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Panda 10-08-2010 12:28 PM

Poot, I guess you're just a hater and try to bash the site? It is nothing like you said. Plus the avatar system is not slow and the only thing it really need is more tabs and a way to organize our inventory.

This site is barely open to public and it already improve a lot since then. The last 2 year it is only for planning and getting everything together and they have been pixeling all those items that you're seeing. If you don't like it then there are no need to try to bash and troll the site about something that aren't true. I'm sure the site will appreciate your feedback if you had say it in a more mannerly way instead of all those awful insulting comments you just posted.

Trisphee is moving little by little and that's what make it unique from the rest of the other avatar sites. It is a unique site and they're always trying their best to make the site a good one. Not everything will satisfy a person need, that's why you have to give it a chance and see what it have to offer. C: You need to be patient, the layout is not fully finish yet.

Duchess 10-08-2010 12:30 PM



That's all =]

Panda 10-08-2010 12:32 PM

I'm going to stop now like you suggested. :3

Sadrain 10-08-2010 02:08 PM

Eye, mouth and other items must be bought so that they can be layered, so that they are ITEMS, not just something glued to the avvie, as far as I know. Just throwing out it for anyone who is wondering why they must be bought, even if for free or low prices.

Coda 10-08-2010 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Poot (Post 200033)
Playing around with the site for a bit.

I have two words for you:

User Friendliness

Learn what it means D:

At the risk of feeding the troll, I have two words for you in response:

Useful Feedback.

Learn what it means. It really helps if you can describe more specifically what's causing issues for you. It also helps if you look at the other feedback that has been given so far and, even more, the responses that have been given to your feedback. Your second post was somewhat better but if you had spent a few minutes looking through the thread and the section you would know that we DO have some of the things you listed on the immediate plan of attack.

And yes, as it was said, most of Trisphee's two years has been art and planning. They didn't have a serious developer to work on the site itself until about two months ago; the decision was made to open despite the amount of development work that still needed to be finished because the site would have died a slow vaporware death if we didn't get SOMETHING out there.

Rather than coming back in a year, why not come back in a month? That's how fast development around here is moving.

Logan 10-08-2010 07:36 PM

I dont know if anyone mentions this already but...

Can be the trades have the feature like:

when i set up trade and put amount of au/ru then
sent trade to someone, i want the current amount
of au/ru deducted from my 'wallet'... do i make sense? >->

Azrael 10-08-2010 07:51 PM

With trades, personally, I'd like it if we had to put in our passwords...

Sadrain 10-08-2010 08:21 PM

Bah, that makes everything so long. Dx

Coda 10-08-2010 08:31 PM

Logan, I want to do that, but there's some technical limitations at the moment and I have bigger fish to fry in the short term.

Azrael, that's not a bad idea. I'll think about it.

Azrael 10-08-2010 08:36 PM

I know it takes longer, but it makes me feel slightly safer than just pushing the 'accept' button, y'know?

Duchess 10-08-2010 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sadrain (Post 202579)
Bah, that makes everything so long. Dx


Maybe you should do it like a Neopets bank instead. Have a PIN code for transactions like that..instead of a whole new password.

Cause I can tell yah... I HATE typing my cryptic password >>

Logan 10-08-2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Coda (Post 202613)
Logan, I want to do that, but there's some technical limitations at the moment and I have bigger fish to fry in the short term.

Awesome, I am glad i am not only
one that thought about it but take your time. <3

Azrael 10-08-2010 08:46 PM

a pin wouldn't be bad, either, just something to put in instead of just pushing 'accept' or whatever...

sprinkles 10-08-2010 10:09 PM

i think this goes here, since it IS feedback! o 3o

i'm kind of noticing the word games forum is having a sorta-bad effect on the community. it seems like everywhere is slower because of it. kind of like the whole "why post and be part of the community when i can play word games and get currency that way instead?". :c

i really hope that makes sense. D:
not saying to get rid of it completely, either. x__x

Coda 10-08-2010 10:18 PM

We were just talking about that, actually.

Lucid: 10-08-2010 10:23 PM

oh good. I've been hoping for that forum to be fixed to grant minimal/no currency for a while. I actually wouldn't mind at all if it was completely removed, either, though I know some people would be upset.

sprinkles 10-08-2010 10:46 PM

i wouldn't miss it that much either.
its convenient, but...i like chatting with people more.

Coda 10-08-2010 10:49 PM

We're keeping the section. We might tone down the aurum rewards. And we're discussing updating the rules.

sprinkles 10-08-2010 11:50 PM

ahh, i see.
well that's good, at least. c:

Panda 10-09-2010 09:17 AM I'm so excited for the auto post format. :D

I already got my format ready to go and I can't wait for the new feature. :3

Panda 10-09-2010 10:39 AM SUPER USEFUL SUGGESTION!

I have a suggestion about another way to donate. If the site accept Visa Card I'm sure those who can't donate with paypal will be able to donate by purchasing a Visa Card from a nearby store that sell them. This will be convenient and it is like having a Trisphee Cash Card, instead it is a Visa Card. :3 What do you think? Purdy Please?

Coda 10-09-2010 11:47 AM

You'd have to start a PayPal account using that prepaid Visa. We don't have a way to process credit cards.

Panda 10-09-2010 11:55 AM

You can use visa card to start a paypal account?

Does it cost you money when you buy stuff using paypal?

I never use it before so I'm not sure.

Alexander Linden 10-09-2010 12:07 PM

It doesn't cost you anything when you buy things through paypal (except for of course the cost of the item and any tax or shipping fees). It's just a safe and secure way to make your payments without giving out your credit card numbers.

Panda 10-09-2010 12:09 PM

I guess that will work. :3 Thank you. I thought they charge you to purchase something off another site and when you delete your paypal account.

Sadrain 10-09-2010 12:43 PM

I don't see a point in it, but yea. XD;

Oh, I am so with Lucid and sprinkles with this. >o<

Azrael 10-09-2010 03:12 PM

I look forward to the games section being toned down because, especially during the event, it was slowing everywhere else down... It feels like cheating to me.

Lucid: 10-09-2010 05:33 PM

I still would support the complete removal of games. but having them toned down significantly seems fair, and I look forward to it happening soon.

Celeste S. 10-09-2010 05:49 PM

i tend to lurk, so i like the games forum. sometimes, i just like to come on and play a game. since i don't engage all that much in conversation(i'm a shy person in RL), if the games forum was taken away completely, i'd see a decline in my posting, and it's already low compared to a lot of the population. and i use it mainly to boost my mules' post count as well.

i wouldn't mind the games forum having a reduction in aurum, maybe half of what we'd usually get. esp since i tend to not rely on my posting ability to get funds xD

Lucid: 10-09-2010 05:56 PM

I'd be a little bit more happy with 1/4 to no aurum in the games, to be honest. =/ it doesn't take a lot of effort to make a bazillion posts counting to a million or playing boys vs. girls, and I would really like to encourage real conversation. I know it might be harder to talk when you're shy in real life, but this is the internet, and it's easier to be social with that bit of anonymity.

Zypher 10-09-2010 05:59 PM

The games forum was added because it was what the users wanted. However, there will be some changes.

Celeste S. 10-09-2010 06:03 PM

you might like to engage in conversation, but i dislike talking, internet or no. after a few posts, even in "conversations" in the forums, i find that people talk for a few posts and then wind up "poking" a person or "skipping, hopping" in a thread. yeah, the same as the game forums in my opinion, which is why i've done it a few times xD

maybe have it so we have to add more to our poss along with a aurum reduction? or make it so we have to type out numbers and such. though i do that sometimes already, as long as the number isn't huge~

Panda 10-09-2010 06:04 PM

I like the game forum myself but I only use it when there nothing to really go or talk about or when I run out of thing to say. I wouldn't mind if we get half of what we get in there right now and I've seen some users who mainly post in there just to get a bunch of Aurums and sometime I even feel like it is for spamming up the forum. Even myself, because most of it only require you to make a word and that's it. I don't even mind if we get nothing at all for all the game forums.

Lucid: 10-09-2010 06:06 PM

Celeste, in my experience that's more what people to do to break the ice when entering a thread, then they move on to a topic of conversation.

I don't mean to be rude, but I don't know what anyone is doing on a forum-based website if they don't like talking. >.<

Celeste S. 10-09-2010 06:13 PM

you don't have to enjoy talking to be on a forum-based site. it's called enjoying dressing up the avatars~ ^_~

it's like a RPG. you can enjoy playing it without going crazy and trying to max out everyone's level or complete every side quest. don't know if that made sense. one reason i don't like talking. things can be taken as 'rude' even if the person didn't mean it to be and people can be more bitchy and rude, even though that wasn't their purpose.

Lucid: 10-09-2010 06:20 PM

the way I see it, you have to be able to make posts on the forums in order to earn the money to dress up the avatars. the forums, therefore, come first.
I don't care if someone wants to stick to only one little section or hangout that they like. But I see the games forum as, for the most part, a bunch of spam. and it's preventing people who otherwise really would be social and active in the community from doing so, just because it's a quicker and easier way to raise aurum and post count.

that's just my take on it. everyone was nicer and more active in the community before the games showed up. charities/quests are especially suffering right now.

Celeste S. 10-09-2010 06:29 PM

well, i pretty much go the easy way of earning money to dress up the avatars, and that's to donate and then sell the donation currency and/or items xDD if people want to be social and active in the community, then they can choose not to post in the games forum. though, i do see the point about spam. i posted there during the event, but some people seemed to spend their entire day. i don't think i made more than a few thousand in the entire length of the event and some made a few thousand in a day.

#FFFFFF 10-09-2010 06:30 PM

It would be very much appreciated... If the heated discussions about the Game Forum could stop. The staff is already working on a solution to the Game Forum since we are aware that it causes a few problems in the community.
We're glad you guys are so very passionate about your opinions though.

Lucid: 10-09-2010 06:32 PM

I make a few thousand a day posting outside of the games forum. I do choose not to post in there anymore, but it is frustrating when I want to look at the "New Posts" list to find active hangout threads, and the only thing listed there is games because there are 20 games being posted in at the moment.

Yes, miss White. **bows out**

Celeste S. 10-09-2010 06:34 PM

see, that's what i was saying everything is taken the wrong way. i didn't see it as a heated discussion, just a regular discussion. xDD but ah well. better go else where before i get a warning or something for voicing my opinion. xD another reason to post minimally~

and yes, i understand that this thread is supposed to be feedback, not a discussion~


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