Conversation Between Sadrain and star2000shadow
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
Thank you, I like what you're doing with your avatar, too. :)
drat ohh well thanks rainy 'hugs' you look lovely by the way.
Celestial regent, last year's yearly.
'frown' what's that staff from?
oh wow i love your avi look amazing..
aww Happy Valentines to you to hone, your just as awesome if not more so.. i dunno of anyone else who's helped me so much as you do..
Want to stop by and say Happy Valentine Day, the day I also tell how cool my friends are. :D And you're really awesome! Best wishes and thoughts to you. :)
so far i am.. i got a quest thread all up and i even got a bunch of items off of it in like a few days 'nods'
Yes, quite, I hope you will enjoy it here. :)