Conversation Between littl3chocobo and TheCourier
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
Alright.Well,thanks for being honest.
it was not imaginitive and i feel a lot of deux ex machina-type sue-ing on the horizon XD
i am a very picky person when it comes to rping, do not mind me
Okay.You're welcome.Was the first post that bad? o_0;
ok i saw the first post, sorry sweetie i don't want to rp, but thankyou for keeping me up to date
i just saw the rp, let me talk to my friend ok? if i play she plays
Well,I've got an OOC thread up,and a skeleton in that thread.My character is there,too.It's called When Zombies Attack.
yep yep^^ when you have yourself situated let me know, i am interested in your rp