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Conversation Between Kage_Rose and Moonless Midnight
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to of
  1. 's Avatar
    06-15-2012 07:18 PM
    Locked Legends, Caped Avenger, Reign of the Jackal, Sa'riel, Abyssal Angel and Miniature Angel Wings.
  2. 's Avatar
    06-15-2012 10:57 AM
    Moonless Midnight
    what items you trying to get?
  3. 's Avatar
    06-15-2012 10:36 AM
    Thanks, though I'm not quite happy with it yet... But I will be, soon. <3
  4. 's Avatar
    06-14-2012 06:58 PM
    Moonless Midnight
    Well you've got a nice avi there yourself
  5. 's Avatar
    06-14-2012 10:18 AM
    //stalks// sssssssssss-that'ssssss a nicceee everything you've got there.... //shot//
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