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M e w 01-03-2011 05:22 PM

Ok Taiki, since you can't have the nice pretty chibis for now I shall present you with.... a shitty chibi! 8D

Silverbleed 01-03-2011 05:22 PM

I'd totally buy your art Taiki. And those tiny's would sell like mad! I'd buy a 100 of those if I could 8D

Silverbleed 01-03-2011 05:22 PM


Taiki 01-03-2011 05:25 PM

YAAAY! *huggles Mew* Thank you~! *o* I love it. xDD And yay for you being the first person to ever draw her braids! |D I'm impressed!

@ Silver, like the ones in my siggy? Those don't actually take all that long to draw if I draw them that size. xD I could totally sell those. *o* Next thing you know... they will be in everyone's siggies.

M e w 01-03-2011 05:28 PM

Nobody notices them? D8
I actually looked at you sig art and noticed them. o 3o

Silverbleed 01-03-2011 05:29 PM

They're the perfect size! I'd totally want a few <3 If you don't sell them I'll have to make myself one ;-;

Duchess 01-03-2011 05:30 PM


I want one for every OC I have! *3*

and that shitty chibi is AWSM. I might buy one of those too ;D

Taiye's braids should be chopped off >w>

M e w 01-03-2011 05:32 PM

Oh yes, I would definitely love some of those little cheebs. U:

Haha 500 au please and you get one. ;DD

Taiki 01-03-2011 05:36 PM

@ Mew, xD yeah, everyone who has drawn her besides you didn't put them on. And you think I should sell them too? *o*

@ Silver, well technically I draw them at like twice that size, but it's still a good size that I don't try to go add tons of detail and doesn't take very long. o3o I would draw you a bunch in exchange for your prettiful art. <3

@ Duchess, ... xDDD I'll never finish if I did that. And noooo... Taiye's little braids are cuuute, even though I can't draw them right. ;o;

M e w 01-03-2011 05:37 PM

Of course you should! U:
They are clean and adorable and lots of people would want them. o u o
Even if you sold them for only 1k each you would make tons of aurum in no time! :O

Duchess 01-03-2011 05:39 PM

Why does Silver get all the art deals? *pouts*

She has like.. over 200 artsu.. she doesnt need more >__>

If she sold them for 1k... she'd get TOO MUCH offers. xDD

M e w 01-03-2011 05:40 PM

Lol but she said they don't take her too long. xD
I need to do something like that actually. > o >
Come up with a cute easy-to-make chibi that I can sell cheap and get tons of orders... yes... that is a good plan. U:

Duchess 01-03-2011 05:43 PM

I did that on Gaia every now and then..

I did Pixel puffs x3

Like that... quick and easy.. sold them cheap xDD

M e w 01-03-2011 05:45 PM

Omg that is awesome. xD

It doesn't look like they were super quick though... with all the shading and everything. :O

I freaking loved those busts you were doing during the event though.
- hugs my beautiful colored one -
> w <

Taiki 01-03-2011 05:46 PM

@ Duchess, awww <3 I would make a deal with you~! I dunno if you'd wanna draw more Taiye though. xDDDD How much do you think they should be sold for? *o* I still gotta think about it though cuz I'm already overly busy. |D But they're so fun to draw...

@ Mew, You should! 8D I'd order them too! And yeah, having a simple style that you can make easily would probably get you some clients that would order over and over again. xD

Silverbleed 01-03-2011 05:47 PM

@Duchess; what you talking about XD You can get those deals too! You've got pretty arts o 3o

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