understand what they feel, which may lead to train of thought." At that point, she stopped. Jun had no need to know of the distance needed for her power to be rendered useless. It was a personal matter. Besides, she was already extending that dreaded barrier.

Another silence filled the air as she let this information sink in. "What do you do?"
Old Posted 10-18-2010, 01:10 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
[[...you're leaving me to decide this aren't you? -_- During class I might just have random rebel encounter where a student attacks the instructor.]]

"Ah so literal mind-reading is not possible I guess." he replied a little annoyed of her patronizing tone, at least that sounded to him. New as he was he didn't like feeling unknowlegdable. But he shrugged it off. If that was a major power of hers it must've been really annoying to feel their emotions and thoughts. His eyes traveled down to her name. She must not like to be around people for that reason. Just for some quiet.

"I've hid my powers for a long time. So far though I can throw things and influence decisions." he said completely nonchalant. "My next class is about discovering and improving my powers. I just wish I wasn't the only new guy." He mumbled the last sentence getting a sense he'd feel very left behind when the class began.
Old Posted 10-18-2010, 01:58 AM Reply With Quote  
Fallen Fallen is offline
Default   #13  
[[ ...maybe. o: And rofl! That would be fun. xD
Holy crap, that's a good reason for her to like being alone. I TAKE IT AS MINE!! XD ]]

Her shoulders popped up in a small shrug in response to his first statement. As Jun went through his abilities, Quinn placed the information in a safe nook in the back of her mind. Having the ability to influence other peoples' thoughts was powerful. Quinn could only manipulate others with human tactics, and even so, it wasn't always 100% guaranteed success.

The girl also looked at her name written across the table. She felt as if the bell would be ringing soon, which, in fact, meant it most likely was going to. So instead of continuing the conversation, she merely nodded and let Jun's words linger in the air. There really wasn't anything she could do about him feeling like a newbie. It wasn't her place. Everyone needed to find their own clique by themselves, just as she did, just as the 'popular' kids did, just as the teachers did even.
Old Posted 10-18-2010, 02:10 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
[[lol interesting that didn't occur to you, I remember someone else having a power like Quin being that way but idk where from.]]

Not one for many words was she? At this point of the day he wanted someone to talk to. Jun just picked up his tray and started for the trash can. "Hope you see ya around. I'm gonna try and my class before the bell rings."

As he left the cafeteria the other boys were not too far behind him. They didn't look particularly menacing but given how they reacted to Jun earlier it gave a person some worry-filled thoughts.
Old Posted 10-18-2010, 02:42 AM Reply With Quote  
Fallen Fallen is offline
Default   #15  
[[ It is interesting. Lol, either way. xD Oh? Cool. o: ]]

She watched as the boy left the cafeteria with a line of other students after him. The tip of her middle finger was soon at work tracing the letters of her name over the table as she thought over the short conversation between herself and Jun. It was interesting, she thought, that she would speak so much to a new student... also that that new student would openly confess his ability when previously, he attempted to keep it secret.

The cafeteria doors echoed throughout the cafeteria as Quinn noticed another interesting fact: The fact that Jun was being followed by a small group of students. Surprisingly, knowing this stirred something within her. Whether it be because he held a power that could be useful to her or because she knew he might be troubled by it, she hadn't completely figured out yet. Instead of debating it, she was beginning to wonder to what extent Jun was able to impose his own thoughts on others.

Smoothly and silently, Quinn excused herself from the cafeteria.

[[ IF anything does happen, would assistance in controlling other students be needed? ;D ]]
Last edited by Fallen; 10-18-2010 at 02:55 AM.
Old Posted 10-18-2010, 02:51 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
[[As of typing this part I haven't decided what will happen yet. Tho futher into the future I'm debating what path to take this rebel idea but they are even more developed than this no idea I have right now xD; ]]

Jun had to keep looking back down at the school map. So often that even his hair was getting tired of going up and down. "Did the architect of this place even have a number system?!" he exclaimed angrily. His OCD was urging him to contact someone to get this fixed. Why would someone not have a room number system for a place like this? If the government was being cheap about their money then that would probably explain the shoddy work.

"Hey stalkers could you help me find my class?" Jun turned around to where they were hiding out of sight, yet not out of his range to sense them. He stood there relaxed like he didn't know how they felt about him. Jun wondered about what exactly his father did that made them hate so much.

It took a long time but one finally popped their head out to see if the coast was clear. "heh, gotcha."

Just as Jun felt sure he was ready to handle anything they had for him he felt a hand from behind grab him into a hold. "Wrong! We have you!" said the burly guy behind him. 'How did I not feel him sneaking on me?' They didn't waste too much time with words. Or at least the leader didn't. The air was forced from his longs as the other man's fist connected with his diaphram. Jun for some reason found his telekinesis not working.

Thinking quickly he twisted his midsection away from the second blow. The sneaky giant released him ever so slightly in a knee-jerk reaction. Jun squirmed free and placed a blow with his elbow to the back of the giant's neck. The other two came at him and instinctively he willed with his mind for them to go away. His power pushed them back but soon he face bolts of energy flying at him.

"What is your problem? I don't want to have ANYTHING to do with my dad. Why shove your hate on me Justin?" he yelled dodging the clumsy bolts while trying to keep the illusion he was in control up.

[[I'm terrible at being mean people I think. Control them how you want I have no backstory for these guys. But the big guy he just whacked can cancel someone's power through contact.]]
Old Posted 10-18-2010, 03:14 AM Reply With Quote  

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