Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 152
XD lol *does a clumsy dance* Its nice to know Im not the only one.
XD yeah except it doesnt work so well on other sites, I forget to copy post formats. Then I go to edit the post to get the format. I usually don't save so I end up pasting over my previous post. *curls up in farthest corner.*
xD Noes, my classes are online, so I'm generally always free. Whoo~!
XD Oh lordy lou. I usually write things in word first. Im a horrible speller. *Hides under bed*
X3 -snugglehugs-
It's 8:30 in the morning here, so I'm up early. =3=;
Dwah! -falls over- XD
Why are you still awake??
XD Once again as long as you don't eat me. Its all cool
First nice user picture xD. Second I am not sure what we should be doing in the rp since N seems to forget to post. Hope you don't mind me making crap up.
I merely jest dearest. *pets*
I was because you DISAPPEARED ON ME! *shames*