Conversation Between Glitch and Stabbsworth
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
it'll have been three years since your passing soon. or maybe it's already passed. my memory's bad, and my timekeeping is worse - a little bit predictable, i suppose.
people miss you.
i wish i had applied sooner to be an artist here, on this site. maybe we'd've gotten to know each other better.
if, by chance, you look at this from whatever afterlife there is, your presence was valued. i am not the most spiritual person, i will acknowledge that, but maybe there is something afterwards. then again, it's not like people can come back and tell us, haha.
whatever god you've met better be treating you well, otherwise, i'll come over there. they wouldn't want me over there, i'm very cursed! (/a little bit of humor.)
I am sending you an item with crystal growths plz accept
Oh well you won the contest so it was your winnings!
gestures vaguely bc my memory is not good and i don't accept trades very often unless it's been pre-planned.
Why didn’t you accept my trade :(
you may now have a lettuce cape
cave goddamn johnson, man.
also i'm here to steal your lemons.