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Kitarun Kitarun is offline

Double Rainbow

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Showing Visitor Messages 141 to 150 of 154
  1. 's Avatar
    11-11-2016 07:18 PM
    You actually did something for veterans o_o. I feel like no one cares about Veteran's Day except if people have families who are serving, or friends with families who are serving...and at my school I'm pretty sure there are very few of those people.

    The only thing that we get moments of silence for are to think about terrorist attacks, like 9/11 in America and the thing that happened in Paris.
  2. 's Avatar
    11-11-2016 06:58 PM
    Nono, I never knew the reason in the first place :P
  3. 's Avatar
    11-11-2016 06:45 PM
    If I ever go to Ontario xD. Canada's pretty cold, sadly.
    I just realized, I don't have school today because it's Veteran's Day, though teachers still get their professional development meetings at school. Whoops, completely forgot the day was today.
  4. 's Avatar
    11-11-2016 05:40 PM
    Lol XD. It really wouldn't be. I've always wondered what my birth-country was like.
  5. 's Avatar
    11-11-2016 04:51 PM
    If anything did happen, I'd probably get deported xD. Since I'm not a US citizen and all.
  6. 's Avatar
    11-11-2016 02:46 PM
    ...They're shutting down the borders?
    Either way I can't move until college XD.
  7. 's Avatar
    11-11-2016 11:39 AM
    I was born very west of Canada, pratically right by the border of the USA xD
  8. 's Avatar
    11-11-2016 01:15 AM
    I'm in America, but in a sort of abnormal school besides.
    What part of Canada are you from :o? I was born in Canada ^^.
  9. 's Avatar
    11-11-2016 12:56 AM
    My school had this thing called "community day" today. All we did was do a specifically assigned community service work for a few hours with schoolmates and then head back home.
    Tomorrow is a day where teachers have to go to meetings together (apparently, it takes up enough time that students get a day off).
  10. 's Avatar
    11-11-2016 12:40 AM
    XD Good luck with that. I'm lucky to have no school today or tomorrow.


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