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Demonskid 01-26-2015 07:43 AM

o-o i've never played it... i took at the game and cringe at the blockiness of it xD

I cringe at FF7 original game characters.. xD they look so funny

o-o pinkerton gave me a ambush -hoards it away for future use- its been ages since i actually gotten one of these with out buying it!

ml1201 01-26-2015 09:15 AM

You can actually get texture packs so that it looks better, I mean of course everything is still going to be blocks and all, but it won't look so pixelly. Here's a HD texture pack for it:

ZenKitty 01-26-2015 01:55 PM

A yeti gave me a beserker today. I'm accumulating quite a bit of those. Do either of you need one?

The ambushes don't drop as much, unfortunately.

ml1201 01-26-2015 05:54 PM

I have to go through my stones and throw some into my vault but I have a stock pile of those. x'D Not a big one mind, but a pile none the less. XD

Demonskid 01-26-2015 07:09 PM

I gave all my berserkers to newbies o3o and i get them sooo much i don't really need them

I nearly had a heart attack when Pinkerton gave me that ambush.. @-@ its more rare then a legendary pokemon!

ml1201 01-26-2015 07:39 PM

*hides her 9 ambushes, which is two more than her berserk stones*

Yokuutsu 01-26-2015 10:44 PM

I have the same username on there.

But I don't see any dragons going for that price. Mine won't always sell for 20k or less.

But I do want some Nocturnes....with genes...or one to breed with my imperials (they are the same rarity, right?)

ml1201 01-26-2015 11:12 PM

Well, technically speaking yes, I guess imps would be considered the same rarity as the Nocturnes unless they come back next year. If they do then no, they are not. As far as getting those dragons whoever imps are easier than Nocturnes right now because they are a fairly new breed.

Yokuutsu 01-26-2015 11:18 PM

Well I have imperials and two nocturnes....imps have pretty genes XD

Demonskid 01-27-2015 07:54 AM

I wanna breed another Triple Violet xD my last one sold for 60k. that's the most i've ever sold a dragon for o-o,

Yokuutsu! I'm adding you on FR ouo

ml1201 01-27-2015 10:45 AM

Imps are pretty in general, and nocturnes are absolutely adorable! XD

Demonskid 01-27-2015 07:21 PM

I've added a pink tail bow and the sakura flower fall! I just need the pink fluffs and he's finished OuO

ml1201 01-27-2015 08:43 PM

lol, All because I mentioned Vesta to you, lol. XD

Demonskid 01-28-2015 07:46 AM

Yes o3o

I have the blue fluffs ouo, swipp refuses to show the pink ones... ;-;

Edit: Never Mind! Pink Chest Fluff Acquired! <3

ml1201 01-28-2015 11:09 AM

lol, he looks epic with that now. XD You should rename him Vesta bow! XD

Demonskid 01-28-2015 05:00 PM

Nuuu ono Tsubasa stays Tsubasa

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