Yeah I am trying to see the other part of hair I would need to make bangs. -is being a loser and is poor- My inventory is crazy with all my cosplaying.
I need to sleep so will check the rest of the generic opera later but now i have chase the morning in my head...and i have no problem with that =)
You possibly could sell your traditional art if you tweak it somehow... The quality scan is quite high but at the same time...i almost feel like something is missing for the seeling formula. Digital isn't the only art out there selling ;D
Well...that video certainly can get my sweethtooth going xD
sleepying time again night!
xD I really want a tablet that I can draw with... Then maybe I can make art worthy of being sold. :3 Yes. That is my dream. To be a better artist, but I can't do much without a working scanner. D: And my coloring by hand really sucks. x-x
xD Yes. I like to draw more complex things... For some reason. :3
Hah. I don't know why I love groups and stuff so much... Hands and groups just make things much more interesting and I draw single people much too quickly! I can take much more time on groups and stuff. ^^