Conversation Between Biomecha and trystan830
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
thanks for the birthday wishes!
i had a cat sleeping next to me for most of the morning yesterday, actually :D
Hope your birthday goes well today and involves cats.
LOL! thanks for the bday wishes! i just saw your message today. :)
It's your birthday. Happy birthday. Beep beep. Woo woo. *insert dancing memoji that the cool kids use*
oooh cool!
it's always interesting to see what else is hiding in the items, since only the first item is the thumbnail!
Ohh, thank you for letting me know! I actually have one but didn't realize the top was there because of the thumbnail.
my top is from an item called Kaiya's Party Outfit... i know someone gave it to me, but i can't find which layer it's on!
edit: got it, in that i've figured out it was an event item from sometime in 2018... i just don't know what event.
May I ask what item your black top is? Hopefully it's not painfully obvious.
thanks for the birthday wishes! =)
Just wanting to add to your birthday well wishes. Happy birthday!