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Conversation Between Quiet Man Cometh and Boris
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    02-21-2018 01:35 AM
    Really? Well, who knows. I do wish you luck on your endeavor in finding a reliable maker or brand to refill your ballpoint pen.
  2. 's Avatar
    02-21-2018 01:33 AM
    Quiet Man Cometh
    I was using it. I write pretty much everywhere I go. Haven't had a problem except with that one pen.
  3. 's Avatar
    02-21-2018 01:31 AM
    Oh, did you have the nib pointing up? While it is not recommended to take pens on an airplane, it is advised to have the nib pointing up. I only heard of Zebra and was looking to try them out, and the only other brand I know is Bic.
  4. 's Avatar
    02-21-2018 01:29 AM
    Quiet Man Cometh
    The problem will roller pens is the ink is water based. I took one on a plane and the air pressure forced the ink out the nib and it pretty much broke the pen. I know you can refill ball points, but not from a container. I think you buy a pen insert. Would you happen to know any reliable makers or brands? I like Zebra, for my regular stuff.
  5. 's Avatar
    02-21-2018 01:23 AM
    Oh snap! I did it again! I got roller pens and ballpoint pens confused! Ballpoint pens are alright. They don't write like roller and fountain pens do. Roller ball pens write like fountain pens but don't have the pros of the fountain pen, I believe. Most ballpoint pens I know are all disposable, but I think rollerpens are the refillable ones.
  6. 's Avatar
    02-21-2018 01:16 AM
    Quiet Man Cometh
    I'm thinking brands and such in part. I looked up the difference between ball point and rollerball and there is a difference in the nib design and ink base. I go through enough pens that I think it might be worth it to get a refillable ball point. I feel a little bad about all the pens that I throw away, though I discovered now that some places can recycle them.
  7. 's Avatar
    02-21-2018 12:18 AM
    My knowledge of ball point pens is a little less than my knowledge of fountain pens; although, my knowledge in fountain pens is not much. Ballpoint pens are the pens you would use if you want ink like a fountain pen but not wanting to the drawbacks of fountain pens, I believe.
  8. 's Avatar
    02-20-2018 11:25 PM
    Quiet Man Cometh
    Hey Boris! Does your pen knowledge translate over to ballpoints or is it mostly fountain?
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