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littl3chocobo littl3chocobo is offline

isn't that funny

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Showing Visitor Messages 1381 to 1390 of 7902
  1. 's Avatar
    11-26-2015 01:31 PM
    Awen Moonshine
    Thank you <3 I'll take a look in there in a bit, got some sewing to try and finish up that I've been putting off for too long... ^_^;;
  2. 's Avatar
    11-26-2015 09:17 AM
    Awen Moonshine
    Oh... ^_^;; It's more that I check in every once in a while, but I'm mostly a lurker and don't feel like I have much to contribute to most of the conversations here. ^_^;; That and I flick between sites a lot (too many tabs open). ^_^;;
  3. 's Avatar
    11-26-2015 07:52 AM
    Awen Moonshine
    Ummm... Hello...? ^_^;;
  4. 's Avatar
    11-25-2015 11:59 PM
    Galla sleeps? :O Amazing.

    Yes, that's fine, haha.
  5. 's Avatar
    11-25-2015 11:49 PM
  6. 's Avatar
    11-25-2015 05:27 PM
  7. 's Avatar
    11-25-2015 04:58 AM
    oh no worries at all! ^_^
  8. 's Avatar
    11-24-2015 03:03 AM
    I know. That's why I made the joke. xD
  9. 's Avatar
    11-24-2015 02:49 AM
    No you we're mention a game and I was replying in a sarcastic joke comment about how I take showers. xD
  10. 's Avatar
    11-24-2015 02:47 AM
    okie doke~
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