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Pathosis Pathosis is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 173
  1. 's Avatar
    11-27-2012 10:24 AM
    I love .hack// myself
    I'm more a helba or balmung type of person, then again I also love Mistral and Elk
  2. 's Avatar
    11-27-2012 10:20 AM
    Also helped that I actually haven't long finished watching signs.
  3. 's Avatar
    11-27-2012 05:21 AM
    Nice Subaru cosplay!
  4. 's Avatar
    11-23-2012 05:06 PM
    Thank you for buying at my shop, have a good day! :)
  5. 's Avatar
    11-21-2012 10:09 PM
    Darth Vader
    I know, like, when you said that, I thought you meant this Piglit. xD

    Oh, yeah, hicks... plenty of hicks here in Maine. Eugh. >n> Lot of rednecks, too... WHY GOD. At least you just live in a hick town; imagine living in a hick state. xD

    And yeah, the, like, crappy papier-mâché kindergarten-made headdresses, lmao. And having to put their hand up and go "hao." xD

    Yeah, like, I bot the Bat Swarm from Daigotsu, but they just gave it to me willingly, just... ;~; DON'T JUDGE ME.

    I might come back to Trisphee in the future, but then again, I may not leave... it's just something I'm considering based on certain thingies, but yeah, BEST NOT BE SELLIN' ANY OF MY CRAP TO TURN A PROFIT, BRO. xD Demon-looking avatars are amazing. If I end up staying, I'd like to buy one or two more Spirit of Treacheries. >3>
  6. 's Avatar
    11-21-2012 04:52 PM
    Darth Vader
    You were also my 50th visitor comment! :U

    Thank you for the 40 Anka Tokens, lawl. xD
  7. 's Avatar
    11-21-2012 04:51 PM
    Darth Vader
    [two messages because first one was too long xD]

    And maybe if I do decide to do what I told you in my message, I'll let you have it; it's probably one of my favorite items that I currently own right now. I just love evil-looking stuff, what can I say? owo;

    Yeah, I thought so. xD I've been here less than a month, and I've been trying to learn as much as I can. ;n;
  8. 's Avatar
    11-21-2012 04:50 PM
    Darth Vader
    Yeah, October does make more sense, but I guess the American holiday people who put holidays on calendars thought it'd be too much to have two major holidays in the same month, ya know? xD

    And yeah, no one likes a hardcore 'MURCIN or 'NADIAN. I also just pictured a Canadian redneck. lol wut.

    Oh, really? xD And lolyeah, brb putting on my face paint and moccasins and smoking my pipe and Indian war crying by flapping an open palm in front of my mouth ahpahpahpahpahp xD

    Oh, yeah, I'd feel bad about buying separate items from full bundles, too - except I wanted to buy Axel's Bat Swarm from a full bundle one time, I've recently changed my mindset about it. I try to buy separate items from bundles only if the bundle itself is missing items already.
  9. 's Avatar
    11-21-2012 03:16 PM
    Darth Vader
    Oh, that sounds absolutely no different than an American Thanksgiving; I guess you really do just have it earlier. :P Aw, how can you not be patriotic? FUCK YEA 'MURCA. Or in this case, FUCK YEA CEN'DUH. xD

    And lol who dresses up as a pilgrim for Thanksgiving
    The only time that seems, like, socially acceptable is at some sort of "Oh ye old tiem histories of Thanksgiving let us gather and eat turkey and take the land from the Indians."

    And nice, I think the only full bundle I have is Haryn's Bundle. :I Do you have full bundles, too, or just select items from them? Did you want another Spirit of Treachery, or just one? I'm thinking of giving some of my stuff away, and yeah, I totally thought you had two because of the tail, lol. I need to learn my Trisphee items better, I guess. :P
  10. 's Avatar
    11-21-2012 02:22 AM
    Darth Vader
    Yeah, the oranginess made me think of Halloween/Thanksgiving/fall, and the white hair and snowflake-looking things made me think of winter, so I was all, "Oh, she has to have some sort of holiday theme goin' on." xD

    And oh, really? That's pretty cool. ^w^ Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions, personally? And is there anything about Canadian Thanksgiving that's different from an American Thanksgiving?

    By the way, which two bundles did you get? ^^ I also see you got a couple of those Spirit of Treacheries. :3

About Me

  • About Pathosis
    Uh, hey, I'm Pathosis, but please call me Path. I'm an artist, and I'll probably be selling art!
    Ontario, Canada. :)
    Art, writing, making fraaaaands.
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  • Last Activity: 08-30-2013 03:43 PM
  • Join Date: 09-19-2012
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