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Conversation Between Ginger and Echo-chan713
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    09-01-2011 03:44 PM
    Zephyr's Companion evolved
  2. 's Avatar
    09-01-2011 01:32 PM
    where did you get your kimono piece?
  3. 's Avatar
    06-13-2011 07:18 PM
    Yes I agree~
  4. 's Avatar
    06-12-2011 11:29 PM
    Even though I'm technically rich on Trisphee doesn't mean i want to get mnore richer you work for it.
  5. 's Avatar
    06-12-2011 01:10 PM
    Thanks for checking up on me ^^ All is well.
  6. 's Avatar
    06-12-2011 01:02 AM
    I am fine, just a little pissed that the rich are trying to make themselves richer. I came here to have fun, not work my ass off to get two monthly items each month.

    How are you today?
  7. 's Avatar
    06-12-2011 12:59 AM
    Are you alright?
  8. 's Avatar
    05-27-2011 03:21 AM
    For me, if they say it to my face, I'll say something back to them
  9. 's Avatar
    05-26-2011 03:35 PM
    Yeah, so I didn't take it too personally being called a bitch xD
  10. 's Avatar
    05-24-2011 11:04 PM
    Lice!? really, that's like the bottom of the list
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