Conversation Between Jurinjo and Illusion
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*Face is still green*
Every time I read that I think you're swallowing your vomit after it came that what's going on? ._.
*vomits in mouth again and swallows*
I've already eaten half the pan. It was like being in heaven. But with less virgins.
*vomits in mouth then swallows*
This is late: YOU HATE CHOCOLATE?! -has an aneurysm-
I'm currently baking a double chocolate brownie and totally going to eat at least half the pan myself. (last week I 3/4 of it) xD; <3 luvsmesomechocolate
awww gone already. -pets- G'night Illusion. I'm kind enough to not kill the good zombies.
*Goes to sleep*
No consolation needed good sir you needn't feel terrible about it. Sorry if I gave you that feeling by pointing it out. Just for a title I figured it's important to have correct spelling (unless it's intentionally silly of course!)
sorry spelling error, if its any consolation I was half dead when I made it.