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gremlin 07-08-2011 12:55 PM

I'm usually hungry whenever I eat a lot of food... and I try to stay hungry if I know that we're going to be eating a lot and a lot of delicious food.

Poggio 07-08-2011 01:00 PM

Oi that doesnt sound good for your stomach though. No wonder you feel sick. It sounds like your stomach hates taking in all that food at once.

gremlin 07-08-2011 01:05 PM

To be honest.... for a few months I ate pretty well. Had tons of fruits and vegetables for snacks and for breakfast and ate stuff like mini-wheats... and I walked a lot, biked.
My diet is a bit bad, I barely eat tbqh.

Poggio 07-08-2011 01:16 PM

So the irony in this is that I am in a similar situation so I probably shouldn't be lecturing you. But I am always afraid for people when they say they don't eat. I've known to many people with eating disorders and image issues.

gremlin 07-08-2011 01:45 PM

I'm kinda concerned about myself.
I mean... I don't think that I have an eating disorder. But perhaps I really do? I'll be starving, like painful cramps from hunger, but if the only thing to eat is unhealthy, I won't eat it.

gremlin 07-08-2011 01:45 PM

I'm also concerned about this whole always having to have orange on my avatar thing...

- cry -

I can't do thisss.
I can't make another nice avatar.

littl3chocobo 07-08-2011 01:46 PM

the solar monthly looks nice and it is orange

Lunaryon 07-08-2011 01:53 PM

I'd be willing to trade with you if you need it.
I am right as you mean the Solar Kingdom, right? Because it is a good orange monthly.

littl3chocobo 07-08-2011 01:54 PM

solar kingdom, yes

if she is offering a trade you may want to take it

Poggio 07-08-2011 02:02 PM

Hmm I'm pretty sure you can find tones of orange that would look nicely with orange like gold and yellow or Orange and blue. A lot of the special items have a nice orange with them

As for the eating thing its probably best you dont eat junk food but you need to eat something. I know my dad started taking apples with him were ever he goes, and I usually eat gum or vitamin water if I can instead of junk food.

Lunaryon 07-08-2011 02:02 PM

I have a few, and I am obviously not using it. I have to wear gold on all my outfits, so I understand the problem somewhat.

littl3chocobo 07-08-2011 02:04 PM

you could copy my avi^^ or pick your fav avi and just replicate it /in/ orange

gremlin 07-08-2011 02:05 PM

I'm a bit OCD with avatars... I've been here for six days? Yeah... and I've changed my avatar maybe twenty times now. I haven't fallen in love with one yet. D:

I couldn't take things from you.
And if I had to pay -shakes wallet- I'm broke.

gremlin 07-08-2011 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Poggio (Post 745275)
Hmm I'm pretty sure you can find tones of orange that would look nicely with orange like gold and yellow or Orange and blue. A lot of the special items have a nice orange with them

As for the eating thing its probably best you dont eat junk food but you need to eat something. I know my dad started taking apples with him were ever he goes, and I usually eat gum or vitamin water if I can instead of junk food.

I really don't want to eat junk food though. D:
I have not had chips for... months, same with coke ( well I maybe have one once a week, but sometimes I can go weeks without drinking it. ). SO YEAH. And I still bike and walk everywhere. If possible. ;__;

littl3chocobo 07-08-2011 02:06 PM

offer a trade, do you draw or code or anything?

gremlin 07-08-2011 02:07 PM

I can't draw and I can't code.
I'm pretty useless. :'D

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