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Conversation Between Fenris and Trakadon
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    06-24-2012 06:47 PM
    Yeah XD

    Not sure why but that's all I've been able to write lately -shrugs-

    And Choco read my journal on DA and now she is teasing me > n<
  2. 's Avatar
    06-24-2012 06:43 PM
  3. 's Avatar
    06-24-2012 06:39 PM
    Writing smut o .o... Well that is how Choco calls it > .>
  4. 's Avatar
    06-24-2012 06:36 PM
    Sickness, weddings to go to, pixels to make, umm bones to wish of feeling better, how are you.
  5. 's Avatar
    06-24-2012 06:34 PM
    Oh look its a Fen :O

    What up boss lady~?
  6. 's Avatar
    03-19-2012 02:06 PM
    I always seem to run into it and the guard really bugs me some times XD
  7. 's Avatar
    03-19-2012 02:48 AM
    Mad mad pirate skills I agree, I have not had much with that damned gate and it keeps bashing my face in!
  8. 's Avatar
    03-18-2012 04:42 PM
    I just got done yelling at a garden gate with a bit of empty threats thrown in for good measure and some how I still manage to steal some treasure from it... Mad pirate skills I say = u= b

    Talking about the event if that wasn't clear XD ...
  9. 's Avatar
    02-02-2012 12:10 AM
    Granted o .o''


    Maybe pixel something pirate-y

    -shifty eyes-
  10. 's Avatar
    01-26-2012 09:32 PM
    Unfortunately pixeling is a necessary pain for Tris to exist
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