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Sushi 04-04-2011 08:32 PM

I just finished a new book. Been messing around on Shelfari too. I love that site. xD I found it a couple years ago but never really got active on it till late last year.

Fey 04-04-2011 09:23 PM

::walks in reading and hits the doorframe::
ouch, you'd think I'd learn.

Hello, figured I'd poke my nose in here, I'm always on the lookout for new authors and books to read. I just finished three books(well, five if you count the ones I was rereading between new books), The Red Pryamid, The Looking Glass Wars and The Land of Painted Caves. Recently had a lot of 'virtual bookcases' type sites shown to me and I sorta live in terror of getting everything up I own, let alone have read.

So, uhm, yeah ::waves:: hi! And why did people have to remind me about taxes, I was wearing my blinders happily, lol

Feythfull 04-04-2011 10:15 PM

i have never heard of any of those books Fey are they fantasy?
I am have been into historical fiction latley.

Fey 04-04-2011 10:29 PM

Well, lesse, The Looking Glass Wars is definately fantasy, it's a different take on the Alice in Wonderland books. I've been told there's more than one, but I've not gone looking for the next ones.

The Red Pyramid is by the same author that did the Percy Jackson books. So, in a way it's fantasy, but not the way I'd classify it. I'm a huuuuuuuge Egyptian mythology fan, so this was right up my alley, its very heavy into it.

The Land of Painted Caves is the last in the Earth Children series; the one that started with The Clan of the Cave Bear. I guess it would be classified under (pre)historic fiction. While I love the other five books in this series I can't say I loved this felt...rushed? unedited? something.

The first two I would recommend to any reader that enjoys fun, fast paced books with good characters, the last...unless you're willing to invest the time to read over 6k pages to read all the other books too, not really worth it.

Pisces 04-05-2011 10:46 AM

But books with over 6k pages are fuuuun. I found the Looking Glass Wars to be...very simple. A nice reading, but I didn't even finish the first one because it wasn't complex enough for my tastes. If that makes sense. =( I'm gonna peek at those other series you mentioned, though, since they sound interesting!

Also, welcome!

Lauv Keiko 04-05-2011 10:53 AM

any book that's more than 1k pages bore me a lot...D:

Pisces 04-05-2011 10:57 AM


Also! Keiko! There's a post in the music hangout. But I'll tell you here. After-spring-break schoolwork has overloaded me, but I'm still working on the charts and stuff. =) If you get too impatient for me, you can plug in the info here: and it's free and accurate and can give you more info that I can't without advanced math (that I can't do), such as a Moon trine Mars and stuff. I'm still going to do the ones out of my book, but it's still fun. =)

Lauv Keiko 04-05-2011 11:04 AM

Oh my, you're a HUGE astrology nerd <333

Fey 04-05-2011 11:44 AM

I love longer books, but most people sorta look at the big ones and cry in a corner. As to the Looking Glass Wars, I'm not saying it was high literature, or even the hardest read you'll find, but I found it entertaining for my trips too and from work for a day. I mean, I read at an insane pace, so I try not to judge how fast something is for other people.

Depending on what you like I also recommend the Dresden File books; I've only read the first two after coming across them via my brother, but they're really engaging.

:: ponders other things she's enjoyed reading::

Lee Childs is a hit or miss author, but I do love a couple of his Jack Reacher series(Die Trying is my favourite), they're big suspense/actiony books. Avoid Tripwire, for some reason that books drags(a corpse) so slowly it's nearly painful.

Pisces 04-05-2011 12:09 PM

That sound like the book from my Honours Literature class in 9th grade. We read Silas Marner and even the teacher hates that book. Before we started, she even had this big speech about how she's so sorry to put us through this and even she wishes it weren't in the curriculum, but she needs a job and so it must be read. An entire chapter, 20 pages, on a conversation between farmers about ghosts and cows, made utterly DULL. Gyuh.

More books to check out! I'm a huge bookworm. The bigger the book and smaller the text, the better. I read too fast, so books don't last that long. =( I need longer ones to make them last longer.

Feythfull 04-05-2011 09:02 PM

i am a slow reader so I tend to go for simpler books that aren't too long.

Angel Spirit Girl 04-05-2011 09:41 PM

I enjoyed Clan of the Cave Bears, but have not read The Shelters of Stone and later in that series.

I almost have my federal taxes ready to mail. I just have to see about a voucher form and the proper address to send it to since they did not send me forms.

Pisces 04-05-2011 09:52 PM

Ew, taxes. D; Have fun with that.

Angel Spirit Girl 04-05-2011 10:04 PM

It was a bother, and I am glad to be finishing it up.

Fey 04-05-2011 11:11 PM

Angel Spirit Girl- I'd recommend stopping now if you've gotten through Plains of Passage. I didn't dislike Shelter of Stone, but it really starts to bring in stuff that you're not going to care about. The last book I've decided shouldn't have been done, they should have just ended it and left us to make up our own ending.

Feythfull 04-06-2011 10:18 PM

lol did they do that bad of a job with their ending?

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