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ml1201 05-22-2015 10:00 PM

pfft, girl, I play the game at least once a day and I always play it during my break at work. XD

Demonskid 05-23-2015 06:53 AM

just making sure! =p

ml1201 05-23-2015 08:13 AM

lol, the only game I haven't been getting on every day is pokemon rumble. XD

Demonskid 05-23-2015 09:38 AM

xD i get on that just for my dailies and then log off.

so.. my game is now 11 MINUTES away from me! =w= like.. come on guys.. give me my game!

Coda 05-23-2015 03:43 PM

My son's doing pretty well in PADSME so far, and he's been dabbling in Z some. He's having a lot of fun.

ml1201 05-23-2015 04:30 PM

okay, what's PADSME now. x'D And he's already got Z? I think it might be creepy though if I asked for his friend code. ^^;

Demonskid 05-23-2015 05:03 PM


Coda where's your 3DS friend code! ;-; I'm soooo gonna tell moony on you!

and i'm with ML o3o wut? PADSME?

Coda 05-23-2015 05:23 PM

Puzzle and Dragons: Super Mario Edition.

ml1201 05-23-2015 05:55 PM

Oh. x'D I'm not sure if I'll like that part of the game, but I'll find out when mine comes in. :3

Coda 05-23-2015 06:06 PM

It's cute and fun.

Demonskid 05-23-2015 08:12 PM

I didn't care for the Super Mario Bros. part of the demo, but i'll try playing it once I get it. I keep wanting to make my mario jump to hit the bricks on the lower screen xD they won't jump

I'm gonna try teaching the mario part to mom so she can try playing it too. ouo

-chews on coda-

Illusion 05-24-2015 01:06 AM

Peed off beyond belief right now.

For some reason my phone wouldn't allow me to enter my swipe to enter screen, my password was wrong no matter what and I had no way to access my phone. So I ultimately had to return the phone to factory settings and redownload everything. PAD was restarted, so I was like alright I had my ID and secret code. But they weren't working, so now I had to send report inquiry to Gungho, hopefully they can fix this problem by tomorrow so I can get my log in bonuses and everything.

I'm already angry enough with my phone having to be reset, luckily the phone wipe doesn't include my SD card so a lot of that stuff is saved.

Demonskid 05-24-2015 06:51 AM

ouch.. i hope you can get your game info back. I'm looking into ways to back my game data up on my pc o3o I don't trust those codes

ml1201 05-24-2015 08:10 AM

Poor Illusion! That sucks! Hopefully they can get it fixed for you.

Demonskid 05-24-2015 10:11 AM

yes monsters.. drop and give me +'s !!!! muwahahahaha x3 make my dragon knight powerful!

Illusion 05-24-2015 10:23 AM

I love how they emailed me telling me about a step that the form itself did not explain or specified on.

And here I am rushing to get my account back to get my log in bonus and to continue my daily log in count..... This is so stressful with just the phone alone!

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