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Gallagher 01-08-2012 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Batty (Post 1005403)
And she was big time wrong.

I'm jumping in the grave when I go through menopause, I am SO not putting my family through that. xD


Originally Posted by Asami (Post 1005405)
but my bf gets worried when i say that

i dont think ill be as bad as my mom because she had to go through it early because she got her stuff taken out ;-; it was horrible.
shes really bad..

Wait, Did you girls just say that menopause causes that nonsense you're talking about? You don't want to... because of...

... There are so many things I want to say about that, but I'll stick to this: I would be worried hearing someone I care about say things like that, too. I'm sure you both must know that there's more going on than that, right? I mean, honestly, my mom had her organs removed not too long after my older brother was born, and she is an amazing woman... Most of my female idols have, or are currently going through menopause. Even if it can all be attributed to that, a few cases does not majority make...

Sorry. I just... had to reply to this one.

Rem 01-08-2012 05:09 PM

WOOOOO you hit the 1mil posts guys, congratulations!!

Arikana 01-08-2012 05:21 PM

Wanna give any hints as to what the 1mil item is, Rem? P:

Batty 01-08-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Gallagher (Post 1005852)
Wait, Did you girls just say that menopause causes that nonsense you're talking about? You don't want to... because of...

... There are so many things I want to say about that, but I'll stick to this: I would be worried hearing someone I care about say things like that, too. I'm sure you both must know that there's more going on than that, right? I mean, honestly, my mom had her organs removed not too long after my older brother was born, and she is an amazing woman... Most of my female idols have, or are currently going through menopause. Even if it can all be attributed to that, a few cases does not majority make...

Sorry. I just... had to reply to this one.

My mom hasn't had anything removed-- and I KNOW menopause is the reason my mom is moodswinging all the time. She wasn't like this, until she started going through it. Which is, like I said, why I try not to take a lot of the things she says seriously, because after the fact, its like she'd never said or done anything at all. Everyone woman goes through it differently, my aunt denies it, my mom screams through it. Some womans symptoms aren't as extreme as the next. Almost like a period, some women get insane cramps, while others are ready to run a marathon the day they start.

Gallagher 01-08-2012 05:45 PM

I'm aware of the differences, but an extreme statement like that would worry me, too, yeah? It's good for you to not take it too seriously, but I'm sure your family would much rather have you around with a few hiccups here and there. -nodnod-

Asami 01-08-2012 05:47 PM

D: now im afraid to post anything because gall will scrutinize any little comment or side hand remark i make...

Gallagher 01-08-2012 05:51 PM

-shakes head- You know it's not like that, boo boo. It's just the way you said it was worrying to me.

Asami 01-08-2012 05:52 PM

It really shouldnt worry you. lol

Gallagher 01-08-2012 05:54 PM

Probably not, aha. But I worry. Call it a quirk.

Asami 01-08-2012 05:56 PM

The convos in this thread are so random... D:

Gallagher 01-08-2012 06:05 PM

Indeed they are! I'm not surprised though. You see how many folks are dropping by here?

Arikana 01-08-2012 06:05 PM

Yeah, I've noticed that as well that pretty much anything is chatted about in here. owo

Asami 01-08-2012 06:07 PM

we should try to talk about the million posts XD lol!
instead of ramble on about junk... xD

Arikana 01-08-2012 06:26 PM

I agree. :3

So onto the topic of the 1mil posts, I really love how we were able to complete with a day or two in hand just like I wanted to. >w<
Shows the character of all of us users to be able to just post like crazy to get to that big milestone number earlier than the deadline set by the administrators! X'3
Though, I suppose it did help that the mini-event had begun and the nedd for event currency to be gathered could be the main incentive to post more... >w>

Asami 01-08-2012 06:38 PM

Also the fact that tomorrow sometime we get a super epic item!
i am very excited c:

Arikana 01-08-2012 06:41 PM

Whoops. I totally didn't realize that tomorrow's the ninth of January. owo; #fail

But now that you mention it, I'm also very excited for this epicly awesome 1mil item as well! >w< <3

Asami 01-08-2012 06:46 PM

//rolls with excitement c:
it will be awesomesauce C:
i know it will c:

Arikana 01-08-2012 06:50 PM

I know it will too, but I'd seriously love some hints so that I can make some legit guesses rather than some rather random ones that I could totally come up with. >w>;

Asami 01-08-2012 06:55 PM

xD i havent the slightest clues as to what it is. so i cant guess at all ;-;
i dont have a good imagination or feel for the site yet.

Reyoki 01-08-2012 06:55 PM

Judging by what the previous EVIs were, my guess is it might be called Braen's Companion, or something along those lines, since the previous ones were Lunae's Companion, Fenrir's Companion, and Zephyr's Companion.

Asami 01-08-2012 06:59 PM

that would be super cool O.o
oh gosh. that would rock

Arikana 01-08-2012 07:02 PM

I'd kind of like to see it have a celebratory feel cause after all, we did get it for making it to 1mil posts before the deadline. :3

Though I have a feeling that even if we didn't make the 1mil posts, we'd still get this item...just a lot later than now. >w>

Asami 01-08-2012 07:04 PM

well i dont think so. i think they knew we'd make it. but still maybe they'd set another goal and make that item the prize or something c:

Ultima 01-08-2012 07:04 PM

Well, I can tell you that it is an item that

Asami 01-08-2012 07:05 PM

//makes me super excited XD

Espy 01-08-2012 07:05 PM


Ultima 01-08-2012 07:06 PM


Espy 01-08-2012 07:12 PM


Asami 01-08-2012 07:15 PM

Ultima is very helpful C: //nods

Arikana 01-08-2012 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ultima (Post 1006135)
Well, I can tell you that it is an item that

But I already knew this little tidbit cause I was in the conversation then which lead me to ask what an evolving item is. And I still don't know what one is like cause I've never encountered one in my entire avatar forum community life. D:

Asami 01-08-2012 07:56 PM

She was being sarcastic XD lol

Arikana 01-08-2012 08:43 PM

I figured, but still. D:

I was kind of hoping for a better hint than that. >w>

Reyoki 01-08-2012 08:46 PM

:P I wouldn't count on it. It's a secret to everyone.

Arikana 01-08-2012 09:05 PM

But if another hint were to be revealed to everyone, then everyone would know and the second hint wouldn't be limited to just a few people... P:

Alpha 01-08-2012 09:10 PM

We get it tomorrow peoples. Meh, no rushing things.

Demonskid 01-08-2012 09:14 PM

Hint: You will find out tomorrow Hahahaha

That is all you get ;D

Tiva 01-08-2012 09:25 PM

Mean DK! Mean mean mean!

Demonskid 01-08-2012 09:26 PM

I know xD I had to do it ;p

Alpha 01-08-2012 09:35 PM

Bad DK! *hits with paper* Bad bad DK!

Toriki 01-08-2012 09:36 PM

*thumbs up to DK*

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