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Rosekitten 11-24-2010 01:09 PM

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well thats why we call ghost busters D; or Taps one of the two lol

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Zephyr 11-24-2010 01:11 PM

Your arrows are weak and snap like twigs. But nice attempt.

Rosekitten 11-24-2010 01:14 PM

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D; says you.. i saw you fall>w>

~note to self force grow a tree on the corpse next time~

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Zephyr 11-24-2010 01:18 PM

I was never a corpse, nor will I ever. You should focus your energy on the enemy.

Kamikaze Chinchilla 11-24-2010 01:18 PM

Oh snap! I don't think even a tree would work x'D

Zephyr 11-24-2010 01:22 PM

I'd have just burned it down.

Kamikaze Chinchilla 11-24-2010 01:23 PM

That would be awesome for delicious roasted marshmallows <3

Zephyr 11-24-2010 01:28 PM

Marshmallows get stuck in my fur...

Rosekitten 11-24-2010 01:31 PM

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I would fight the enemy.. if our forces weren't so blind as to attacking one another Dx i think 75-80% of my battles have been with my own faction xD ..... ~just reminded self how sad that is~ T-T

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Kamikaze Chinchilla 11-24-2010 01:32 PM

Chaos! The more the merrier? Right? 8'D

Sir_Odin 11-24-2010 01:32 PM

o.o wait Rose you battled the great Zephyr!
why would you do that xd
lol wait why is it putting us against our own? thats messed up

Rosekitten 11-24-2010 01:34 PM

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from what i was told it's a glitch .. if you ask me our troops are getting blinded by the urge to destroy our enemy xD

why did i fight our great leader? o.O beats me she tried to kill me too! D:

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Corovignh 11-24-2010 01:36 PM

XD Poor Zephyr, betrayed by one of her own...

Sir_Odin 11-24-2010 01:37 PM

well thats what you get for trying to step in front of her blades....I personally think I swatted down 4 of my own as well though....just haveing a good 'ol time taking the enemy down and poof one of my servants pops up and bam dead I shrug and move on

Corovignh 11-24-2010 01:46 PM

Rose and I used to fight every other hour I think. xD;
And Ultima... man, he was everywhere. >>;
Then Poggio, Cron only once, Cazzidy a few times and... yeah. Oh, I fought Fenrir once as well and won. ^^

Rosekitten 11-24-2010 01:47 PM

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I think i got Cronis a few times too now that i think on it.. >w> an my Divine spy Dx the poor lass stood not a chance

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