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Conversation Between littl3chocobo and Lucid:
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    12-15-2015 04:48 PM
    the shop bug is an example, i was gone for a long while so all of my other ones are waaaaay out of date XD
  2. 's Avatar
    12-15-2015 02:54 PM
    Okay, that makes sense. Though Toho is the one working on the shop login bug, and Coda stepping in to also work on it wouldn't really speed up the process any.
  3. 's Avatar
    12-15-2015 01:04 PM
    the motive is to do non-tris stuff on tris time without catching flak for it. i've seen it happen plenty. the harm this causes is that time that could be better spend working on the site is not spent on the site and stuff like the auto-logout on shops stays that way(i mean the trades stayed broken for years before they got fixed)
  4. 's Avatar
    12-15-2015 05:37 AM
    Well I mean, it's skinned to fit in the Trisphee world and will be giving out prizes like the crane game does.

    I don't think it's necessarily bad to be cynical, but I just don't see what ulterior purpose it could have. Even if there is some secret motive, it still benefits Trisphee to have another game anyway, doesn't it?
  5. 's Avatar
    12-15-2015 01:34 AM
    yes, that is what i am saying, though, i am not sure that the goal is to give it to trisphee so much as it will just be hosted here for extended betaing for something else, you know?

    forgive my cynicism but i have dealt with enough coders to not be impressed or swayed
  6. 's Avatar
    12-14-2015 09:53 PM
    Oh, I think I see what you're saying. The game Coda is working on is intended to be a new game for Trisphee. Once it's finished, it'll be moved to the Games tab here. It's just currently hosted off-site because everything gets developed in a separate environment. Don't want to accidentally break something.
  7. 's Avatar
    12-14-2015 10:42 AM
    are we even talking about the same thing? i am talking about how i am feeling that coda working on outside projects instead of legit site problems is the same as not working on anything at all as far as the site is concerned. i am not sure where you moved onto the recent shop redesign (especially since i was pretty sure that was toho)
  8. 's Avatar
    12-14-2015 04:19 AM
    I...don't understand what you mean. The shop redesign has been awesome at helping people find commons, a new game, while it might not appeal to everyone, will be fun for the people who do like it, and all the other upcoming stuff will really improve the avatar editor, item uploads, multi-color commons, and tons of things that will improve the site. So I really don't understand where this negativity is coming from. o.O;;
  9. 's Avatar
    12-13-2015 10:00 PM
    not really. in the end it is still a big fat nothing for the site x_____x
  10. 's Avatar
    12-13-2015 08:05 PM
    Better than them just sitting on their hands though, eh? I'm so glad that stuff is getting worked on, after so long of nothing happening around here.
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