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ml1201 05-15-2015 08:47 PM

Well, got 20 eggs from the pal machine today since they have the more rare materials monster thing going on for me, got some evo materials that will be useful in the future and some that I could feed to level other monsters. XD

Illusion 05-15-2015 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 1657438)
I just won't put inventory size limits in. We already don't have one and it would feel like trying to wring money out of players if I were to add one here.

You should keep stamina the same though, keeps people from finishing all of the content too fast, and gives people a reason to go back to the forums.
(Maybe even allow staff members to regenerate Stamina to anyone they feel like who talks in the forums. Would have to be heavily regulated though and limited. Gives people a reason to go to the forums and talk again so they aren't solely focused on the game.)

Coda 05-15-2015 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Demonskid (Post 1657439)
AH! What type of orbs do you want? I wanna design some orbs (or what will take place of the orbs)

Not going to use orbs, actually, except for heart. Was going to use monster mugshots like Pokemon Shuffle.


will i be hated if i fed these chimera to my monsters o3o
Nope. Chimeras are good for two purposes: feeding to monsters (ideally, to pengdra to prepare them for evolution), or feeding to the starter dragons for skillups once evolved.


Originally Posted by Illusion (Post 1657456)
You should keep stamina the same though, keeps people from finishing all of the content too fast, and gives people a reason to go back to the forums.
(Maybe even allow staff members to regenerate Stamina to anyone they feel like who talks in the forums. Would have to be heavily regulated though and limited. Gives people a reason to go to the forums and talk again so they aren't solely focused on the game.)

Regenerating stamina based on forum activity is, in fact, exactly what I was already planning to do. :P

ml1201 05-15-2015 11:13 PM

CODA! We need an official thread to talk about this game in. XD So what elements will there be? This way when I do the creatures I can do the different appearances based on elements and such. :3

Illusion 05-15-2015 11:44 PM

This is the unofficial official thread.

ml1201 05-16-2015 12:08 AM

But I don't want to spam this thread with arts when I'm done. x'D

Coda 05-16-2015 01:17 AM

Don't get carried away, I'm probably not going to even START on it this year. ^^;

Demonskid 05-16-2015 03:47 AM

you TOTALLY should start it this year o3o something like this might bring peoples back.

Art Wise we have me, illu, ml and moonkin for monsters ouo (i'll try at least) We could make little sticker faces for our monsters ourselves. We'd need to know the maximum and minimum sizes of the monster arts.

we could also use the game to hold mini event/contests for the users! I remember when we use to hold item contests and the winner would get a free set of items. We could do something similar once the game is done or close to being done. Hold a monster drawing contest, winners get their monsters put in the game and a free version of it to use.

Illu this thread is suppose to be for PAD not for PAT xD if anything we could make our own planning thread in the landfill.. o3o someone would have to keep it up to date with all the art that would be posted and idea's for coda to sift through and say 'yes, maybe, no' to o3o

ml1201 05-16-2015 08:08 AM

I don't see an are called landfill. x'D But we should at least have a thread for posting the creatures to get approval and to be shown and stuff.

Demonskid 05-16-2015 08:24 AM

The landfill is at the bottom of the forums, it houses the archives and posting laboratory (where our planning thread would go) and the old events.

Illusion 05-16-2015 10:25 AM

I didn't get Horus or Sun Quan. Which were the two I would had killed for.

But I got my Lu Bu and Liu Bei.

And then Bastet, Isis, and Ra.

I'm happy I ended up with Hades since I was trying to roll for him last fest. So I'm happy things worked out the way they did.

Virtra... I have no idea what to do with that dragon....

Lu Bu would go great with my Red Sonia team, I have so many good devil monsters that I don't know what to even do with now.

Liu Bei's new ultimate is amazing. I just need to evolve him and then I can get it. I have 2 Verdandi, now him. I can actually do a green team now!

2 Isis.... One for each evo I guess? I don't really need her, heck 2 Ra's or Bastet's would had been more useful. She would had been great day 1, but now I'm scratching my head trying to figure out what to do with her.

Now Bastet... I love her, she is like super waifu awesomeness. I just don't know what to do with her. Amazing green leader, awesome sub. I should just throw her into my Verdandi team since her skill is very useful for mass damage. But I don't know what else to do with that team, I have Freyja, and my Green Odin... Odin would be great for healing.
I dunno. Which is better? Freyja or Bastet?

Demonskid 05-16-2015 11:32 AM

i only had enough gems for 1 try today and i had gotten another melon dragon =(

edit: ouo i hope i can do the tamadra dungeon.. -makes a team of high HP- 3:< -tries to squeeze more into it but the team cost is limited- jerks >o<

I'm worried about that 6666 damage but i want all the tama! x3 CODA! Around 10:30 EST put on your highest HP dude for me?! xD

ml1201 05-16-2015 04:53 PM

I was able to pull twice and got Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia (OMG!! OWO Its considered S rank for evolved form and has awesome abilities) and I got Ur-Chimera but the Chimera doesn't seem worth keeping. So I was thinking of feeding it to Sonia. XD

My major problem is the costs, I can only have a team with a total point cost of 53 and a lot of the better monsters I have I can't freakin use! >.< I'm only rank 44 so that's giving em some trouble. =(

Demonskid 05-16-2015 05:01 PM

I want a sonia! xD lucky!

yea the cost is hard to deal with ono grind that one place during the weekends ouo

the tower of giants: dragons of the tower

ml1201 05-16-2015 06:15 PM

I'll have to look what gives me more monsters. XD I usually grind there if I can. :3

Demonskid 05-16-2015 06:37 PM

i'm bouncing between the tower and the weekend 2x coin dungeon x3 monies is needed

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