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Conversation Between buzz and Lost_Fantasy13
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    06-16-2014 10:34 PM
    I'm not sure why it hasn't been updated, to be honest.
    But I'll do my best to help where I can.
  2. 's Avatar
    06-16-2014 12:59 PM
    Ok thanks a lot :D that would be really helpful, I wish there were an official item guide that included the newer items.
  3. 's Avatar
    06-16-2014 12:17 AM
    I'll see if I have any extras of those two
    and I'll see if I can get a full list up in the next day or two.
    Then from the item name, and the icon you can ask me for an item preview.
    The only ones I think I'm missing are some of the event items I missed while I was away.
    (Mizeria has almost a full collection of the "Rare" items)
  4. 's Avatar
    06-15-2014 09:21 PM
    Yes I am :) I'm taking quite a detailed look, some of the items are lovely :) I'm currently crushing on Shattering Ground and Solar Kingdom :) but yeah like you say it hasn't been updated in a fair while and I have no clue about the newer items :(
  5. 's Avatar
    06-15-2014 09:05 PM
    I see you're looking at the item guide.
    It hasn't been updated in quite a while.
    If you'd like to see any items let me know and I'll see what I can do.
    I'm working on making a list for all the items (I'm about half way done with it)

    It will not have item previews as of right yet, but I'll be working on that next.
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