Conversation Between Kory and Stabbsworth
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atm planning to give any money that i do get to someone else so they can secure better housing. can't divulge too many details.
Niiice niiice! :D
That's great to hear. :> I hope you're enjoying your new job as an artist? :D
ominous noises
i am artist for site now
Hello! I've been lurking around here and there lately. :)
How are you?
Hello Kory! It's good to see you again!
nah, man, it's not being demanding. i just take some time to get to things even if i logically should be able to do them.
If you still feel like drawing it for me, I can send refs.
I just don't want to sound demanding or anything. I noticed others in your shop were saying that they don't want to stress you out, and I realized I probably sounded demanding and insensitive.
keep-- keep your aurum. i can earn stuff myself.
also does this mean that the commission is off-
I hope it's okay if I send you some aurum?
I was going to request a drawing and send over refs, but I didn't want to stress you out or to upset you or anything
I don't need the aurum and I'm just sending it for the hell of it. You don't have to do anything for it, I just want to send it just because