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Worm 11-26-2017 07:48 PM

The wind curled behind Hal's hood, he wasn't sure how to take the information, or if he could. He looked down at the ground and at his hands. They started shifting in front of his eyes. Hair sprouted down his knuckles as they stretched into claws. He shook his hands, trying to rid the curse of Ash's words. "No, no. That doesn't make sense." He was panicking, sweat rolling down his face, steam billowing from there. "What happened yesterday?" Even his eyes were struggling to remain human.

sylvanSpider 11-27-2017 10:14 PM

Ash studied Hal's face as he processed her words. Could he possibly believe her? What were the chances that he could? Then, at this point, it wouldn't surprise Ash in the slightest if he was willing to believe anything when it came to his late night escapades. His hands that were now shaking caught Ash's attention and she knew she was right instantly, and she was about to witness his transformation. Her eyes darted back to his and shook her head, "Hal, it's happening...what I saw yesterday was a werewolf, he...he...he came in through my window. That wolf had the same scars as you and look--look--it's happening now. I'll tell you now that you didn't do anything wrong, but I can try to help you."

Worm 11-29-2017 02:25 PM

Hal shook his head furiously. He couldn't accept it. If he were a werewolf, wouldn't his mother have told him? Told him anything? This had to be a dream. He watched claws push out where his fingernails normally are. He groaned, struggling to keep himself human. "This is a dream, this is a dream." A tail began forming at the base of his spine, stretching the skin in the area, causing Hal to lurch forward. He growled now, foam pooling from his mouth as his snout extended. "Wake up!" He screamed, echoing through the empty parking lot where he and Ash stood. And then, there was blackness again.

A six foot something creature limped towards Ash, with feral eyes. He cocked his head, teeth still bared. "Help me?" His voice was not Hal's, it was a mixture of beast and sickly human. The visible eye was a bright yellow, focusing in on Ash. He let out what sounded like a bellowing laugh before lunging towards the girl. He couldn't control it. It was either fear, or a desperate hunger that led him to chase her. He needed to bite down on something, anything!

sylvanSpider 12-04-2017 12:00 AM

Ash stood with her hands in front of her, fingers splayed to show that she offered no danger to the changing man as she watched his claws protrude from his fingertips, his tail sprouting out as if it was only natural it be there. She took a couple of steps back when that yellow eye honed in on her, "Y-yes, help you figure yoursel--oh fuck!"

All the poor woman could do was run, which was probably the worst thing she could have done. The moment he lunged, Ash turned on her heels and took off running. To where, she didn't know. Her house obviously wasn't safe. The wolf had gotten in there before with little to no difficulty. But running toward the town was a bad idea as well. If anyone saw him, they'd kill him. They'd kill Hal. But, if she didn't get somewhere safe soon, Hal would kill her.

Worm 12-09-2017 03:22 PM

All Hal could do was follow the chase. It was as if his body was doing all the work without a single cell focused on thinking this through. His arms were muscular, reaching to the ground now, moving in sync with his legs as he chased her. It was like one of those dreams when you're running from something, running through tunnels and winding through things, but he was the one chasing. He huffed, drool stringing behind him through growling fangs.

sylvanSpider 12-11-2017 04:55 AM

Ash could feel her legs beginning to wear out. The wolf was right behind her--and faster. She'd ducked out of the way of a wayward flying claw or two and was thankful she possessed some form of agility. She was the prey that she'd been in so many dreams and lucky for her, she seemed to be able to dodge well enough to make it them as well, but she was unable to account for how tired she was getting, and fast. "Would you...just....stop? she wheezed between breaths but not daring to slow down. "I want to help you--if you--*pant, pant* get caught--*pant* byanyoneelse--you'll die." Eventually she ducked into an alleyway, not accounting for the fact that it was a dead end, and now she had her back against the wall and to her front all she could see was sharp teeth and equally sharp claws.

Worm 12-11-2017 05:13 AM

Her scent led him through the darkness of night and into the alleyway. Ash's musk made a nearly visible trail for him to follow. Once she was pinned, he licked his lips. His walking slowed, until he was hovering in front of her, reveling in the thought of his next meal with a predatory grin. He sniffed her hair and let out a long howl. He couldn't wait to tear into her.

sylvanSpider 12-11-2017 05:30 AM

Ash froze for a moment feeling his hot breath in her ear sending chills down her spine. It was the howl that brought her back to realizing this was a life or death situation. As Hal's head was tilted back to howl she grabbed for the first thing she could--a stick that had fallen off of someone's firewood stack or something and intending to throw it at him instead missing, and with a whoosh of air right past the wolf's ears the stick clattered to the ground on the other end of the alley. "...Oops" she gulped.

Worm 12-11-2017 05:48 AM

It didn't make sense. Hal's ear twitched after being lightly grazed by Ash's attempt at self defense. Yet instead of being more angry, his focus was instantly shifted. For some reason, the motion of the stick and the sound of it hitting the ground left Hal confused, and playful. It was out of his control now, his body lurched backwards and darted for the stick. It was a big one, which was even better! He grabbed it, fangs digging into the bark. He flung it around in his mouth for a moment before loping back to Ash. This time, a happy, glazed look was in his eyes. The change of temperament was so quick, that it had to be startling for the girl who almost died. Ah well, he dropped the stick in front of her feet, tail wagging frantically behind him. This was exactly what he needed!

sylvanSpider 12-11-2017 03:33 PM

Just like that, Hal's attention was diverted for a...for a...stick. A bloody stick of all things. Ash stood there blinking, mouth agape wondering what the hell just happened, her suspicions being confirmed when the wolf plodded over to her and dropped the stick at her feet. She grinned seeing the wagging tail and stooped to pick it up again not failing to see the toothmarks, and again not forgetting that that very well could have been her neck. She'd take it. "Is this what you want boy? You want me to throw you the stick again?"

Worm 12-11-2017 03:57 PM

His pupils dilated watching the girl pick up his stick. He lunged for it at the same time that she did, but she was too quick. He didn't want blood on his stick, so he just pulled back, tail wagging anxiously. He licked his lips and growled. It was his stick! Not hers! He put his paws in front of him and bowed down. He didn't want her to break the stick! She didn't know how to carry it properly. He barked with a rabid sort of look in his eyes. He just wanted to show off his stick, not get it taken away. What if she never gave it back? He pawed her thigh, a claw getting caught on her jeans.

sylvanSpider 12-11-2017 04:03 PM

Ash yelped feeling the claw tear through her jeans though she could see that it wasn't malicious, so she gulped and plastered on a smile and threw the stick, again, no further than the alleyway, "Go get it, boy! Get the stick and bring it back to me!"

Worm 12-11-2017 04:09 PM

His eyes widened again, following the stick's path through the sky. He flipped around and chased it. His paws tore against the street as he struggled to find his footing. He was so happy to have his stick again. He picked it up and shook his head around violently. Yeah, that's what you get stick! He galloped back to the girl, this time not dropping the stick. He held it within arm's distance, playfully taunting her. He could tell by her scent that she was beta, which probably meant she was willing to wrestle a bit. He usually preferred betas, even though omegas were easier targets. They had a fun challenge added to them.

sylvanSpider 12-11-2017 04:25 PM

Ash stood there for a moment, expectantly waiting for Hal to drop the stick but then she saw the look in his eyes and knew that he wasn't going to. "Ah, so that's how you want it to be, is it?" she asked, lunging forward and wrapping her hands around one end of the stick, planting her feet, and pulling attempting to wrench the stick out of his mouth. The fucker was strong though, too strong for her to actually get it away from him even with her sudden movements.

Worm 12-13-2017 04:06 PM

Hal's eyes lit up. Oh, she does like to play eh? He grounded his paws into the dirt and tugged at the stick, testing her strength first. His jaws foamed around the stick, making it slippery. He growled playfully before ripping it out of her hands. He trotted away happily, as if saying haha! I win, I win! The pleasure of victory was short lived though, as the scent of bread hit Hal's nostrils. His ears stuck straight up with his tail, and he went running.

sylvanSpider 12-13-2017 04:49 PM

Ash planted her feet as firm as she could, but it didn't amount to anything as it slid from her hands, a knot on the end scraping through the tender surface skin and she gasped looking at her hands for a moment as Hal did his victory march. When he took off running, however, Ash's eyes shot back up to him just in time to see the bottoms of his rear paws. "OI. NO! Where are you going?!" And with that, she could do little more than give chase.

Worm 12-21-2017 07:12 AM

Hal's furry humanoid figure found its way to a back alley near the bakery. An entire dumpster filled with bread! Jackpot! Hal lunged into the dumpster, his back legs fully extending so that he could swoop in. He dropped that stick somewhere behind him, not caring if Ash were to find it. After all, he had more important pursuits. His mouth was full of dough now, foaming and drooling around each bite. He was in heaven!

sylvanSpider 12-21-2017 07:18 AM

Ash skid to a stop seeing what it was that Hal had found sudden interest in. Well, better bread than me, she thought, stooping down to retrieve the stick. It was true that he had lost interest in it for now, but given his short attention span it was bound to go back to it. Glancing both ways and finding the alleyway clear, Ash sighed and leaned against the wall waiting for his hunger to be satiated. After all, he wasn't doing any harm in eating out of the garbage. No one was going to miss this old, stale bread.

Worm 12-21-2017 11:06 PM

With his mouth still saturated with the creamy, white drool mixed with bread, he looked over his shoulder. His friend was holding his stick again. Not like that would lure him away from the bread. It was his find after all. He scoffed, continuing to ravage the dumpster. "Mine." He said, coated with growls. Soon after, an iron door flung open. A chef from the restaurant adjacent to the bakery waltzed out with headphones in their ears.

With a nonchalant toss, they threw a bag into the trash where Hal was. He yelped and jumped out, growling at the person who inadvertently screamed and ran inside. Hal grabbed Ash's shirt with his teeth, tugging her and looking up at her with sparkly eyes. It was as if he were saying "come on, they're after us!"

sylvanSpider 12-22-2017 12:21 AM

Ash stood with her hands on her hips, the stick poking out of one of her closed fists. Her foot tapped and she cocked an eyebrow at the dumpster, "I know, I know. You can have it. I don't want it. All yours, buddy." When the doorway to the bakery opened, Ash jumped back in the shadows and released a gasp when Hal came jumping out of the dumpster the baker in turn screaming and running inside. Hal turned to her as if pleading and she could do little more than nod, "Uh-huh boy, I'm with you. Let's...let's get out of here." Her feet tumbled forward with his tugging, but soon she was moving with him willingly, hoping he'd let go soon so she could move with him.

Worm 12-23-2017 05:11 AM

Hal tugged Ash out of the alleys and towards the surrounding foliage. The trees consumed them once again. Once back to safety, Hal began digging. His stomach gurgled throughout. He hoped to either eat something, fuck something, or sleep soon. He was wound up and a bit delirious. His hackles stuck straight up along his spine and tail.

sylvanSpider 12-23-2017 12:56 PM

Ash caught up to Hal panting, weezing. They'd run through the city and straight into the surrounding forest and she put up a hand to lean against one of the tree trunks watching as Hal had already begun digging a fairly sizable hole. "What are you doing?" she gasped out, still trying to catch her breath. "Wanting to bury your stick, boy? I still have it."

Worm 12-31-2017 04:59 PM

Hal whined, tongue lolling form his mouth. He was slowly regaining consciousness, and it was always a strange experience. He was in between wolf and man, clarity and psychosis. He felt everything spinning beneath him. Once Ash displayed the stick, he snatched it from her hands, this time with a clawed paw and buried it. Dirt flew behind him and between his legs, forming a small mound over the stick. He was panting, anxious and tired. With another step forward, he collapsed right in front of Ash's feet. He was already asleep and changing back quickly, though he twitched his paws as if running in his sleep.

sylvanSpider 12-31-2017 05:33 PM

Ash could have melted. He behaved just like a puppy and it was probably the cutest thing she had ever seen in her life. She could see more human features beginning to take over as he fell asleep in potentially the worst spot he could have. Crouching down beside him, a smile graced her lips. His little paws were twitching as he changed. No wonder Hal is always tired.. She looked around and, taking off her jacket, placed it on the sleeping form, taking a seat beside him. It was of no use to try to wake him, and she was too weak to move the hulking form by herself. Maybe she should ask her girlfriend? She dismissed that thought quickly. Her girlfriend would never believe her. So, she waited to see what would happen once the transformation was complete.

Worm 12-31-2017 11:22 PM

When Hal woke, the sun was finally showing its face over the horizon. His eyes were heavy so it took him a moment to realize where he was. It smelled like moss and dirt. He pulled up his blanket... But it wasn't a blanket, it was an oddly familiar jacket. He jumped to his feet. A sleeping Ash laid beside his resting place. He threw his hands to his head in panic. "Ash?! What- What - What happened? Why are we out here? Did we-?" He began to hyperventilate. Hopefully he used protection. She was definitely worth the bang,
but - he didn't remember it whatsoever and didn't need any accidental children. What the fuck?

sylvanSpider 01-01-2018 12:29 AM

Ash sat up with a start, hearing Hal's voice and she smiled, relieved. Wincing, however, she moved a hand to massage a crick in her neck and tried to tame her hair. "No. We didn't. Before you finish that sentence. As I was telling you last night, you're a werewolf, and I saw you turn...both times."

Worm 01-01-2018 01:54 AM

Hal collapsed on the ground, knees up and arms wrapped around them. It's not that he couldn't believe it, hell it would answer a lot of questions, but he didn't want to believe it. "But I mean, that's not possible. I mean, werewolves are from like - Disney movies, or or fantasy chick flicks right?" He scoffed, looking to Ash with pleading, helpless eyes. "I mean - you're just fucking with me right?" He hoped it was all a joke and they just got black out drunk... Like he had been doing every night before apparently. It didn't make sense at all... None of it did.

sylvanSpider 01-01-2018 02:05 AM

Ash shook her head slowly, keeping her eyes locked on Hal. "'Fraid not, friendo. Do you remember anything from last night? The entire thing was pretty fuckin' comical. You uh, kinda tried to kill me, but apparently decided to like me by the time you became kind of a trash digger." Ash put a hand on his back, giving him a sympathetic look, "I'm not fucking with you. If I woulda thought that much ahead, I would have tried to take a video but at the moment I just struggled to fuckin' keep up with you. I can try to see if you do it again tonight if you want. Try to keep you out of trouble."

Worm 01-01-2018 02:25 AM

He leaned forward, releasing his grip from his legs. "I mean.. I remember walking back from the restaurant... I remember - I remember... Yeah, I remember walking back... That's about it. I don't remember getting anywhere though." He squeezed his eyebrows together, trying to peer through his foggy memories. "Did we have a destination or anything?" He looked tired, heavy bags under his eyes. "Shit man, lets go get some coffee." He scoffed, getting to his feet. "If you see me like that again, I need pictures. I need video. I just - I dunno if I'm the crazy one or if you are. Hey, you could be taking advantage of me!" He joked playfully.

sylvanSpider 01-03-2018 04:55 PM

Ash crouched down beside him and placed her hand on his back, "Yes, that's how it started. You and I were walking. We didn't have a destination....I was going to tell you what I'm telling you now. I recognized the wolf from the first night by your your scars." Ash sighed, "I know it sounds crazy. I'm not taking advantage of you. I have no reason to, other than the fact that I find you somewhat attractive." She grinned, knowing that it wasn't really a secret between the two. She couldn't even think of how his being a werewolf could be remotely beneficial to her, save for the fact that once she could prove he was one, he'd trust her a bit more. She had to go through with it, and she had every intention of doing so.

Worm 01-03-2018 05:37 PM

"Hey kid, I was only joking!" Hal wraps his arm around Ash, pulling him in towards the side of his face with one scarred over eye. "And of course you find me attractive!" He chortled, tooting his own horn in order to move on from the werewolf topic. "I mean, why else would we have ended up in such intimate circumstances?" He grinned, deviously trying got push her buttons while she was still in his grasp. He felt big around her, and even though she was a bit of a badass and tough broad herself, it made it more fun to fuck with her knowing that she might be able to take it.

sylvanSpider 01-03-2018 07:59 PM

Ash grinned, letting herself be pulled in, only pushing away feebly with the mention of "intimate circumstances." Of course, she wasn't actually trying to push him away and his arms stayed firmly around her, the woman finding herself oddly comfortable given the fact that they were now on the outskirts of the town on the ground. If Ash could have chosen it, they would have wound up in a more comfortable area, but as it was, she didn't mind it. "Oh yes, it was all a matter of my devious plan! In fact, it was I who turned you!" She cackled and bit her lip looking up at him from where she sat, "But for real, have these blackouts been happening your entire life or did something trigger them?"

Worm 01-03-2018 08:38 PM

Hal released his friend from his muscular arm, probably releasing her from a bit of body odor as well. "Well, eh-" He scratched the back of his head, kicking his foot against a pine cone. "My mom said I've been having them since I was a kid. I don't remember my first one. But when I was a teenager, it got really bad. Had to drop out of school 'cus of it." He sniffed, never really liked to talk about this stuff. He always wanted to think he was just a normal guy with a regular life. In a lot of ways, he convinced himself that it was true.

sylvanSpider 01-03-2018 09:24 PM

Ash watched the pinecone tumble away from the pair and eventually come to a stop and turned to her companion, her face immediately softening and forcing a sort of half smile. So either he was born a werewolf or he was turned when he was too young to remember... Her hand found its place again on his shoulder, "Well, we'll see if we can figure it out together then, won't we? But for the moment, I'm famished. Wanna grab some fuckin' grub?"

Worm 01-06-2018 08:56 PM

Hal's eyes lit up and much like his werewolf form, he jumped up playfully. "Yes! I am starving." He moaned happily. And he didn't have to work today, which lent to a better day. "What do you like to eat besides coffee?" He joked, the bustle of their small town coming into sight and sound now between the thick forest trees.

sylvanSpider 01-08-2018 12:49 AM

Ash squinted her eyes, looking at the sun that was not yet high in the sky, "Well, it doesn't look like it's that late in the day. Eggs and toast sounds great. That being said, I'm low on cash. If we don't go to my place, we'd have to go to yours. Any preferences?"

Worm 01-08-2018 12:55 AM

Hal hung his head and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, yeah no biggie. I've got money in my wallet." He chuckled, digging into his pocket and sifting through his bills and coins. He was desperate to not go back to his house. "I mean, I can pay for you and probably get a good discount at the diner." He smiled awkwardly, digging for her approval.

However, he wouldn't mind seeing the inside of Ash's home. In fact, he was more curious about her than he would care to admit.

sylvanSpider 01-08-2018 04:14 PM

Ash laughed, watching Hal rummage in a wallet that was about as vacant as hers and cocked an eyebrow, "You know, I've got bacon and eggs at my place. Coffee too. Let's save our hard-earned cash and eat there. That is, if you're cool with it." She shrugged, offering the werewolf a wry smile, "Unless my place of residence intimidates you?"

Worm 01-08-2018 04:22 PM

Hal lit up and nodded his head. "Yeah that would be great! I mean - if you don't mind..." He chuckled. "I'm not intimidated! Its just that like... I don't know anything about you! You could be a craigslist killer just trying to get my hot bod into your home so you can rape and slaughter me." He joked, flexing playfully. "I mean, I don't blame you." He shrugged, a bright smile on his face.

sylvanSpider 01-08-2018 04:25 PM

Ash gave Hal her prize-winning, most shit-eating grin which she now framed with her thumb and pointer finger, "Oh yes; I'm amazed you're willing to take the fuckin' chance. But then, if I raped and slaughtered you there, I wouldn't have as much fun using you later. So that's off the table, at least for now." She playfully punched his arm--enough to smart if only a little--and tossed her head ahead of her, "Well, come on then! It's this way."

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