Conversation Between Fauxreal and Arikana
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
I know the feeling. I'm on my Christmas break and even without schoolwork, I feel like my list of stuff to do and people to hang with is never ending! :(
Dang, that sucks that the two of you are so far apart. :( When are you gonna be visiting them next or them visiting you?
Tired! I've had so much stuff to do. IT's really hard when your partner is in Japan.
Sup hun. <3
How have you been as of late?
Mmm. I usually just post in the 10kCPC threads, and the occasional hangout threads. Maybe you should try jumping into one of those? :]
Not to bad - I'm looking for threads to post in.
Good, good. :]
So how have you been doing?
I think I did. Sign up for the charity I mean.
Good, good. :]
So? How have you been?
Have you signed up for the 10kCPC charity yet? :0 <3