Conversation Between #000000 and Funkduder
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
hehe you're very welcome ^^
OMG Thank yo so much! *huggles faust*
*looks around with shifty eyes*
Mayyybe :D
Oh ho? Maybe I can snag one off you, myself. XD
haha I know how that is.. I have a giant pool of the very first event items >.< Wayy too many.
No problem. The event items called to me so I snagged them...and then I had too many. XD
Eeeps you didn't have to send me any gifts! :D
I believe that they are trisphian Mokonas from the Love letter item. I have sent you a welcome back gift (unfortunately, no mokonas. Q_Q)
What are those adorable little blue things... the one on your head.. its so cute!