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Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline

Poconut Overlord

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  1. 's Avatar
    05-19-2011 09:12 AM
    o.O; i've been lucky my fillings haven't fallen out.. yet heh but I have had parts of my tooth just break or chip off for no reason what so ever Dx it worriers me though it hasn't happened in a while. I haven't found a doctor no matter the calling that I like.. the one I did like my mom switched me over to a woman doctor -.-; I liked the guy better instead of this chick that asks me "are you eating and are you pregnant" its like what am i too fat or skinny make your mind up D<

    :D you should, i can tell you what server and all i play on and I sided with Guardians.. mainly cause Kano liked the lore better and the fact they are the underdogs in the mmo on all servers. The Defiant out number them at least 2-1 some serves its more of 3,4-1
  2. 's Avatar
    05-19-2011 08:54 AM
    direct to download, its one of the main sites you download games and the such from the site with no cd.. granted a bit cheaper but ive heard too many horror stories to want to risk it xD

    well assuming they don't hurt at all i guess then no i shouldn't worry too much ^.^;; they don't even look that bad.. just has a hole in them .. it's very weird. Really I blame the cheap ass dentenst my mom took me to years ago.. D< i never had any holes or issues with my teeth till they started messing with them! i could eat whatever I wanted now it hurts like i dunno what to eat certain candy at times Dx that happened right after I got a few fillings.
  3. 's Avatar
    05-19-2011 08:45 AM
    same here.. plus ive had issues with D2D stuff so i don't trust it to keep my data xD

    yeah I'm not as luck it's mainly my front teeth with the issues .__. it sucks i need to get them fixed but im scared to death they'll say theres nothing they can do for them Dx I don't want false teeth at the age of 22
  4. 's Avatar
    05-19-2011 08:38 AM
    Yep you can get the game digitally or buy a retail copy ^^ ~ prefers retails myself as well but I like Ce boxes xD~

    thats kinda funny the dentist is the same reason I need insurance ... I have what you'd call soft teeth (curse you mum) and even with daily care I still get holes in them.. they aren't painful at all just more of a self aware sort of thing =/ plus I think my old fillings need to be replaced now as well Dx
  5. 's Avatar
    05-19-2011 08:29 AM
    If you do get the game you should make the account through the link in my siggy ^.^ you get bonus 20 or 30% exp till level 20 plus the special title :) and the ability to port to my characters location and i think vise versa :D plus the game comes with a free month once you buy it and the link provides a free week

    but I know how that is.. i use to play WoW like that x.x it was rough... what sucks is even if i get the job that i got a call back from i won't have insurance still DX
  6. 's Avatar
    05-19-2011 08:12 AM
    haha I've done that before on a game.. wasted money on it. Now I just stick to P2P's ... so I don't have a cash shop tempting me ^.^; ~collection freak so mini pets and mounts get me~ It's a future husband I got devoiced from my first one xP But things are working out way better this time around.

    And you should play Rift with me then D: I can get you into the guild that Kano leads they are very friendly and like helping people ^^ and sometime er... maybe soon I can play with ya cause I'll get my pc fixed.. if i'm lucky xD

    I know how the insurance is.. i'm having a hell of a time trying to get a medical card where I have little to no money to my name and my mother can't cover me anymore .__.
  7. 's Avatar
    05-19-2011 07:58 AM
    Yeah sounds about right, lucky for me we have all three systems here.. but Kano takes up the Tv when he plays Rift XD and being the guild leader and all I can't really ask him not to play. Though I do feel rather left out now seeing I'm pretty much replaced in raids </3 But I know how you feel I'd rather eat then play a game as well but I sort of cheat theres two of us here to get food and if i get a job things will be 10x's better
  8. 's Avatar
    05-19-2011 07:52 AM
    I've been well.. sorta ^.^; Praying I get the job that i had a interview for recently.. My pc's motherboard finally let go of life so I need funds to replace it. Sadly that means no Rift for me till I get it all fixed up </3 Anyway what about you :) long time no speak
  9. 's Avatar
    05-18-2011 10:50 PM
    I mentioned SyFy's Alice? I do often talk about it... It's my favorite... Devil was good too. Really good. Holy Jesus good. >.> No movie is too intense for me. D:<
    Anyway. I don't know where to begin when it comes to SyFy's Alice. D: Where did you watch to or whatever? x___x
  10. 's Avatar
    05-18-2011 01:18 PM


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