Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 172
I don't get a vacation....just days off D:
xD *huggles the simon* I hope you get good days
and yeah, I'm excited to sleep my hours away x3
x3; Aww, you only think you're fine? You should FEEL fine~ :D
I'm busy myself...but it's my day off tomorrow :D
LMAO, what a huge mess! xD
I'm doing okay, Simon dear. How about you?
LMAO. You're drunk and you're on trisphee?!?
get some rest xD
*clings on you* where have you beeeeeen?? Dx
I'll give you a new work xD; work as the cutest thing in the world! :D
yeah, I might have to get some sleep at the sleeping quarters here at work
want me to kill work for you? xD;
well, my work is fine, I'm just a little tired here...about to finish my today's shift.