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littl3chocobo 10-30-2011 04:03 PM

he sighed. that was good. he pulled the other's arm around until they were face to face "this will be uncomfortable but bear with me" he started wrapping the man's wrist. "my name is leslie"

DarkForbidden-Love 10-30-2011 04:09 PM

Samuel nodded and filed it away. Echo was Leslie, that did not mean if Samuel ever desided to talk to the other that he would call him Leslie. He was waiting patiently as the other wrapped his arm, almost impatient for the other to finsh so he could take it back off. Leslie said only not to fight it, he never said he could not remove it once they where done.

littl3chocobo 10-30-2011 04:33 PM

he reached behind the other for the scissors. he did not realize that the tactic would be so affective against a grown man. he tucked the end into another part and zip-tied the hand back to the chair, he then cut the other hand and brought it forward as well. "would you like to hear another?" he wrapped the second hand the same as the first

DarkForbidden-Love 10-30-2011 04:35 PM

Samuel shrugged, he did not really care, his name or other facts important to Samuel. He only had to stay in Leslie's company for another day or two. While Leslie was wrapping his other hand, Samuel was using the tie arround his hand to unwrap his previously wrapped hand.

littl3chocobo 10-30-2011 04:43 PM

"this wrap is very special, the edges fray into wounds and clots them right up, if you pull them off they hurt like holy hell" the other stopped his wriggling and sat still. he took the scissors and snipped the end and tucked it under a fold. he reached for another tie and zip-tied the other hand to the chair too. he leaned so he could get at the edge of the gauzed hand and quickly fixed it best he could given the constraints of his position

DarkForbidden-Love 10-30-2011 05:03 PM

Samuel waited untill Leslie had finished inspecting the wraps. Them he started at unwrapping them again. He did not care if it hurt, he wanted them off.

littl3chocobo 10-31-2011 09:54 AM

he watched as the other did his damnedest to unravel the wraps through his constraints he did not get very far but he did manage to bunch it up around the ties. "i'll come back to re-wrap them later" he left the other to his task and left to go downstairs he knew there was a medical archive and a mechanics library on the seventh floor and so went to grab something to read

DarkForbidden-Love 10-31-2011 04:53 PM

Samuel wondered where the other was going but did not ask. He had managed to bunch up the wraps but not remove them completely which frustrated him. He decided to wait patiently for the other to return. Maybe Samuel would talk to him again simply to annoy Leslei because when the other was mad he did the best things.

littl3chocobo 10-31-2011 05:02 PM

the technical books yielded nothing but he did find a book on mental illness and brain anomalies. when he got back upstairs he checked the bandages which did not seem much more unraveled than before and began to read silently. he made sure not to turn his back on the other

DarkForbidden-Love 10-31-2011 05:06 PM

Samuel wondered how to annoy the other but being unable to find a suitable way simple asked. "Attempting to figure out what is wrong with yourself?" He asked gestering to the book with his head.

littl3chocobo 10-31-2011 05:07 PM

he smiled lightly "maybe"

DarkForbidden-Love 10-31-2011 05:09 PM

Samuel grinned. "Then that book isn't the best, a shrink can tell you all what is wrong with you head. She'll probably tell you your mother did not hug you enough when you were little or something like that." Samuel frowned angily as though remembering something. "Never mind the book is probably best."

littl3chocobo 10-31-2011 05:11 PM

he nodded "especially since your medical adviser is recently deceased" he turned the page

DarkForbidden-Love 10-31-2011 05:19 PM

Samuel frowned and quirked his eye brow. "Not the one on earth. There are several more there~" He isn't even sure that the towers have a mentalist. He stuck his toungue out at the other, a very juevenile move and he knew it.

littl3chocobo 10-31-2011 05:24 PM

"ah, another problem, there is a high chance i will never make it to earth so i am hard-pressed to find the help i surly need there"

DarkForbidden-Love 10-31-2011 06:45 PM

Samuel rolled his eyes. He was teasing the others he was sure no would even bother to try and tell Leslie what was wrong, just send him to the asylum. "Eh, doubt they would be much help to a murderer anyways."

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