
Trisphee (
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-   -   Ʊᴌτɪʍα - [B] RUNES & JAPAN ITEMS <3 [S] EI's, others (

Ginger 12-21-2010 08:54 PM

^^ Of course, he wasn't meaning for it to happen that way haha. I've had it happen before when Azrael sells runes. Those things get sold FAST. I didn't want you to miss out.

Ginger 12-21-2010 08:55 PM

I think it's great how couples are on Trisphee ^^ It's really cute.

Ultima 12-22-2010 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Ginger (Post 345257)
Ultima - I had Obbiesan put a Braen's Jacket on hold for you :3 He just put a couple up for sale right when you logged out~

Oh, well alright then ^^ I wasn't really looking to buy one, but if he's willing to sell, I'll certainly buy ^^;

Lost 12-22-2010 04:11 AM

We didn't know if you were looking or not.

So he had it on hold just encase.

Ultima 12-22-2010 04:15 AM

Alrighty then. Thankies =3

Lost 12-22-2010 04:16 AM

No problem;
If you don't want it I could always make him give it to me

Alchemy 12-22-2010 04:21 AM

It's not that I don't want it, I just wasn't looking to buy. But like I said, if someone's willing to sell, I'll buy =3

(On my mule right now ^^;)

Lost 12-22-2010 04:26 AM

You'll have to talk to him about it then
He's sleepin right now
And I'm about to join him

Alchemy 12-22-2010 04:28 AM

Okays, goodnight Lost-san ^^

Ginger 12-22-2010 08:23 AM

I wasn't sure if you were interested or not because I remembered you wanting to buy the event jackets for a while. I guess you updated since then ^^'

Alchemy 12-22-2010 06:49 PM

I actually bought a Braen's Jacket a while ago. Before I even made this thread, I think. I was mainly looking for the other two to complete the set. But another Braen's Jacket definitely wouldn't hurt =P

Lost 12-23-2010 12:05 AM

You could ask him if he has any of the others to sell...
I dunno if he does or not.

**gonna send 1.1k for the 3rd Armor I've got on hold~~
Only two more!

Greg 12-24-2010 09:37 AM

i want to buy 55 feathers, how about 2200 Au for them?

Lost 12-24-2010 01:52 PM

I've almost got enough for the two other items I've got on hold~

Ultima 12-24-2010 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 352119)
i want to buy 55 feathers, how about 2200 Au for them?

Whoops, sorry. Didn't see this til just now ^^;; I'll send the trade since it says your offline. I'll cancel it if it hasn't been accepted in 5 days though. Normally it's 2 or 3, but with the holidays, I'll lengthen it to 5.

Woot! Go Lost! =D

Lost 12-24-2010 02:16 PM

*dances around*
After this I need 11k for nikko

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