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Kamikaze Chinchilla 11-25-2010 11:11 PM

kk, I have those listed.

Can you please be more specific about that mask? Are you talking about a see-through mask?

Renegade 11-25-2010 11:14 PM

Something simple like this: [] []

Cronislee 11-25-2010 11:15 PM

Like a Poe from Zelda?

Renegade 11-25-2010 11:16 PM

Not really. More like this, if that helps (were you talking to me?)

Doll Wraithring 11-25-2010 11:17 PM

-looks in- Hello?

Kamikaze Chinchilla 11-25-2010 11:18 PM

kk, got those images saved.

Cronislee 11-25-2010 11:19 PM

Hi Doll. Ahh, I didnt know you meant Phantom as in the phantom of the Opera.

Doll Wraithring 11-25-2010 11:22 PM

Evening Cronislee, how are you?

Cronislee 11-25-2010 11:27 PM

I'm alright, about to work on another paper.

Renegade 11-25-2010 11:31 PM

I WANNA MAKE ONE LAST MULE! But I still can't decide what to name it/him/her.

Doll Wraithring 11-25-2010 11:35 PM

Oh? That is interesting what name like are you trying for Espy?

Cronislee 11-25-2010 11:39 PM

Pedro. You shall name it...Pedro. La Fiesta de Knighte!

Renegade 11-25-2010 11:40 PM

I have too many in mind.
Cuchulainn, Sciathan, AEnigma/Enigma, Morrighan, Arashi, Cataclysm, Cichol, Samhain, Midnight, Macduff, lots of others that I can't remember right now.

Renegade 11-25-2010 11:41 PM

Correction, Cronis: Caballero de las Fiestas.

Cronislee 11-25-2010 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Storm (Post 285828)
Correction, Cronis: Caballero de las Fiestas.

And thats why I flunked out of Spanish.

Renegade 11-25-2010 11:45 PM

Pfft. I'm the only junior in my Spanish class. SCARY. (I don't manage too well with students whoa re in a higher grade than I am x_X)

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